- Author: DanielD
- Date: September 20, 2022
- Updated: September 22, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Welcome to Warcraft Tavern’s Reputation Guide for The Sunreavers in Wrath of the Lich King Classic! In this guide, we’ll explain exactly how you can earn Sunreavers reputation, and how the Sunreavers are connected to the Horde Expedition and its other sub-factions. We’ll also give a TL;DR on the best way to get to Exalted with The Sunreavers.
The Sunreavers are different from the other Horde Expedition sub-factions (The Hand of Vengeance, The Taunka, Warsong Offensive) in that they actually have Faction Rewards! These become available once you hit Exalted — two epic mounts, a companion, and a tabard. The Sunreavers, being the Horde equivalent of The Silver Covenant, are also unique in that their quests are all Argent Tournament quests.
Trivia: The Sunreavers are a faction of Blood Elves who seek readmission to The Kirin Tor — a desire which is vehemently opposed by The Silver Covenant.
How to Reach Exalted With The Sunreavers
This section serves as a TL;DR for the rest of the guide
Status | Additional Reputation Required |
Neutral | 0 |
Friendly | 3000 |
Honored | 6000 |
Revered | 12,000 |
Exalted | 21,000 |
The quickest and easiest way to reach Exalted with The Sunreavers is to progress through the Argent Tournament. By following the steps required to become a Champion of all five Horde factions in the tournament, you can reach Exalted with the Sunreavers in a little less than a month — assuming you are doing all the available tournament dailies every day.
If you get tired of doing the Argent Tournament quests, you can earn Sunreaver reputation by running Heroic Instances without a tabard. (H)Utgarde Keep and (H)Utgarde Pinnacle, or (H)Azjol-Nerub and (H)Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom are both excellent choices. Both sets of dungeons are relatively quick to clear, and each set has entrances very close, so it’s easy to get from one to the other. You may want to avoid killing the bosses and then exit/re-enter the instances after killing the trash, letting you reset the mobs and gain even more rep. This isn’t nearly as fast as the tournament quests, but at least it’s a change of pace!
If you get bored of the aforementioned dungeons, you can instead grind one of the other dungeons listed below.
Gaining The Sunreavers Reputation
The best way to gain rep with The Sunreavers is by participating in the Argent Tournament, which is found in the northeast of Icecrown.

You can also earn Sunreaver rep by killing mobs in Heroic dungeons (and the four level 80 normal instances). Finally, you can earn Sunreaver rep by gaining reputation with the other Horde Expedition sub-factions (The Hand of Vengeance, The Taunka, Warsong Offensive). You’ll receive Sunreavers reputation at a rate of 50% of whatever rep you gain with those factions.
The Sunreaver Quests
As mentioned previously, basically all of The Sunreaver quests are Argent Tournament quests. It’s worth mentioning that many of these quests also grant rep with whatever Horde city you are currently representing in the tournament (you always start the tournament by representing your race’s home city) — specific cities are therefore not listed in the rewards.
Despite what the list below says, when doing many of these quests for your initial city, you’ll earn an Aspirant’s Seal instead of the Valient’s Seal (which is what you’ll earn when doing the quests for subsequent cities). The list below also links to many quests that are city faction specific, so you may need to find your city’s version of the quest in order to find the correct quest giver.
Sunreavers Dungeons
While Argent Tournament quests are far and away the best way to earn Sunreaver rep, you can also earn it by killing mobs in Northrend dungeons. The following normal level 80 instances will grant you spillover rep with all the Horde Expedition sub-factions (The Hand of Vengeance, The Taunka, Warsong Offensive), and you can do 5 an hour:
- Utgarde Pinnacle
- The Culling of Stratholme
- The Oculus
- Halls of Lightning
Additionally, all Wrath heroic dungeons will grant rep with the Horde Expedition factions. You can choose to run these dungeons like normal, or you can kill the trash mobs and leave the bosses alive, and then exit and re-enter the instance to clear the mobs again.
- Utgarde Keep
- Utgarde Pinnacle
- The Nexus
- The Oculus
- Halls of Stone
- Halls of Lightning
- Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom
- Azjol-Nerub
- Dark-Tharon Keep
- Gundrak
- The Violet Hold
- Caverns of Time: Culling of Stratholme
- Trial of the Champion
- Forge of Souls
- Pit of Saron
- Halls of Reflection
Don’t forget: If you’re looking to gain rep for The Sunreavers while in dungeons, make sure you don’t have a tabard equipped!
The Sunreavers Reputation Rewards
In order to purchase items from the Sunreaver Quartermaster NPC, you’ll need to reach Exalted with the faction. At that point, the following items will become available for purchase. You can find the quartermaster in your faction’s Argent Tournament tent (the same tent as most of the daily quest givers).
All of the Sunreaver items are purchased with Champion’s Seals, which are earned by doing the Champion-level Argent Tournament daily quests.
Reputation | Item | Required Level | Cost | Type |
Exalted | 40 | ![]() | Mount | |
Exalted | 70 | ![]() | Flying Mount | |
Exalted | – | ![]() | Small Pet | |
Exalted | – | ![]() | Tabard |