- Author: Amery
- Date: August 23, 2022
- Updated: August 23, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
The Stat Priority of a Holy Priest can be considered similar to other healers in a sense of what stats they will want to have more of and what stats to balance with others.
- Spellpower
- Haste
- Crit
- Intellect
- Spirit
- Mp5
Stat Explanation
Spellpower will always make your healing and damaging spells hit harder or heal for more, and is one of the main stats to get as much of and possibly sacrifice other stats to get more of.
Crit vs. Haste: Both stats are good and are desired, but keep in mind that Crit increases mana efficiency (procs Holy Concentration), while haste decreases mana efficiency. Crit also causes Inspiration (10% physical damage reduction on the target) and Surge of Light (free and instant Flash Heal) procs. 20% Crit and 800 haste are healthy amounts to aim for. BiS levels of gear will push you even further.
Haste hard cap for the GCD (Global Cooldown): 1639.5
Raid buffs will reduce the amount of haste required to reach this cap. This cap is not one you can reach realistically, and is not necessary at all if you are playing with a Serendipity spec.
Intellect is an inherent stat to any magic user, whether they might be a healer or a damage dealer. By gathering Intellect, you will increase your overall mana pool while also increasing your Critical Strike Chance! Intellect also helps with your passive mana regen.
Spirit vs. Mp5: Spirit will never lose to Mp5 on a comparatively similar item level. If you have to choose between the two, it is usually better to go for the spirit item. The exception to this rule is only when you gain a massive amount of spell power and the item comes with sockets that allow you to gem for some spirit.
TL;DR: Spirit > MP5.
Haste rating over the soft cap (1 second cast time for Flash Heal and Power Word: Shield) lowers all your other spell abilities, such as Binding Heal, Prayer of Healing, and Penance.
Intellect is an inherent stat to any magic user, whether they might be a healer or a damage dealer. By gathering Intellect, you will increase your overall mana pool while also increasing your Critical Strike Chance! Intellect also helps with your passive mana regen.
While on the subject of mana regen, let’s mention Spirit and Mp5, as all 3 stats helps with it. Intellect and Spirit are the main two that may come to mind as they work hand in hand in increasing regen, as the more Intellect you have, the better spirit performs. This means that if you are having mana problems, you can gem Intellect to help regen rates.
Mp5 also helps with regen but not in the same way as spirit, as Mp5 will give you a passive amount of mana every 5 seconds. Which, at low gear levels, can be more useful than having more spirit on high gear levels where spirit outperforms Mp5.
About the Author

Hey Amery, you describe haste as being higher prio than crit, yet you only name crit bonuses and benefits – why go for haste? genuine question. Holy Priest is one of the few healers I have barely touched (since disc exists)
Great Question, For Holy priests Haste, decreases basically everything for them but also increases how much mana you’ll spend due to your casting heals more often. This would be why Haste and crit are important to balance (even tho Crit-based Hpriests exist as well) as it provides the faster casts on Greater Heal/Flash Heal as well as lowering the gcd (gcd can be lowered to 1s).
Unlike Disc priests, Holy priests don’t have the talents like Borrowing Time making gearing haste more of a necessity at points to keep up in some fights and not overheal constantly due to missing heals.
Hope that answers your question!