Race Class Combinations

cataclysm classic race class combinations
  • Author: Furious
  • Date: October 5, 2023
  • Updated: July 7, 2024
  • Expansion: Cataclysm

Here you can find all possible race and class combinations for World of Warcraft Cataclysm, separated into tables for Alliance and Horde.

Two new races are added to the game with Cataclysm: Goblin for Horde and Worgen for Alliance.

There are also several new combinations added to the game that weren’t previously available. New combinations have been marked with an asterisk (*) in the tables below.

Wow Alliance Crest Alliance

Wow Draenei Crest Draenei
Wow Dwarf Crest Dwarf
Wow Gnome Crest Gnome
Wow Human Crest Human
Wow Night Elf Crest Night Elf
Wow Worgen Crest Worgen
Wow Death Knight Icon Death Knight
Wow Druid Icon Druid
Wow Hunter Icon Hunter
Wow Mage Icon Mage
Wow Paladin Icon Paladin
Wow Priest Icon Priest
Wow Rogue Icon Rogue
Wow Shaman Icon Shaman
Wow Warlock Icon Warlock
Wow Warrior Icon Warrior

Wow Horde Crest Horde

Wow Blood Elf Crest Blood Elf
Wow Goblin Crest Goblin
Wow Orc Crest Orc
Wow Tauren Crest Tauren
Wow Troll Crest Troll
Wow Undead Crest Undead
Wow Death Knight Icon Death Knight
Wow Druid Icon Druid
Wow Hunter Icon Hunter
Wow Mage Icon Mage
Wow Paladin Icon Paladin
Wow Priest Icon Priest
Wow Rogue Icon Rogue
Wow Shaman Icon Shaman
Wow Warlock Icon Warlock
Wow Warrior Icon Warrior

Lore Behind Cataclysm’s New Race/Class Combos

Cataclysm added some new Race/Class Combinations to World of Warcraft, opening up new options for existing races for the first time. These combinations are recognized within the lore in a variety of interesting ways.


Druids receive their abilities through their worship of powerful figures such as Malorne, Cenarius, and Elune. While these traditions and beliefs are generally held strongest by Night Elves and Tauren, there is little stopping other more attuned to nature races from developing the same abilities.


For examples of Troll Druids, you can simply look to Zul’Gurub. This raid is full of Trolls that are able to shapeshift, heal, and cast various other forms of nature-aligned spells. The Troll Loa are not that far removed from the other forms of worship for Druids.


Hunter, like Warrior, is generally a very simple class. Almost every race and group in Azeroth has some variant of a Hunter, tracking beasts for food or protection.

The main difference between these survivalists and playable Hunters is their pets. Hunters as a playable Class are based on their ability to tame and manage wild beasts. Enough time has passed between the events of the original World of Warcraft release and The Sundering that both Humans and Undeads have picked up and been taught by their allies how to handle even the most exotic beasts Azeroth has to offer.


The most iconic Undead character is of course Sylvanas Windrunner, the former Ranger-General of Silvermoon. While her skillset and abilities do not relate much to beasts and pets, she ticks all the other boxes. With the Banshee Queen herself being a Hunter, it makes sense that her people should be able to do the same.


Just like the Undead, Humans can look toward Nathanos Blightcaller, trained by High Elves and the first and only Human Ranger Lord. While most of Nathanos’s relevance comes after his corruption and transition into Champion of the Banshee Queen, Nathanos is also well known for having Blighthound companions.


There are relatively few restrictions on what Races can be a Mage, and this is primarily because becoming a Mage is reliant on study and time, rather than purely innate talent and strength. There are a few subgroups that have rejected the call of the Arcane in favor of other forms of magic, but no races that have lost the ability as a whole.


Dwarves had little reason to not be available as Mages, and in fact were originally intended to have playable Mages. Thaurissan, former King of the Dark Iron Dwarves, was a powerful Sorcerer and a great example of Dwarves using Arcane magic, even to the extent of summoning the Firelord Ragnaros himself.

Night Elf

At one point this was one of the most questionable new combos. Night Elves gave up the Arcane long ago in favor of Druidic Magic. Night Elves have a complicated history with Arcane Magic, but it has been thousands of years since they last accidentally almost destroyed the universe with it, so why not give it another shot? Highborne, such as the Shendralar, do still utilize the Arcane, and intertwining these cultures would likely lead to more Night Elf Mages, even if they are still fairly rare. This is reflected in-game by no one playing a Night Elf Mage.


Thrall’s Horde is plagued with Warlocks and Shadow Magic, something Orcs are far too familiar with to trust without question. While there are very few lore-important Orc Mages, there are quite a few less important ones running around Azeroth and the Outlands.


Paladins generally gain their power from the Light, wielding it as a Sword & Shield against enemies of righteousness. Knights of the Silver Hand, the Hand of Argus, and Blood Knights all use the Light, bestowed upon them by the Naaru. While this is generally true for playable Paladins, later Race combinations muddy the waters a bit, defining Paladin more as a general term, not specifically a wielder of the Light.


Tauren Paladins are known as Sunwalkers. These Tauren seek to balance the worship of Elune practiced within druidism by worshipping her brother, An’she. Reverence of An’she grants the Tauren abilities that while similar to those of other Paladins are not quite identical. That said, Sunwalkers generally follow a similar code to other Paladins, and quickly become respected and important members of the Horde.


The abilities granted to Priests come from their worship, but that worship does not have to be specific. Night Elves are granted their abilities through worship of Elune, Troll Priests through the Loa, while others are empowered by the Light, similar to Paladins.


Ever studious and curious, there is always a need for a healer, be that through medicine or magic. Gnome Priests are generally more practical than other Priests, but they still utilize the Light to empower their abilities. Gnome Medics have always existed, and with them finally pushing to take back their home, the need for more than just medics is clear.


While not confirmed, it is likely that Tauren Priests function similarly to Tauren Paladins, channeling the sun and An’she instead of the Light. Worship of Elune is also very common, which is where the Night Elves draw their abilities from. A Tauren Priest could just as well be a Sunwalker that did not possess the physical prowess to become a Paladin.


Shamans function as mediators between the elements and the denizens of Azeroth. While shamanism is an old and at this point almost obsolete form of worship, Shamans are vital to the natural order on Azeroth. Their connection to the elements allows them to conjure and utilize them. This is typically a shared bond, instead of dominating the elements to the Shaman’s will.


Dwarf Shamans have always existed in the form of the Wildhammer Clan. These dwarves were previously located in the Hinterlands, but come Cataclysm they are an important part of the Twilight Highlands questlines for Alliance. As a faction they join the Alliance and fight side-by-side with the Dwarves of Ironforge.

Player characters are intended to be Ironforge Dwarves specifically, but the Wildhammer Dwarves have become a part of the Alliance. There is nothing to say that they wouldn’t pass on their shamanistic teachings to the Ironforge Dwarves.


Warlocks leverage the power of the Void, forcing demons directly from the Twisting Nether to do their bidding. Their magic is not necessarily evil, but it would be hard to become a powerful Warlock without committing a few crimes against humanity. Warlocks are generally looked down upon, but there does not seem to be anything outside of culture stopping any Race from becoming a Warlock.


Moira Thaurissan and her sect of the Dark Iron Dwarves have become a part of the Alliance, and join the Ironforge Dwarves in training. This intermingling of course leads to both Dwarf Warlocks and Dwarf Mages, even if Dwarven Warlocks are a bit an oddity.


Trolls have a long history of utilizing hexes and curses. Although their voodoo and blood magic are not related to the Void magic that Warlocks draw upon, the Trolls’ penchant for dabbling in the darker side of magic likely made them ideal students for their allies, the Orcs, who have plenty to teach about being a Warlock.


The simplest of all classes, there is nothing except physical prowess stopping someone from becoming a Warrior. Even Gnomes and Goblins are capable of becoming powerful Warriors, despite their small statures. Warriors in game generally do not have access to magical abilities. This lack of magic seemed to previously be the one defining factor for who can and cannot become a Warrior.

Blood Elf

There are plenty of Blood Elf Warriors. Their capital city, Silvermoon, is littered with Spellbreakers, functioning as the city guard. These Warriors use their understanding of magic to contort and disrupt it, as opposed to using it themselves. Thaladred the Darkener, advisor to Kael’thas was a powerful Warrior, complete with a big burning axe, as is tradition.


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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