The Earthen Ring is a faction of shamans tasked with maintaining the balance of the elements across Azeroth. They can be found all over the world following the Cataclysm, working to heal the world and restore that balance across many of the sundered zones.
Players start at Neutral with the faction. This guide will walk you through gaining reputation all the way through Exalted.
Who Needs Earthen Ring Rep?
Most classes will want something from the Earthen Ring Quartermaster, at least before they start getting raid gear. Here are the noteworthy items:
- Tanks will want to reach Revered with this faction in order to get Arcanum of the Earthen Ring, a helm enchantment that provides 90 Stamina and 35 Dodge.
- Agility DPS will want to get Exalted so they can purchase Signet of the Elder Council for their pre-raid gear.
- Caster DPS can get Flamebloom Gloves for their pre-raid set, which means reaching Exalted.
- Restoration Shamans can purchase Earthmender’s Boots at Exalted for their pre-raid set.
- Holy Paladins will be looking to get World Keeper’s Gauntlets for their pre-raid set, which requires Exalted.
Beyond gear, anyone who’s interested in collecting reputation achievements will need Earthen Ring reputation for the following:
- The Earthen Ring
- 40 Exalted Reputations (Title: “The Exalted”)

How to Get Earthen Ring Reputation
Status | Additional Reputation Required |
Neutral | 0 |
Friendly | 3000 |
Honored | 6000 |
Revered | 12,000 |
Exalted | 21,000 |
Gaining reputation with the Earthen Ring is a two step process.
First, you’ll need to complete quests in Vashj’ir, Deepholm, and/or the Twilight Highlands until at least Friendly. Completing all of the available quests can get you all the way to Revered.
Beyond that, the only way that you can gain reputation with this faction is by wearing a Tabard of the Earthen Ring in Cataclysm dungeons. This tabard can be purchased at Friendly, so you can switch to this method sooner if you prefer.
There are no daily quests that give Earthen Ring reputation. There is another quest chain that will be added to the game in 4.2 that will also grant reputation, but it won’t be in the game for the first raid tier.
Earthen Ring Quests
Completing quests in the Vashj’ir, Deepholm, and Twilight Highlands zones are the only way to earn reputation with the Earthen Ring until you reach Friendly with the faction. If you complete all of the quests that give Earthen Ring reputation, you can get as far as Revered before you run out of them.
To start these quest chains, you can head to the Hero’s Call Board/
Warchief’s Command Board in your faction’s capital city. Each zone has a different level requirement and breadcrumb quest:
- Vashj’ir (level 80):
Hero’s Call: Vashj’ir!/
Warchief’s Command: Vashj’ir!
- Deepholm (level 82):
Hero’s Call: Deepholm!/
Warchief’s Command: Deepholm!
- Twilight Highlands (level 84):
Hero’s Call: Twilight Highlands!/
Warchief’s Command: Twilight Highlands!

If you’re looking to get to Friendly as quickly as possible for the tabard, you’ll want to focus on Deepholm, which has the most front-loaded reputation from quests. You can get to Honored by completing about 1/2 to 2/3 of the Deepholm quests. By comparison, Vashj’ir’s reputation gains are much more spread out, and you won’t get any Earthen Ring reputation at all in Twilight Highlands until you complete the first half of the zone’s story. You may also want to consider what other factions you need rep with, as each of these zones’ quest chains will also give you reputation with at least one other faction.
Below you’ll find a complete list of the quests in each zone that give reputation along with how much. Some of these quests don’t give any rep on their own, but are required to reach others that do.
Twilight Highlands
Earthen Ring Dungeons

Reaching Friendly reputation with the Earthen Ring will allow you to purchase a Tabard of the Earthen Ring from the quartermaster in the Shimmering Expanse. Wearing this tabard inside any level 85 Cataclysm dungeon will grant you reputation for enemies killed inside the dungeon.
Earthen Ring Reputation Rewards
The rewards listed below can be purchased from Provisioner Arok, the Earthen Ring Quartermaster, who can be found inside Silver Tide Hollow in the Shimmering Expanse zone of Vashj’ir (49.0, 42.0).

Rank | Item | Slot | Type |
Friendly | Tabard | – | |
Honored | Head | Cloth | |
Honored | Shoulder | Mail | |
Honored | Neck | – | |
Honored | Legs | Plate | |
Revered | – | Enchantment | |
Revered | Back | – | |
Revered | Legs | Leather | |
Revered | Chest | Plate | |
Revered | Back | – | |
Exalted | Feet | Mail | |
Exalted | Hands | Cloth | |
Exalted | Finger | – | |
Exalted | Hands | Plate |