Cataclysm adds a powerful new legendary staff to the game for spellcasters. Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest becomes obtainable with the opening of the Firelands raid, requiring the completion of a lengthy quest chain with many steps. The staff is usable by all caster DPS classes: Druids, Mages, Priests, Shamans, and Warlocks.
This guide will tell you everything you need to know about this hot ticket item and how to get your hands on it!
Dragonwrath Stats & Effects
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest has powerful stats for caster DPS, including plenty of Intellect and Spellpower. While most of these stats are also great for healers, the large amount of Hit (along with the weapon’s other effects) will ensure that caster DPS get first dibs.
- 730 Stamina
- 426 Intellect
- 314 Hit
- 271 Haste
- 2786 Spell Power
With three red gem sockets and a +30 Intellect socket bonus, the staff offers an additional 150 Intellect beyond the 426 it adds in raw stats (if you socket it with 3x Brilliant Inferno Ruby).
- 3x Red Sockets
- Socket Bonus: +30 Intellect
This weapon offers its wielder the chance to duplicate their harmful spells. While the raw stats it provides are also powerful, this proc is the main draw of the weapon.
- When you deal damage, you have a chance to gain the Wrath of Tarecgosa, duplicating the harmful spell. (10ms cooldown)
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest comes with a bonus effect: the weapon allows you to transform into large blue dragon! You’ll be able to fly at top speed and other players in your group will be able to ride you as a mount.
- Use: Transforms you into Tarecgosa’s Visage, allowing you to fly very fast.

Obtaining this legendary weapon will grant you a Feat of Strength:
Your guild will also get an achievement, and anyone in the guild will be able to purchase a special pet:
Dragonwrath Loot Priority
Who should get Dragonwrath first? The answer to this question for any legendary weapon is always “your raid team’s most dedicated player.” Legendary weapons are a big undertaking, and your guild will spend several weeks working on this staff. You’ll want it to go to a player who is going to be around for the long haul, not only to finish the quest line but to actually use the weapon to benefit your group going forward.
Legendary weapons are often seen as a way of rewarding your core raiders for the time and effort they have put into the group as a whole. In turn, your group benefits from keeping this powerful item in the group. Giving this weapon to a solid member of your team is going to benefit your group much more than if you give it to someone less reliable just because they are the “right” class for it. And while a particular class may be more effective with a weapon in theory, in practice, a player’s relative skill with that class can make a substantial difference.
The stats on Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest will be good for any caster, and will even make this weapon BiS for healers despite the presence of Hit. The proc is designed to benefit all caster DPS equally. There is no internal cooldown on it, and it can work with DoTs as well as direct damage spells. The proc chance is even adjusted for specs that rely heavily on pet damage, so the weapon will still be strong for them.
With all that being said, you can take a look at our DPS Rankings to get an idea for which caster DPS specialization does the most damage overall. On paper, they will be the best option for this weapon.
Keep in mind that the weapon is earned in stages, and each of the stages can be worked on simultaneously. So you can have one player collecting Eternal Embers, another collecting Seething Cinders, and so on. So as soon as your first recipient progresses their quest line, you can get the next person started.

How to Get Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
Like most legendary weapons, earning Dragonwrath will require a lot of work. There are 15 quests in the chain, and you will find yourself stalled on some of them as you gather the necessary items from the raid over multiple lockouts. Luck may or may not be on your side for those steps that involve random drops. You’ll also need to invest at least 9000 gold in the process, as the 3 Sands of Time must be bought for 3000 gold apiece.
Staff Progression
As you progress through the quest chain, you’ll start out with an epic weapon that will be upgraded twice, evolving into your legendary staff. While the final version of the staff is significantly stronger, the two epic versions are nothing to sneeze at and will offer some incremental rewards as you make your way toward your goal.

Here’s a look at the materials you’ll gather over the course of the quest line. We’ll cover more about how to get each in the walkthrough below.
- Eternal Ember x25
- Looted from bosses in the Firelands raid
- Sands of Time x3
- Purchased from Yasmin in northwest Uldum (26.6, 7.2) for 3000 gold each
- Seething Cinder x1000
- Looted from bosses in the Firelands raid
- Smouldering Essence x250
- Collected by using Runestaff of Nordrassil on corpses in the Firelands raid
- Heart of Flame x1
Quest Walkthrough
And now for the nitty-gritty: how do you actually go about getting this thing? Fear not, for Your Time Has Come!
1. Your Time Has Come (Optional)
There are two ways to start this quest chain. One way is to kill every boss in the first raid tier of Cataclysm: The Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four Winds. This will allow you to skip the breadcrumb quest and head straight to one of the NPCs at the bottom of this section to start the next quest.
If you haven’t cleared all of the first tier raids, you can pick up the breadcrumb quest, Your Time Has Come, by entering the Firelands raid and simply killing a Molten Lord, one of the first mobs you will encounter inside. This will automatically start the breadcrumb quest if you are an eligible class.
Either way, head to one of these NPCs to continue on from here:
Coridormi at the Wizard’s Sanctum in The Mage Quarter of Stormwind City (49.4, 87.4)
Ziradormi at Grommash Hold in The Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar (48.8, 71.0)

2. A Legendary Engagement
However you got to this step, you’ll be told to speak with Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. Simply talk to the NPC who gave you this quest and they’ll send you there.
3. A Wrinkle in Time
Speak with Anachronos and you’ll witness an ominous cut scene and be called to action.

4. All-Seeing Eye
Now you’ll have your first collecting quest. Anachronos will task you with gathering 25 Eternal Embers and 3 Sands of Time. You may be on this step for quite a while, depending on your luck with embers.
Eternal Embers can be looted from bosses in the Firelands raid. They are Bind on Pickup, so you must loot them yourself – you can’t trade or buy them. These items only drop if someone in the raid is on this quest. Each boss in the 10-player raid has a chance to drop 1 ember. Each boss in the 25-player version will drop 1-3 embers. The drop rate is the same whether you kill the bosses on Normal or Heroic difficulty.
Sands of Time can be purchased from Yasmin, the Innkeeper at the Oasis of Vir’sar in northwest Uldum (26.6, 7.2) for 3000 gold each. So completing this step will cost you 9000 gold total. Ouch!

5. On a Wing and a Prayer
Return to Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. The easiest way to get there is probably just to fly from Uldum, but there is also a portal in The Violet Citadel in Dalaran that can take you directly to the Caverns of Time entrance. You can speak with the Steward of Time at the cave entrance for transportation down to the bottom, which is much faster than running on foot.
Once there, you’ll turn in your hard-earned Eternal Embers and Sands of Time in exchange for a Timeless Eye. Anachronos will exhale the Timeless Eye in front of himself for you to loot. Be sure to pick it up!
With this item in hand, head to the Borean Tundra zone in Northrend. Here are the quickest ways to get there:
Alliance can hop on a boat from Stormwind City
Horde can catch a zeppelin from Orgrimmar
- Mages can transport themselves with Teleport: Dalaran, or others with Portal: Dalaran
Once you arrive in Northrend, fly across Borean Tundra to Coldarra, the large island in the northwest of the zone. Here you’ll meet Tarecgosa, the blue dragon after whom the staff is named, who is standing to the east of The Nexus around 34.4, 25.2. Speak with her to progress to the next quest.

6. Through a Glass, Darkly
Now you’ll need to enter The Nexus, one of the dungeons at the center of Coldarra. Its entrance can be found at the very bottom of the central spire. Entering the dungeon portal will take you to a special version of the instance separate from the original dungeon. Make your way through the scenario with Tarecgosa’s help. You will not be able to do this with a group, you must enter alone.
You’ll face many enemies in the instance, but Tarecgosa will provide some additional damage as well as giving your character a buff. At a certain point you’ll need to protect her while she breaks through an ice wall. You’ll then need to jump from platform to platform, defeating enemies and using Loose Magic to protect yourself from their attacks.
When you’ve made it to the end, you’ll have to fight the dragon Thyrinar. Then the Timeless Eye will appear like it did before with Anachronos, and you’ll need to click it again. Enjoy a cut scene and pick up the next quest.

7. Actionable Intelligence
This next quest will send you to Mount Hyjal to speak with Kalecgos, who can be found inside the Nordrassil Inn at 62.2, 23.2. When you enter the inn, look to the right and he’ll be at the end of the hallway.

8. Delegation
Kalecgos will task you with obtaining the Branch of Nordrassil. To do so, you’ll have to perform certain tasks on the first four bosses within the Firelands raid: Beth’tilac, Lord Rhyolith, Alysrazor, and Shannox.
Note that you do not need to kill any of these bosses to complete this quest. If you are lucky enough to have a raid team who are willing to do these 4 bosses an extra time just for you, you could get your items while leaving the bosses alive for later. This could net you some extra Seething Cinders if you get to that step on the same reset!
For each of these bosses, you’ll need to collect three fragments that will drop during the fight and use them to create a special focus. Then you must use the focus at the right time, and pick it back up once it has been charged.
- For Beth’tilac, you will pick up 3 Obsidian-Flecked Chitin Fragments, which will appear when a Cinderweb Drone dies. Combine these items to create a Dull Chitinous Focus. Use this focus while you are above the battlefield in the web for the second web phase so that it will be hit by Smoldering Devastation. Go back up for the next web phase and pick up the Charged Chitinous Focus it leaves behind.
- For Lord Rhyolith, look for Rhyolite Fragments around the edge of the battlefield. They will appear one at a time. When you have 3, combine them into a Dull Rhyolite Focus. Use this focus under his foot just before he casts Concussive Stomp. Then pick up the Charged Rhyolite Focus afterward.
- For Alysrazor, you’ll be gathering 3 Pyreshell Fragments which will spawn alongside Voracious Hatchling eggs. Combine them into a Dull Pyreshell Focus and use it before she reaches 100 energy and goes airborne (Full Power). Pick up the Charged Pyreshell Focus when you’re able to safely reach it.
- Finally, for Shannox, you’ll find the Emberstone Fragments near broken Crystal Prison Traps. When you have 3, combine them into a Dull Emberstone Focus. Place it on the ground near Rotlimb so it will be hit by Hurl Spear. Then pick up the Charged Emberstone Focus when you can do so safely.
Take the 4 charged focus items to the Circle of Thorns inside the Firelands. It’s the portal symbol on the map to the northeast of Beth’tilac’s Lair. You can reach it by taking the path up through the west side of the Molten Fields. Use any of the focus items near the portal to open it. Go through to enter The Anvil of Conflagration.
Inside you’ll encounter several Harbinger of Flame, who you should interrupt as much as possible – especially their Fieroclast Barrage. When you’ve defeated them and recovered your health and mana, click on the Branch of Nordrassil in the center. This will summon a Tormented Protector, who does a root and a knockback. Leave the root in place until after the knockback goes out. Once he’s dead, Volcanus will appear. He’s tough, but you’ll have received a buff from the previous enemy that will help. Use cooldowns as you near the end of the fight and his damage ramps up from Fire It Up!
When you’ve defeated Volcanus, you’ll earn the temporary 2-hour title [Name], Blessed Defender of Nordrassil, and you’ll be able to pick up the Branch of Nordrassil. Take this item to Kalecgos, who can now be found at the Amber Ledge in Borean Tundra at 46.6, 35.4, across the water from Coldarra.

9. Nordrassil’s Bough
Kalecgos will imbue the Branch of Nordrassil with the magic of the Timeless Eye, creating the first iteration of your staff. All you need to do now is to pick up your Branch of Nordrassil! Then you can move on to the next quest.
10. Emergency Extraction
Interact with Kalecgos to accompany him to Coldarra. You’ll witness a cut scene and then you can speak to Kalecgos for your next quest.
11. At One
Kalecgos will have you bond with Tarecgosa’s essence. When you’ve done so, speak with him again to proceed. (You may need to have Branch of Nordrassil equipped to complete this quest.)
12. Time Grows Short
Next you’ll be tasked with collecting 1000 Seething Cinders from bosses in the Firelands raid. These are guaranteed to drop in double-digit stacks from every boss, so it’s not quite as intimidating as it sounds, although it could take several weeks depending on your luck. Here are the drop rates for each raid difficulty and size:
- Normal 10: 18-23 per boss
- Heroic 10: 23-26 per boss
- Normal 25: 48-55 per boss
- Heroic 25: 55-66 per boss
There’s nothing special you need to do to collect these cinders, you can simply loot them. When you have 1000 of them, head back to Coldarra in Borean Tundra to see Kalecgos again at 23.0, 30.8.
13. Alignment
Now you will temporarily become Tarecgosa for the first time, allowing you to cast your support for Kalecgos in the vote to choose the next Blue Dragon Aspect. After this cut scene plays out, your staff will evolve into Runestaff of Nordrassil. This version of the staff has an on-use effect that will be needed to complete the last phase of the quest chain and earn your legendary weapon.
14. Heart of Flame
This is it, the final collection quest!
First you’ll gather 250 Smouldering Essences from corpses in the Firelands raid. To do this, use your Runestaff of Nordrassil on dead bosses with the Smouldering buff. Do not skin a boss first or the corpse will disappear and you won’t be able to get your Essences! You will only be able to get them from the first six bosses, not Ragnaros. Once again your luck will determine how many weeks this step takes to complete. Here are the drop rates for each raid difficulty and size:
- Normal 10: 3-5 per boss
- Heroic 10: 7-9 per boss
- Normal 25: 7-9 per boss
- Heroic 25: 9-11 per boss
The last item you need is a Heart of Flame, which can only be looted from Ragnaros, the final boss of the raid, and only after you’ve collected all of the Smouldering Essences. If you face Ragnaros on Heroic difficulty, you will automatically be able to loot the Heart of Flame without any additional steps required. But if you face him on Normal difficulty, you will have to jump through a few extra hoops to get the Heart.
On Normal difficulty, you will have the debuff Rage of Ragnaros throughout the fight, which will periodically cause you to blow up, dealing heavy damage and knocking back anyone who is within 8 yards of you. You’ll need to move away from your teammates when this happens. The Heart of Flame will also appear in the center of the lava pool, so you’ll need to go pick it up there. You’ll have to do all this without dying.
Once you have collected your Smouldering Essences and the Heart of Flame, return to your faction’s capital city to meet Hallegosa for the grand finale:
At the Wizard’s Sanctum in The Mage Quarter of Stormwind City (49.4, 87.4)
At Grommash Hold in The Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar (48.8, 71.0)

15. The Stuff of Legends
Before you complete this step, you will probably want to gather your guild in your capital city, as there’s a pretty cool event that they won’t want to miss!
Turn in your quest to Hallegosa to receive your Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest and your achievements!