Naxxramas is Now Open in Season of Discovery Phase 7
February 7, 2025 • Luxrah
The final raid of vanilla World of Warcraft, Naxxramas, is now open in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. The raid has been retuned for groups of 20 players, though up to 40 can stil…
Season of Discovery Hotfixes for January 30: Shadows of Doom
January 31, 2025 • Luxrah
The first round of hotfixes has gone out for Phase 7 of Season of Discovery, providing some fixes for issues with the Scourge Invasion event and the new Karazhan Crypts dungeon. Pl…
Naxxramas and Tier 3 Gear on the Season of Discovery PTR
January 30, 2025 • Luxrah
As planned, Naxxramas has been reopened for testing on Season of Discovery Public Test Realms. This final raid of vanilla WoW will keep some of its secrets until it appears on live…
Phase 7 is Now Live for Season of Discovery
January 28, 2025 • Luxrah
Phase 7 of Season of Discovery is now available on live realms, bringing the memorable Scourge Invasion event to the game. This phase also adds the new Karazhan Crypts dungeon, whi…
Seal of the Dawn Changes for Season of Discovery Phase 7
January 27, 2025 • Luxrah
The new Seal of the Dawn item that is being added with Phase 7 of Season of Discovery is getting some big changes from its original iteration. First, the item will no longer be an…
Naxxramas Returning to the Season of Discovery PTR
January 22, 2025 • Luxrah
The Naxxramas raid will be getting another round of testing on the PTR next week ahead of its February 6th release. Aggrend posted a lengthy summary of the developers’ thinking aro…
Season of Discovery Hotfixes for January 21: SoD World Buffs Removed From Classic Era & Anniversary Realm Characters
January 22, 2025 • Luxrah
A small batch of hotfixes went out today for Season of Discovery realms, including a fix that affects Classic Era and Anniversary realms as well. It seems that some Season of Disco…
Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds are Now Live in WoW Classic Anniversary Edition
January 17, 2025 • Luxrah
Phase 2 of WoW Classic arrived in Anniversary Edition last week, and now the first two PvP battlegrounds of World of Warcraft have been added to the game as well, giving players a…
Phase 7 of Season of Discovery Launches January 28, Naxxramas Opens February 6
January 15, 2025 • Luxrah
The next phase of Season of Discovery will go live on January 28th. This phase features the brand new Karazhan Crypts dungeon and the memorable Scourge Invasion event that precedes…
Season of Discovery Hotfixes for January 14: Tier 1 & 2 Gear at Tarnished Undermine Real Vendor
January 15, 2025 • Luxrah
As promised yesterday, today’s hotfixes for Season of Discovery include some changes that will help players get their gear caught up in preparation for Phase 7, which is currently…
Season of Discovery Catch-Up Mechanics Introduced in Preparation for Phase 7
January 14, 2025 • Shadostruct
With the coming of reset there’s going to be vendors introduced that will offer all Tier 1 set items and half of the Tier 2 set items for Tarnished Undermine Reals currency. There’…
Phase 2 is Now Live for WoW Classic Anniversary Edition: Dire Maul, Honor, & World Bosses
January 9, 2025 • Luxrah
It’s a new year and a new day in WoW Classic, with the first major content patch arriving on live realms. Phase 2 brings a plethora of new content to the game for both PvE and PvP….
The Top Causes of Death in Hardcore WoW
January 2, 2025 • Luxrah
The Deathlog addon offers some valuable insights into what kills players in WoW Classic Hardcore, from detailed death logs and statistics to a heatmap that visualizes the deadliest…
Season of Discovery Hotfixes for December 20: Commendation Officers Now Sell Items From Other Factions
December 21, 2024 • Luxrah
Following the recent change to allow players to buy any rune from a Rune Broker for 1 copper at level 1, Blizzard has taken another step toward making it significantly easier to ca…
Karazhan Crypts Meeting Stone and Portal on Season of Discovery PTR
December 19, 2024 • Luxrah
We’ve been waiting to hear more about what Blizzard has planned for us in Deadwind Pass for Phase 7 of Season of Discovery and beyond, and a quick visit to the area on today’s PTR…