- Author: Mila Grish
- Date: April 7, 2024
- Updated: April 7, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Wild Offering is a currency introduced in Phase 3 Season of Discovery that you can unlock by completing The Wild Gods questline. If you have not done so yet, we highly recommend you start with our The Wild Gods Quest Guide that will walk you through getting your first 3 Wild Offerings for the questline, as well as unlocking the Shadowtooth Emissary as a vendor where you will be able to exchange any future Wild Offerings for rewards, which include some pre-raid BiS gear and the Shadowtooth Bag, which will drop a random Darkmoon Card.
Wild Offering Rewards (from Shadowtooth Emissary Vendor)
The specific items offered by the Shadowtooth Emissary are as follows:
- Consumable – Shadowtooth Bag – x10 Wild Offerings
- Cloth Armor – Cord of the Untamed – x15 Wild Offerings
- Cloth Armor – Crown of the Dreamweaver – x15 Wild Offerings
- Ring – Band of the Wilds – x12 Wild Offerings
- Trinket – Breadth of the Beast – x12 Wild Offerings
- Plate Armor – Godslayer’s Greaves – x15 Wild Offerings
- Shield – Defender of the Wilds – x12 Wild Offerings
You can always visit the Shadowtooth Emissary in the Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood at (51.5, 82.1).

Farming Wild Offering from Dungeons
Getting more of the Wild Offering involves the same process as with the original questline: Killing a Delirious Ancient in one of three high-level dungeons.
The important bit to note is that you can reset and repeat any of the dungeons as many time as you would like, which makes farming the Wild Offering an easier process rather than jumping between the dungeons.
Your dungeon options for Delirious Ancients are as follows:
- Delirious Ancient (spider) – Zul’Farrak – Wandering around Ghaz’rilla’s pool.
- Delirious Ancient (devilsaur) – Maraudon – In the water near Princess Theradras at the end of the dungeon.
- Delirious Ancient (basilisk) – Blackrock Depths – Spawns on the Dark Iron Highway, near Bael’gar.
In Zul’Farrak and Blackrock Depths, once you kill 3 bosses in the area, the Delirious Ancient will spawn. In Maraudon, all the only boss required is Princess Theradras. This is marked by a “You feel a shadowed presence” emote in the chat. When you locate the ghostly mob (see image below), use Agamaggan’s Roar near it. The NPC will become a hostile level 52 Elite. Kill it and it will drop a Wild Offering.

Our recommended method for farming Wild Offering is to stay in and reset Zul’Farrak, but some groups may find it faster to repeat Princess Theradras in Maraudon. Both have pros and cons, for example, Paladins will very much want to get their hands on Sul’Thraze, which could take a lot of Zul’Farrak runs. Casters will instead likely want to farm Eternal Darkness from Princess Theradras, which could take even longer.
Maraudon, works without having to kill 3 bosses like in ZF, down princess then spawn the Dino – from there move to the waterfall logout skip and reset can get 5 runs done in 1 hour. We got locked out so have time to slow it down a bit.
addition….Scepter is required for these runs to be fast
not sure if its still working but i was able to pretty much get rid of/reset my instance lockout. logout to portal login screen before character select and just stay on the login screen for abt 30 secs or a min.
You can also log out under the legs of the centaur after you kill princess/raptor and log in. it teleports you to the zone in on purple side. run out, reset and head back to the portal spawn room.
You dont have to do 3 bosses in ZF, you only have to do 2. Required one is the temple/pyramid/gauntlet until the troll bosses show up. You dont have to fight the NPCs you freed. After the gauntlet fight and troll minibosses, you can either kill the usual last boss by talking to the goblin to blow up the door, or go kill Ghazrilla and youll get the emote either way. The requirement I have found so far is gauntlet +1 extra boss.
The stairs fight and the troll bosses are NOT required for the spider to spawn. Witch doctor+Gahz is enough. Farmed it yesterday.
WTF blizzard why does the shield have no block value?
Because its a caster shield.