- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 3, 2024
- Updated: October 3, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
In Season of Discovery, Mages learn how to decipher scrolls in order to unlock their Mage Rune Engravings. This feature extends beyond runes, however, providing Mages with a whole new mini-game in which they can use Comprehension Charms to decipher a variety of scrolls, from basic stat scrolls to unique and useful items like Scroll of Reintegration.
We’ll go over all of the possible items you can get by deciphering scrolls as well as where to get Comprehension Charms in the sections below. First, we’ll quickly go over how to decipher scrolls and spell notes in the first place!
How to Decipher Mage Scrolls
To decipher a Mage scroll, you’ll first need to have one in your inventory. Mage scrolls can be spotted by their names, which start with either “Scroll:” or “Spell Notes:” followed by a scrambled name in ALL CAPS. They will also say “Classes: Mage” in the tooltip.
Any class can find a Scroll and they can be traded or sold on the Auction House. Spell Notes are bind-on-pickup and must be discovered by the Mage as they are used to learn Mage Rune Engravings.
To decipher a Mage scroll, you’ll need to have a Comprehension Charm in your inventory. Then you can simply right-click the scroll to decipher it. For a list of the scrolls available as well as where to get Comprehension Charms, read on!

List of Scrolls to Decipher
There are currently four classes of Mage scrolls in the game. Uncommon or green-quality scrolls will always grant a Mage Rune Engraving. Common or white-quality scrolls with the name “Scroll:” fall into three groups that can be deciphered into three different tiers of scrolls. There are also a couple of oddball common quality scrolls that are used for Rune discoveries.
Datamined Scrolls
There are a couple of scrolls in the game files that haven’t been seen in Season of Discovery yet. These scrolls could be intended for a future phase or they may just be forgotten experiments. They have no descriptions, but their names may offer some hints to their intended purpose. They are:
Deciphered Mage Scrolls
Most of the lower level scrolls you’ll decipher will give simple stat buffs. These buffs do not stack with class buffs, which makes most of them useless in raids unless you are missing the relevant class from your group. They can still be useful in solo and small group content, however.
These scrolls can all be traded or sold on the Auction House.
Scroll of Reintegration provides Mages with a way to resurrect teammates, an ability that makes particular sense for a Mage Healer. Like the stat buff scrolls, this scroll can be traded or sold on the Auction House, so you can stock up on resurrection spells if you have the gold. You can get this scroll by deciphering scrolls of any level, but the higher level scrolls have a much higher chance to be deciphered into a Reintegration scroll.
All of the Uncommon (green) higher level buff scrolls are bind-on-pickup except for Scroll of Spatial Mending, so you can’t trade them or buy/sell them on the Auction House. They can only be obtained by deciphering scrolls on your own with Comprehension Charms.
These scrolls provide 30 minute buffs that do not stack with each other. It appears that the Arcane Protection scrolls have a higher chance to appear than the others, which is unfortunate since they aren’t as useful in current content.
There are some other scrolls that offer various useful effects:
- Scroll of Comprehension will net you 2 or 4 Comprehension Charms when used.
- Scroll of Cryoblast offers a modest Frost damage AoE when used.
- Scroll of Liminal Passage will allow you to teleport to a party member in any rested zone.
- Scroll of Polymorph: Odd Melon works exactly like your Polymorph spell except that your target will be turned into a large melon which is stationary and does not wander around like the sheep.
- Scroll of Geomancy is used to complete the discovery for the Displacement Rune as well as some runes for other classes.
- Scroll of Spatial Mending is used to complete the discovery for the Balefire Bolt Rune.
- Scroll of the Blade is a very rare decipher that allows you to transform a Hypnotic Blade into a Narpas Sword, trading Intellect and Spirit for more damage and healing.
- Scroll: Essence of Frost and Scroll: Essence of Fire are used to discover the epic class weapon Staff of Order/Staff of Inferno/Staff of Rime.
Where to Get Comprehension Charms
There are four ways you can acquire Comprehension Charms:
- From a deciphered Scroll of Comprehension (see the table above for which scrolls to decipher)
- From completing certain quests that award Mage Runes
- From a Personal Spellbook
- From reagent vendors
Quests That Give Comprehension Charms
Comprehension Charms are awarded when you complete rune quests. There are currently five Mage runes that involve quests which award charms, allowing you to earn up to 40 charms total through this method.
The very first rune you can get, Ice Lance, comes from the quest Spell Research. This quest is obtained at level 2 in your race’s starting zone and awards 3 Comprehension Charms, one of which you will likely use to unlock the Ice Lance rune. Check out our Ice Lance Rune Guide for a complete walkthrough.
There are also four Mage Rune discoveries that involve collecting books, and each book you turn in will award a charm. There are 37 of these books that can be turned in for a total of 37 possible Comprehension Charms. Check out our guides for these runes for details about the books required:
- Icy Veins (Icy Veins Rune Guide)
- Spell Power (Spell Power Rune Guide)
- Deep Freeze (Deep Freeze Rune Guide)
- Arcane Barrage (Arcane Barrage Rune Guide)
How to Get the Personal Spellbook
Completing the quest A Lesson in Literacy as part of the discovery for the Temporal Anomaly Rune will also award the player with a Personal Spellbook. This item can be used as an offhand, but more importantly, it will allow you to conjure 5 Comprehension Charms every 4 hours. This is the best way to get Comprehension Charms as it is repeatable and free.
Vendors Who Sell Comprehension Charms
Beyond those you can get while completing your rune quests, Comprehension Charms will need to be purchased from vendors at a cost of around 7 each. Here’s a list of vendors who sell them:
Vendor | Location |
Frostwolf Keep, Alterac Valley | |
Dun Baldar, Alterac Valley | |
Dun Baldar, Alterac Valley | |
Stromgarde Keep, Arathi Highlands 26.97, 58.83 | |
Astranaar, Ashenvale 34.98, 48.46 | |
The Temple of the Moon, Darnassus 38.99, 74.25 | |
Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus 34.6, 9.8 | |
Darkshire, Duskwood 76.28, 45.27 | |
Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh 36.4, 30.4 | |
Tower of Azora, Elwynn Forest 64.88, 69.19 | |
Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas 30.92, 42.09 | |
Camp, Mojache, Feralas 74.64, 44.92 | |
Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills 50.82, 59.02 | |
The Commons, Ironforge 19.6, 56.2 | |
The Mystic Ward, Ironforge 31.2, 27.6 | |
The Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar 45.43, 56.55 | |
The Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar 45.99, 45.68 | |
The Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar 45.74, 40.94 | |
Khur Hornstriker Reagent Vendor | Cenarion Hold, Silithus 48.67, 37 |
Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains 47.61, 61.59 | |
Cathedral Square, Stormwind City 43.5, 26.97 | |
The Trade District, Stormwind City 55.73, 65.39 | |
The Mage Quarter, Stormwind City 32.4, 80.0 | |
The Mage Quarter, Stormwind City 36.0, 74.8 | |
The Trade District, Stormwind City 56.13, 65.27 | |
Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows 45.78, 52.82 | |
Crossroads, The Barrens 51.39, 30.2 | |
Revantusk Village, The Hinterlands 78.8, 78.25 | |
Freewind Post, Thousand Needles 45.15, 50.79 | |
Lower Rise, Thunder Bluff 36.38, 54.85 (patrols) | |
The Trade Quarter, Undercity 69.69, 39.05 | |
The Magic Quarter, Undercity 82.6, 16.0 | |
Menethil Harbor, Wetlands 8.35, 56.47 | |
Vi’el Exotic Reagent Merchant | Darkwhisper Gorge, Winterspring 58.8, 78.4 |