- Author: Luxrah
- Date: March 28, 2023
- Updated: August 16, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
After nine expansion packs, there are well over 100 zones to explore in World of Warcraft today. These zones span multiple continents and worlds. Getting around can be quite challenging, especially for new players or if you skipped a particular expansion. But we’re here to help! In this guide, we’ll give you an overview of all the zones in Azeroth. When you’re ready to head to a particular place, check out our individual “How to Get to” guides in the menu above.
Azeroth is the world on which most of the Warcraft series takes place. The world has several continents as well as some underwater zones and islands.

Eastern Kingdoms
Eastern Kingdoms is the eastern-most continent of Azeroth, and one of the original continents in the game. The continent has traditionally been dominated by the Alliance as the home of the human kingdoms. Over the years, the landscape has been altered and added to by the Burning Crusade and Cataclysm expansions.
Starting Zones in Eastern Kingdoms
- Elwynn Forest (humans)
- Dun Morogh (dwarves and gnomes)
- Tirisfal Glades (undead)
- Eversong Woods (blood elves)
- Gilneas (worgen)
- Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave (death knights)
Major Cities in Eastern Kingdoms
- Stormwind (Alliance hub and human capital, Elwynn Forest)
- Ironforge (dwarf capital, Dun Morogh)
- Undercity (undead capital, Tirisfal Glades)
- Silvermoon City (blood elf capital, Eversong Woods)
Zones of Eastern Kingdoms
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Elwynn Forest | 1-30 | Alliance | None |
Dun Morogh | 1-30 | Alliance | None |
Tirisfal Glades | 1-30 | Horde | None |
Eversong Woods | 1-30 | Horde | Burning Crusade |
Gilneas | 1-20 | Alliance | Cataclysm |
Westfall | 5-30 | Alliance | None |
Loch Modan | 5-30 | Alliance | None |
Silverpine Forest | 5-30 | Horde | None |
Ghostlands | 1-30 | Horde | Burning Crusade |
Ruins of Gilneas | 1-20 | Alliance | Cataclysm |
Redridge Mountains | 7-30 | Alliance | None |
Hillsbrad Foothills | 7-30 | Horde | None |
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave | 8-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Duskwood | 10-30 | Alliance | None |
Wetlands | 10-30 | Alliance | None |
Arathi Highlands | 10-30 | Contested | None |
Northern Stranglethorn | 10-30 | Contested | None |
The Cape of Stranglethorn | 10-30 | Contested | None |
The Hinterlands | 10-30 | Contested | None |
Western Plaguelands | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Eastern Plaguelands | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Badlands | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Searing Gorge | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Burning Steppes | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Deadwind Pass | 10-30 | Contested | None |
Swamp of Sorrows | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Blasted Lands | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Isle of Quel’Danas | 25-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |
Vashj’ir: Kelp’thar Forest* | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Vashj’ir: Shimmering Expanse* | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Vashj’ir: Abyssal Depths* | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Twilight Highlands | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Tol Barad | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Tol Barad Peninsula | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
*Vashj’ir is an underwater zone off the western coast of Dun Morogh.

Kalimdor is the western-most continent of Azeroth, and one of the original continents in the game. The continent has been dominated by the Horde ever since the orcs came to Azeroth. Over the years, the landscape has been altered and added to by the Burning Crusade and Cataclysm expansions.
Starting Zones in Kalimdor
- Durotar (orcs and trolls)
- Mulgore (tauren)
- Teldrassil (night elves)
- Azuremyst Isle (draenei)
Major Cities in Kalimdor
- Orgrimmar (Horde hub and orc capital, Durotar)
- Thunder Bluff (tauren capital, Durotar)
- Darnassus (night elf capital, Teldrassil)
- The Exodar (draenei capital, Azuremyst Isle)
Zones of Kalimdor
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Durotar | 1-30 | Horde | None |
Mulgore | 1-30 | Horde | None |
Teldrassil | 1-30 | Alliance | None |
Azuremyst Isle | 1-30 | Alliance | Burning Crusade |
Azshara | 5-30 | Horde | None |
Darkshore | 5-30 | Alliance | None |
Northern Barrens | 5-30 | Horde | None |
Bloodmyst Isle | 5-30 | Alliance | Burning Crusade |
Ashenvale | 7-30 | Contested | None |
Stonetalon Mountains | 10-30 | Contested | None |
Desolace | 10-30 | Contested | None |
Southern Barrens | 10-30 | Contested | None |
Feralas | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Dustwallow Marsh | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Thousand Needles | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Felwood | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Tanaris | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Un’goro Crater | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Winterspring | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Silithus | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Ahn’Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom | 15-30 | Contested | None |
Moonglade | 1-30 | Contested | None |
Mount Hyjal | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Molten Front* | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Uldum | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
*Molten Front is not physically on Kalimdor, but is accessible from Mount Hyjal.

Northrend is the northern-most continent of Azeroth. The continent is the home to the Lich King and his Scourge army. Northrend was added to the game by the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Navigating Northrend
Major Cities in Northrend
The primary city in Northrend is Dalaran, which is floating high above Crystalsong Forest. It is a neutral city that is accessible to both Alliance and Horde.
Zones of Northrend
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Borean Tundra | 10-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Howling Fjord | 10-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Dragonblight | 15-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Grizzly Hills | 15-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Zul-Drak | 20-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Sholazar Basin | 20-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Storm Peaks | 25-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Crystalsong Forest | 25-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Icecrown | 25-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Hrothgar’s Landing | 25-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |
Wintergrasp | 25-30 | Contested | Wrath of the Lich King |

The Maelstrom
The Maelstrom is a vortex of water in the middle of the Great Sea. The region was added to the map in the Cataclysm expansion.
Starting Zones in The Maelstrom
There are two starting zones located in The Maelstrom:
- Kezan (goblins)
- Wandering Isle (pandaren)
Zones of The Maelstrom
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Kezan | 1-20 | Horde | Cataclysm |
Lost Isles | 1-20 | Horde | Cataclysm |
Maelstrom | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Deepholm | 30-35 | Contested | Cataclysm |
Wandering Isle | 1-20 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |

Pandaria is the southern-most continent of Azeroth. The continent is home to the pandaren. Pandaria was added to the game by the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
Navigating Pandaria
Major Cities in Pandaria
There are two main hubs in Pandaria, one for each faction. Both are located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. They are:
- Shrine of Seven Stars (Alliance)
- Shrine of Two Moons (Horde)
Zones of Pandaria
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
The Jade Forest | 10-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Valley of the Four Winds | 15-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Krasarang Wilds | 15-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Kun-Lai Summit | 20-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Townlong Steppes | 25-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Dread Wastes | 30-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Vale of Eternal Blossoms | 30-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
The Veiled Stair | 30-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Isle of Thunder | 32-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Isle of Giants | 35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |
Timeless Isle | 30-35 | Contested | Mists of Pandaria |

Broken Isles
The Broken Isles is a chain of islands near the center of the map of Azeroth. The continent is home to the nightborne elves and houses the Tomb of Sargeras. The Broken Isles were added to the game by the Legion expansion.
Navigating the Broken Isles
- How to Get to the Broken Isles
- How to Unlock the Legion Campaign & Order Hall
- How to Get to Argus
- How to Get to Dalaran (Legion)
Starting Zones in the Broken Isles
Mardum is the starting zone for demon hunters and the location of their class order hall. It is not technically a part of the Broken Isles, but is accessible from New Dalaran.
Major Cities in the Broken Isles
The primary city in the Broken Isles is Dalaran, which is floating high above the sea between Azsuna, Suramar, and The Broken Shore. This version of Dalaran is often referred to as “New Dalaran” so as not to confuse it with the version of the city that floats above Northrend. It is a neutral city that is accessible to both Alliance and Horde.
Zones of the Broken Isles
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Dalaran | 10-45 | Neutral | Legion |
Val’sharah | 10-45 | Contested | Legion |
Stormheim | 10-45 | Contested | Legion |
Helheim* | 10-45 | Contested | Legion |
Azsuna | 10-45 | Contested | Legion |
Highmountain | 10-45 | Contested | Legion |
Suramar | 45 | Contested | Legion |
The Broken Shore | 45 | Contested | Legion |
Eye of Azshara | 10-45 | Contested | Legion |
Mardum, the Shattered Abyss** | 8-45 | Contested | Legion |
Argus: Antoran Wastes** | 45 | Contested | Legion |
Argus: Krokuun** | 45 | Contested | Legion |
Argus: Eredath** | 45 | Contested | Legion |
*Helheim is not physically part of the Broken Isles, but is accessible from Stormheim.
**Mardum and Argus are not physically part of the Broken Isles, but are accessible from New Dalaran.

Kul Tiras
Kul Tiras is located between the Broken Isles and the Eastern Kingdoms on the map of Azeroth. The continent is home to kul tiran humans and mechagnomes. Kul Tiras was added to the game with the Battle for Azeroth expansion.
Navigating Kul Tiras
- How to Get to Kul Tiras
- How to Unlock the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign & Portal Room
- How to Get to Nazjatar
- How to Get to Mechagon
Major Cities in Kul Tiras
The Alliance hub city of Boralus is located in Tiragarde Sound. Horde have no major cities in Kul Tiras.
Zones of Kul Tiras
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Tiragarde Sound | 10-60 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Drustvar | 20-60 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Stormsong Valley | 30-60 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Tol Dagor | 10-60 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Mechagon Island | 50 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Nazjatar* | 50 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
*Nazjatar is not physically part of the Kul Tiras continent, but is accessible from Kul Tiras for Alliance characters.

Zandalar is located between the Broken Isles and Pandaria on the map of Azeroth. The continent is home to zandalari trolls and vulpera. Zandalar was added to the game with the Battle for Azeroth expansion.
Navigating Zandalar
- How to Get to Zandalar
- How to Unlock the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign & Portal Room
- How to Get to Nazjatar
Major Cities in Zandalar
The Horde hub city of Dazar’alor is located in Zuldazar. Alliance have no major cities in Zandalar.
Zones of Zandalar
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Zuldazar | 10-60 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Nazmir | 20-60 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Vol’dun | 30-60 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
Nazjatar* | 50 | Contested | Battle for Azeroth |
*Nazjatar is not physically part of the Zuldazar continent, but is accessible from Zuldazar for Horde characters.

Dragon Isles
The Dragon Isles are located in the northeast of the map of Azeroth. They are the broodlands of the dragonflights and the home of the dracthyr. The Dragon Isles were added to the game by the Dragonflight expansion. This continent is now the default leveling experience for characters from level 10-70.
Navigating Dragon Isles
- How to Get to the Dragon Isles
- How to Get to the Forbidden Reach
- How to Get to Zaralek Cavern
- How to Get to the Emerald Dream
- How to Unlock World Quests in Dragonflight
- Dragonriding Tree and All Glyph Locations
Starting Zones in the Dragon Isles
There is one starting zone in the Dragon Isles: the Forbidden Reach for evokers.
Major Cities in the Dragon Isles
The primary city for the Dragon Isles is Valdrakken, which is located within the Thadraszus zone. It is a neutral city that is accessible to both Alliance and Horde.
Zones of the Dragon Isles
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Waking Shores | 10-70 | Contested | Dragonflight |
Ohn’ahran Plains | 20-70 | Contested | Dragonflight |
Azure Span | 30-70 | Contested | Dragonflight |
Thaldraszus | 40-70 | Contested | Dragonflight |
Forbidden Reach | 70 | Contested | Dragonflight |
Zaralek Cavern | 70 | Contested | Dragonflight |
Amirdrassil | 70 | Contested | Dragonflight |
The Emerald Dream | 70 | Contested | Dragonflight |

Khaz Algar
Khaz Algar can be found in the southwest of the world map, between Kalimdor and Pandaria. On the surface this land consists only of the Isle of Dorn, with three more zones buried deep beneath it. This continent is home to the Earthen people and was added to the game in The War Within.
Navigating Khaz Algar
Starting Zones in Khaz Algar
The Earthen Allied Race starts their journey in the Khaz Algar capital city of Dornogal.
Major Cities in Dornogal
The primary city for Khaz Algar is Dornogal, which is located within the Isle of Dorn zone. It is a neutral city that is accessible to both Alliance and Horde.
Zones of Khaz Algar
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Isle of Dorn | 70-73 | Contested | The War Within |
The Ringing Deeps | 73-75 | Contested | The War Within |
Hallowfall | 75-78 | Contested | The War Within |
Azj-Kahet | 78-80 | Contested | The War Within |

Beyond Azeroth
While most of the action takes place on Azeroth, there are some other worlds and realms that you can access in the game.

Outland is the shattered remains of the world Draenor, the original home of the orcs. There is another version of Draenor in the game that exists in a parallel universe. Typically, the alternate universe version is known as Draenor while the shattered version is referred to as Outland. Outland was added to the game with the Burning Crusade expansion.
Navigating Outland
Major Cities in Outland
The primary city in Outland is Shattrath City, which is located in Terokkar Forest. It is a neutral city that is accessible to both Alliance and Horde.
Zones of Outland
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Hellfire Peninsula | 10-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |
Zangarmarsh | 10-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |
Terokkar Forest | 15-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |
Nagrand | 15-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |
Blade’s Edge Mountains | 20-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |
Netherstorm | 25-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |
Shadowmoon Valley | 25-30 | Contested | Burning Crusade |

Draenor is a parallel universe version of Outland from 35 years ago. This version of Draenor has not been shattered like Outland. Draenor was added to the game in the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
Navigating Draenor
Major Cities in Draenor
There are two main hubs in Draenor, one for each faction. Both are located in Ashran. They are:
- Stormshield (Alliance)
- Warspear (Horde)
Zones of Draenor
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
Frostfire Ridge | 10-40 | Horde | Warlords of Draenor |
Shadowmoon Valley | 10-40 | Alliance | Warlords of Draenor |
Gorgrond | 15-40 | Contested | Warlords of Draenor |
Talador | 20-40 | Contested | Warlords of Draenor |
Spires of Arak | 30-40 | Contested | Warlords of Draenor |
Nagrand | 35-40 | Contested | Warlords of Draenor |
Tanaan Jungle | 40 | Contested | Warlords of Draenor |
Ashran | 40 | Contested | Warlords of Draenor |

The Shadowlands
The Shadowlands is the realm of death in World of Warcraft. It is ruled over by the Eternal Ones. The Shadowlands was added to the game by the Shadowlands expansion.
Navigating the Shadowlands
Major Cities in The Shadowlands
The primary city in The Shadowlands is Oribos, which is its own zone in the center of the realm. It is a neutral city that is accessible to both Alliance and Horde.
Zones of The Shadowlands
Zone | Level | Faction | Expansion |
The Maw | 60 | Contested | Shadowlands |
Bastion | 10-53 | Contested | Shadowlands |
Maldraxxus | 10-55 | Contested | Shadowlands |
Ardenweald | 10-58 | Contested | Shadowlands |
Revendreth | 10-60 | Contested | Shadowlands |
Oribos | 10-60 | Contested | Shadowlands |
Zereth Mortis | 60 | Contested | Shadowlands |