Blacksmithing Guide for Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 7

Blacksmithing Guide for Season of Discovery (SoD)
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: December 16, 2024
  • Updated: January 31, 2025
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

Phase 7 of Season of Discovery retains the 300 skill cap introduced in Phase 3 for professions, allowing players to max out their crafting and gathering skills in case they haven’t already done so. For the Blacksmithing profession, you’ll be able to hammer out almost any set of plans in the game, as well as a few new craftable items that have been added for this season.

Blacksmithing Leveling & Trainers

Check out our Classic Blacksmithing Guide for trainer locations, a leveling guide, and more. Everything in that guide applies to Season of Discovery except for the level requirements for higher skill ranks (level 26 for Expert and level 41 for Artisan). There are some new recipes that are exclusive to Season of Discovery which we’ll cover in this guide, but they aren’t needed for leveling.

Learning Artisan Blacksmithing

From Phase 3 onward, players were able to level their professions all the way to 300 skill, or Artisan level – the maximum skill for Vanilla WoW.

Artisan Blacksmithing can only be learned from one specific trainer:

Blacksmithing Specialization

In Season of Discovery, Blacksmithing specializations gained a plethora of overhauled recipes, as well as many recipes that are not bound to a specific specialization. Furthermore, as of Phase 5 of Season of Discovery, players are no longer limited to a single specialization, with the developers removing the mutually exclusive limit for the profession. This change allowed players to learn all the possible Blacksmithing Specializations, Armorsmith and Weaponsmith, including the different Weaponsmithing Specializations, providing a broad spectrum of craftable items.

The way the specializations are acquired remained the same as it was back in Vanilla WoW! For a complete walkthrough to completing the quests, check out our Blacksmithing Specialization Guide.

New Blacksmithing Plans for Season of Discovery

Several new recipes have been added to the Blacksmithing profession for Season of Discovery.

Phase 7 brings some new and revamped plans for Frost Resistance gear:

Phase 6 adds many new plans to the Ahn’Qiraj raids as well as the original vanilla plans from Cenarion Circle.

Phase 5 doesn’t add any specific new recipes, instead, bringing the Zandalar Tribe recipes which were also available in Vanilla WoW:

Phase 4 adds a plethora of new recipes that can be crafted and revamped items that require materials made by specialized blacksmiths:

Phase 3 adds three new Bind-on-Pickup shoulder items to craft:

In Phase 2, there were also three brand new recipes for Season of Discovery:

There were three more Blacksmithing plans added to the game in Phase 1:

Phase 7 Blacksmithing Plans

Here are the best Blacksmithing plans you can craft in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery! We will list all of the specialization exclusives, including the new Sulfuron Hammer which is not tied to a specialization, so you’ll be able to see what you can craft before picking your first specialization. Beginning with Phase 4, players were able to access the Black Forge inside Blackrock Depths, alongside the plans that could be learned from Lokhtos Darkbargainer.

Additionally, Phase 4 introduced a plethora of revamped items that could be directly bought from Lokhtos Darkbargainer, using the items crafted by Armorsmiths and Weaponsmiths as prime materials, alongside other items that could be acquired from the Molten Core. Even more plans were introduced as drops from some bosses and specific elite mobs which were specifically tied to the Blacksmithing Specializations.

Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Revered with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Exalted with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Revered with the Argent Dawn)
Plans: Dreamscale Visor
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Obsidian Champion
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Obsidian Defender
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Obsidian Destroyer
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Obsidian Heartseeker
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Obsidian Reaver
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Obsidian Sageblade
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Obsidian Stormhammer
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Razorspike Headcage
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Razorspike Battleplate
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Plans: Heavy Obsidian Belt
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Friendly with Cenarion Circle)
Plans: Ironvine Belt
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Friendly with Cenarion Circle)
Plans: Ironvine Breastplate
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Revered with Cenarion Circle)
Plans: Ironvine Gloves
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Honored with Cenarion Circle)
Plans: Jagged Obsidian Shield
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Revered with Cenarion Circle)
Plans: Light Obsidian Belt
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Honored with Cenarion Circle)
Plans: Obsidian Mail Tunic
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Exalted with Cenarion Circle)
Plans: Sulfuron Hammer
Earned by completing the A Binding Contract quest offered by Lokhtos Darkbargainer
Masterwork Stormhammer
Weaponsmiths only
Hammer of the Titans
Weaponsmiths only
Ebon Hand
Weaponsmiths only
Dark Iron Destroyer
Weaponsmiths only
Refined Arcanite Reaper
Weaponsmiths only
Arcanite Reaper
Weaponsmiths only
Hardened Frostguard
Weaponsmiths only
Weaponsmiths only
Dark Iron Reaver
Weaponsmiths only
Weaponsmiths only
Weaponsmiths only
Black Amnesty
Weaponsmiths only
Weaponsmiths only
Weaponsmiths only
Deadly Heartseeker
Weaponsmiths only
Weaponsmiths only
Plans: Persuader
Dropped by:
World Drop, Raid Drop, Dungeon Drop
Invincible Mail
Armorsmiths only
Fiery Chain Shoulders
Armorsmiths only
Fiery Chain Girdle
Armorsmiths only
Tempest Gauntlets
Armorsmiths only
Plans: Warcrest of the Great Chief
Dropped by:
Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, Onyxia, Galenges, Lord Gazzran, Searing Infernal, Lieutenant Skarresh
Dark Iron Boots
Armorsmiths only
Dark Iron Bracers
Armorsmiths only
Dark Iron Gauntlets
Armorsmiths only
Dark Iron Helm
Armorsmiths only
Dark Iron Leggings
Armorsmiths only
Earned by completing the epic crafting quest chain for Phase 3
Earned by completing the epic crafting quest chain for Phase 3
Earned by completing the epic crafting quest chain for Phase 3
Weaponsmiths only
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Borgus Steelhand in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge
Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar
Kelgruk Bloodaxe in Orgrimmar
Phantom Blade
Weaponsmiths only
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Borgus Steelhand in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge
Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar
Kelgruk Bloodaxe in Orgrimmar
The Shatterer
Weaponsmiths only
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Borgus Steelhand in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge
Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar
Kelgruk Bloodaxe in Orgrimmar
Truesilver Breastplate
Armorsmiths only
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Grumnus Steelshaper in Ironforge
Okothos Ironrager in Orgrimmar
Shayis Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Truesilver Champion
Weaponsmiths only
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Borgus Steelhand in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge
Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar
Kelgruk Bloodaxe in Orgrimmar
Truesilver Gauntlets*
Armorsmiths only
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Grumnus Steelshaper in Ironforge
Okothos Ironrager in Orgrimmar
Shayis Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Wildthorn Mail
Armorsmiths only

Mithril Spurs

This is just one item, but it’s a universal item that anyone in the game might want, which makes it a valuable recipe for Blacksmiths.


Weapon & Shield Enhancements

Items for improving your weapon damage at any level.

Taught by Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay


These are metal rods that are used to create Enchanting rods. (Copper Rod is not made by Blacksmiths but can instead be bought from a Trade Supplies vendor.)

Taught by Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by most Blacksmithing trainers
Taught by most Blacksmithing trainers

Skeleton Keys

These keys can be used to open locked doors and chests.

Taught by Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by most Blacksmithing trainers
Taught by most Blacksmithing trainers

Grinding Stones

Grinding Stones are used as components in other Blacksmithing recipes. Here are all of the ones you can make.

Plans: Obsidian Grinding Stone
Sold by Vargus in Silithus
(Requires Friendly with Cenarion Circle)
Taught by Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by Expert, Artisan, and Master Blacksmith trainers
Taught by any Blacksmithing trainer
Taught by any Blacksmithing trainer

Lower Level Plans

These are lower level plans that may still be useful even in Phase 3. Waylaid Supplies items are marked with an asterisk (*) in any table on this page. (There is one in the top table, one in Skeleton Keys, and one in the Grinding Stones table.)

Plans: Reflective Truesilver Braincage
Sold by Ziri “The Wrench” Littlesprocket in Gnomeregan
Plans: Tempered Interference-Negating Helmet
Sold by Ziri “The Wrench” Littlesprocket in Gnomeregan
Plans: Low-Background Truesilver Plates
Sold by Ziri “The Wrench” Littlesprocket in Gnomeregan
Drink a Elixir of Coalesced Regret and talk to the Dead Twilight cultist at Zoram Strand in Ashenvale (17, 26)
Taught by most Blacksmithing trainers
Taught by Brikk Keencraft in Stranglethorn Vale
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Plans: Massive Iron Axe
Sold by:
Jaquilina Dramet in Stranglethorn Vale
Vharr in Stranglethorn Vale
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Taught by Expert, Artisan, and Master Blacksmith trainers
Taught by any Blacksmithing trainer
Taught by any Blacksmithing trainer


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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1 year ago


11 months ago

Pretty sure you can’t make the Truesilver Gauntlets as those require Armorsmith?

Reply to  Luxrah
9 months ago

You can, you can learn armor smithing this phase, it just looks like you cant do weapon specializations

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