- Author: Luxrah
- Date: April 14, 2024
- Updated: September 27, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
In Vanilla World of Warcraft, only a few professions had crafting specializations, while others like Alchemy would not see specializations until The Burning Crusade expansion. Phase 3 of Season of Discovery has changed that, adding two new quests to the game that will allow you to increase the number of potions, elixirs, and transmutations you can craft. You can even complete both of these quests on the same character, gaining the bonuses of both specializations!
Both of these quests require 275 skill, so you’ll need to learn Artisan Alchemy and level a bit before you can pick them up.
Mixology for Fun and Profit
Upon completing this quest, your Alchemy recipes will have a 30% chance to produce extra potions and elixirs!
Mixology for Fun and Profit can be picked up from Mixmaster Blix at Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris (67.0, 22.4).

The quest requires handing in the following items. We’ve listed the materials required if you want to craft them yourself, but you can also just buy them from the Auction House.
10x Elixir of Demonslaying
- Recipe: Elixir of Demonslaying is sold by:
Nina Lightbrew at Nethergarde Keep in Blasted Lands (66.8, 18.6)
Rartar at Stonard in Swamp of Sorrows (45.4, 56.9)
- Materials:
- Ghost Mushroom x10
- Gromsblood x10
- Crystal Vial x10
10x Invisibility Potion
- Recipe: Invisibility Potion is a world drop
- Materials:
- Ghost Mushroom x10
- Sungrass x10
- Crystal Vial x10
5x Elixir of the Sages
- Recipe: Elixir of the Sages is dropped by:
- Scarlet Archmage in Eastern Plaguelands
- Scarlet Cleric in Eastern Plaguelands
- Scarlet Curate in Eastern Plaguelands
- Scarlet Enchanter in Eastern Plaguelands
- Materials:
- Plaguebloom x10
- Dreamfoil x5
- Crystal Vial x5
Master of Transmutation
Completing this quest will increase the number of items you produce with your transmutation recipes.
The Master of Transmutation quest is given by Crimeon Lablade at Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris (67.0, 22.4).

This quest requires handing in 3x Arcanite Bars. This recipe has a two-day cooldown, so it will take you almost a week to make these yourself. Note that all transmutation cooldowns are shared, so if you use any of your other transmutation recipes, it will put your Arcanite Bar recipe on cooldown as well.
Below are the materials you’ll need.
3x Arcanite Bar
- Recipe: Transmute Arcanite is sold by Alchemist Pestlezugg at Gadgetzan in Tanaris (50.9, 27.0)
- Materials:
- Thorium Bar x3
- Arcane Crystal x3
Does this work with flasks too?
The essential information like the level required is missed… Very difficult to find information those days.