- Author: d3aths
- Date: June 15, 2019
- Updated: August 2, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Ragefire Chasm
Horde Quests

Testing an Enemy’s Strength
Shareable. Given from Rauharo at Thunderbluff’s Elder Rise from level 9. Turn in at Rauharo.
Rewards: 7s,1050 exp, +100 rep with Thunderbluff

Searching for the Lost Satchel
Shareable. Given from Rahauro at Thunderbluff’s Elder Rise from level 9. Turn in at Maur Grimtotem’s corpse.
Rewards: 880 exp

Returning the Lost Satchel
Chain. Given from Maur Grimtotem‘s corpse. Turn in at Rauharo in Thunderbluff.
Rewards: Pick one of: Featherbead Bracers, Savannah Bracers, 1450 exp, +150 rep with Thunderbluff

Slaying the Beast
Shareable. Given from Neeru Fireblade at the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar from level 9. Turn in at Neeru Fireblade.
Rewards: 8s, 1150 exp

The Power to Destroy…
Shareable. Given from Varimathras in Royal Quarter of the Undercity from level 9. Turn in at Varimathras.
Rewards: Pick one of: Ghastly Trousers, Dredgemire Leggings, Gargoyle Leggings, 1450 exp, +150 rep with Undercity

Hidden Enemies
Chain. Given from Thrall in the Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar, from level 9. Turn in at Thrall.
-The first quest of this chain is Hidden Enemies which is also picked up from Thrall.
Rewards: 8s, 1150 exp, +100 rep with Org
If you continue the quest chain after, you also get to pick from these: Kris of Orgrimmar, Hammer of Orgrimmar, Axe of Orgrimmar, Staff of Orgrimmar, 1450 exp, +150 rep with Org
Alliance Quests

Collecting Memories
Shareable. Given from Wilder Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District of Stormwind from level 14. Turn in at Wilder Thistlenettle.
-The quest mobs for this are outside the deadmines instance.
Rewards: Pick one of: Tunneler’s Boots, Dusty Mining Gloves, 1350 exp, +100 rep with Ironforge

Oh Brother. . .
Shareable. Given from Wilder Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District of Stormwind from level 14. Turn in at Wilder Thistlenettle.
-The quest mob for this is an elite outside the deadmines instance.
Rewards: Miner’s Revenge, 1550 exp, +100 rep with Ironforge

Underground Assault
Shareable. Given from Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District of Stormwind from level 15. Turn in at Shoni the Shilent.
-There is a breadcrumb quest that leads to this, Speak with Shoni which also requires level 15, given from Gnoarn in Ironforge’s Tinker Town. It rewards 270 exp and +25 rep with Gnomeregan.
Rewards: Pick one of: Polar Gauntlets, Sable Wand, 1550 exp, +100 rep with Stormwind, +100 rep with Gnomeregan.

The Unsent Letter
Not shareable. Given from item An Unsent Letter. Dropped by Edwin VanCleef in Deadmines. Turn in at Baros Alexston in Stormwind’s Cathedral Square.
-This quest starts a chain which leads up to another dungeon quest in Stockades later on.
Rewards: 7s, 870 exp, +50 rep with Stormwind.

Red Silk Bandanas
Chain. Given by Scout Riell at Sentinel Hill in Westfall from level 14. Turn in at Scout Riell.
-To be eligible for this quest you must have completed The Defias Brotherhood chain up until having escorted the Defias Traitor to the hideout, and turning that quest in. The very first Defias chain quest can be started from Gryan Stoutmantle in Sentinel Hill at level 14.
Rewards: Pick one of: Solid Shortblade, Scrimshaw Dagger, Piercing Axe, 1250 exp, +100 rep with Stormwind

The Defias Brotherhood
Chain. Given by Gryan Stoutmantle in Sentinel Hill. Turn in at Gryan Stoutmantle.
-The first quest in this chain is The Defias Brotherhood given by the same NPC.
Rewards: Pick one of: Chausses of Westfall, Tunic of Westfall, Staff of Westfall, 2600 exp, +200 rep with Stormwind
Wailing Caverns
Horde Quests

Shareable. Given by Apothecary Zamah in the Pools of Vision, Spirit Rise, Thunderbluff, from level 14. Turn in at Apothecary Zamah.
Rewards: Apothecary Gloves, 20s, 1700 exp, +150 rep with Undercity

Leaders of the Fang
Chain. Given by Nara Wildmane at Elder Rise, Thunderbluff from level 10. Turn in at Nara Wildmane.
– Requires the completion of The Forgotten Pools quest chain from Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads. When he offers two quests to you, take Hamuul Runetotem and go from there, you do not need to complete the other quest he offers to get the leaders of the fang.
Rewards: Pick one of: Crescent Staff, Wingblade, 2200 exp, +150 rep with Thunder Bluff
Neutral Quests

Smart Drinks
Chain. Given by Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet from level 13. Turn in to Mebok Mizzyrix.
– Requires completion of Raptor Horns from the same NPC.
Rewards: 10s, 1350 exp, +100 rep with Ratchet

Trouble at the Docks
Shareable. Given by Crane Operator Bigglefuzz in Ratchet from level 14. Turn in to Crane Operator Bigglefuzz.
– The quest mob is found outside the instance in stealth at several spawn points, may need to check around for him.
Rewards: 10s, 1350 exp, +100 rep with Ratchet

Deviate Hides
Shareable. Given by Nalpak above the entrance to wailing caverns, from level 13. Turn in to Nalpak.
– The questgivers can be accessed from going up the mountain and down the path leading directly on top of the caves, requires you to carefully jump into the eyesocket of the skull-like entrance to get to them.
Rewards: Pick one of: Slick Deviate Leggings, Deviate Hide Pack, 18s, 1600 exp

Deviate Eradication
Shareable. Given by Ebru above the entrance to wailing caverns, from level 15. Turn in to Ebru.
– The questgivers can be accessed from going up the mountain and down the path leading directly on top of the caves, requires you to carefully jump into the eyesocket of the skull-like entrance to get to them.
Rewards: Pick one of: Pattern: Deviate Scale Belt, Sizzle Stick, Dagmire Gauntlets, 25s, 2050 exp

The Glowing Shard
Not shareable. Given from Glowing Shard dropped by Mutanus the Devourer. Turn in to Falla Sagewind who lives in a hut on top of the wailing caverns mountain.
– In order to be able to complete this quest at Falla Sagewind, you must first talk to Sputtervalve in Ratchet. He does not have a turn in question mark above him.
Rewards: 2650 exp
If you continue the quest chain after this, you can pick from: Talbar Mantle or Quagmire Galoshes. 2000 exp, +100 rep with Thunder Bluff or Darnassus
Shadowfang Keep
Horde Quests

Deathstalkers in Shadowfang
Shareable. Given by High Executor Hadrec in The Sepulcher from level 18. Turn in at Deathstalker Vincent.
Rewards: Ghostly Mantle, 18s, 2000 exp, +100 rep with Undercity

The Book of Ur
Shareable. Given by Keeper Bel’dugur in The Apothecarium in the Undercity from level 16. Turn in at Keeper Bel’dugur.
Rewards: Pick one of: Grizzled Boots, Steel-clasped Bracers, 2100 exp, +100 rep with Undercity

Arugal Must Die
Shareable. Given by Dalar Dawnweaver in The Sepulcher from level 18. Turn in at Dalar Dawnweaver.
Rewards: Seal of Sylvanas, 3300 exp, +200 rep with Undercity
Alliance Quests

What Comes Around…
Shareable. Given by Guard Berton in Lakeshire, from level 22. Turn in at Guard Berton.
Rewards: Pick one of: Lucine Longsword, Hardened Root Staff, 2000 exp, +100 rep with Stormwind

Crime and Punishment
Shareable. Given by Councilman Millstipe in Darkshire, from level 22. Turn in at Councilman Millstipe.
Rewards: Pick one of: Ambassador’s Boots, Darkshire Mail Leggings, 2100 exp, +100 rep with Stormwind

Quell The Uprising
Shareable. Given by Warden Thelwater in Stormwind, outside the Stockades entrance, from level 22. Turn in at Warden Thelwater.
Rewards: 40s, 2650 exp, +150 rep with Stormwind

The Color of Blood
Shareable. Given by Nikova Raskol in Old Town, Stormwind, from level 22. Turn in at Nikova Raskol.
Rewards: 40s, 2650 exp, +150 rep with Stormwind

The Fury Runs Deep
Chain. Given by Motley Garmason at Dun Modr, Wetlands, from level 22. Turn in at Motley Garmason.
-You have to complete the same NPC’s prequest The Dark Iron War before picking up the fury runs deep. It requires level 25 and rewards 25s, 2450 exp, +100 rep with Ironforge.
Rewards: Pick one of: Belt of Vindication, Headbasher, 2750 exp, +150 rep with Ironforge

The Stockade Riots
Chain. Given by Warden Thelwater outside the Stockades in Stormwind, from level 16. Turn in at Warden Thelwater.
-This is a part of the chain from Deadmines that started with An Unsent Letter, a drop from VanCleef.
Rewards: 25s, 2350 exp, +100 rep with Stormwind
Blackfathom Deeps
Horde Quests

The Essence of Aku’Mai
Shareable. Given by Je’neu Sancrea at The Zoram Strand from level 17. Turn in at Je’neu Sancrea.
-These can be found growing on the cavern walls outside the instance.
-There is a breadcrumb quest, Trouble in the Deeps before this one that you can pick up from Tsunaman at Sunrock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains. It rewards 440 exp and +25 rep with Darkspear Trolls
Rewards: 14s, 1750 exp, +100 rep with Darkspear Trolls

Amongst the Ruins
Shareable. Given by Je’neu Sancrea at The Zoram Strand from level 21. Turn in at Je’neu Sancrea.
-Click on a standing stone underwater in the instance, which spawns a boss. After you kill him, each party member must then click the stone to grab it.
Rewards: 45s, 2750 exp, +150 rep with Darkspear Trolls

Baron Aquanis
Not Shareable. Given from Strange Water Globe 100% drop rate from Baron Aquanis. Turn in at Je’neu Sancrea.
Rewards: Pick one of: Outlaw Sabre, Witch’s Finger, 3050 exp, +150 rep with Darkspear Trolls

Allegiance to the Old Gods
Chain. Given by Je’neu Sancrea at The Zoram Strand from level 21. Turn in at Je’neu Sancrea.
-To get this quest you must first get the item Damp Note in the caves outside the instance. This will give you Allegiance to the Old Gods which you then need to return to the Zoram Strand camp before you can get the quest for inside the instance.
Rewards: Pick one of: Band of the Fist, Chestnut Mantle, 40s, 2650 exp, +150 rep with Darkspear Trolls

Blackfathom Villainy
Shareable. Given by Argent Guard Thaelrid inside the dungeon in one of the coves of water near the turtle boss from level 18. Turn in to Bashana Runetotem at Thunder Bluff’s Elder rise.
Rewards: Pick one of: Gravestone Scepter, Arctic Buckler, 65s, 3300 exp, +200 rep with Argent Dawn, +200 rep with Thunder Bluff
Alliance Quests

Knowledge in the Deeps
Shareable. Given by Gerrig Bonegrip at The Forlorn Caverns in Ironforge from level 10. Turn in at Gerrig Bonegrip.
Rewards: Sustaining Ring, 2750 exp, +50 rep with Ironforge

Twilight Falls
Shareable. Given by Argent Guard Manados at Craftsmans Terrace in Darnassus from level 20. Turn in at Argent Guard Manados.
Rewards: Pick one of: Nimbus Boots, Heartwood Girdle, 2550 exp, +150 rep with Argent Dawn, +150 rep with Darnassus

Researching the Corruption
Shareable. Given by Gershala Nightwhisper at Auberdine from level 18. Turn in at Gershala Nightwhisper.
-There is a breadcrumb quest, The Corruption Abroad before this one that you can pick up from Argos Nightwhisper at the Park in Stormwind. It rewards 1450 exp and +75 rep with Darnassus
Rewards: Pick one of: Beetle Clasps, Prelacy Cape, 35s, 2400 exp, +150 rep with Darnassus

The Zoram Strand
Shareable. Given by Shindrell Swiftfire in Astranaar from level 14. Turn in at Shindrell Swiftfire.
-This is not actually a dungeon quest but since you’ll be smashing out the naga you may as well get this one.
Rewards: 11s, 1450 exp, +100 rep with Darnassus

Blackfathom Villainy
Shareable. Given by Argent Guard Thaelrid inside the dungeon in one of the coves of water near the turtle boss from level 18. Turn in to Dawnwatcher Selgorm at Craftsmans Terrace in Darnassus.
Rewards: Pick one of: Gravestone Scepter, Arctic Buckler, 65s, 3300 exp, +200 rep with Argent Dawn, +200 rep with Darnassus
Neutral Quests

In Search of Thaelrid
Shareable. Given by Dawnwatcher Shaedlass at the Craftsmens Terrace in Darnassus from level 18. Turn in at Argent Guard Thaelrid inside the dungeon.
-Despite this quest being located in Darnassus, both Horde and Alliance characters can accept and complete it, since it’s given by the Argent Dawn.
Rewards: 2400 exp, +150 rep with Argent Dawn, +150 rep with Darnassus (alliance only)
Razorfen Kraul
Horde Quests

Going, Going, Guano!
Shareable. Given by Master Apothecary Faranell at the Apothecarium in Undercity, from level 30. Turn in at Master Apothecary Faranell.
-You need to finish this quest to get one for Scarlet Monastery later.
Rewards: 3300 exp, +150 rep with Undercity

A Vengeful Fate
Shareable. Given by Auld Stonespire at the main area with the lake in Thunderbluff, from level 29. Turn in at Auld Stonespire.
Rewards: Pick one of: Berylline Pads, Stonefist Girdle, Marbled Buckler, 4050 exp, +200 rep with Thunderbluff

An Unholy Alliance
Not shareable. Given from Small Scroll dropped by Charlga Razorflank. Requires level 28. Turn in at Varimathras in the Undercity.
-This quest starts a chain for another dungeon quest in Razorfen Downs later.
Rewards: 40s, 2800 exp
Alliance Quests

Mortality Wanes
Shareable. Given by Heralath Fallowbrook inside the dungeon in the tent with the escort quest from level 25. Turn in at Treshala Fallowbrook in Darnassus.
-Item drops randomly off Quilboar inside the dungeon.
Rewards: Pick one of: Mourning Shawl, Lancer Boots, 3050 exp, +150 rep with Darnassus

The Crone of the Kraul
Chain. Given by Falfindel Waywarder at Thalanaar, on the border of Feralas and Thousand Needles from level 29. Turn in at Falfindel Waywarder.
-The first quest that needs to be completed to pick up this one is Lonebrow’s Journal, which starts at Henrig Lonebrow’s Journal beside the body of a dead dwarf, at the bottom of the Great Lift, Thousand Needles.
Rewards:“Mage-Eye” Blunderbuss, Pick one of: Berylline Pads, Stonefist Girdle, Marbled Buckler, 3350 exp
Neutral Quests

Blueleaf Tubers
Not shareable. Given by Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet from level 20. Turn in at Mebok Mizzyrix.
-Make sure you pick up all the items from his table.
Rewards:A Small Container of Gems, 2100 exp, +100 rep with Ratchet

Willix the Importer
Not shareable. Given by Willix the Importer after killing the final boss and jumping down into the trench, in a tent nearby, from level 22. Turn in at Willix the Importer.
-If you stray too far away from him you will fail. Make sure to wait for it to mark off before you exit the instance as you turn it in right in front of the portal. He will not be there if you accidentally leave.
Rewards: Pick one of: Monkey Ring, Snake Hoop, Tiger Band, 3050 exp, +150 rep with Ratchet
Horde Quests

Rig Wars
Not shareable. Given by Nogg the engineering trainer at the Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar from level 25. Turn in at Nogg.
-Make sure you unlock the chest at the back of the end boss room to get the second item.
Rewards: Pick one of: Civinad Robes, Triprunner Dungarees, Dual Reinforced Leggings, 2750 exp, +100 rep with Orgrimmar

Chief Engineer Scooty
Shareable. Given by Sovik the engineering trainer at the Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar from level 20. Turn in at Scooty in Booty Bay.
-This is a breadcrumb quest to be able to use gnomer teleporter for horde. You must also take rig wars before this quest is offered. Followup quest is

Gnomer-gooooone! where you are given an item that allows you to step into the teleporter and go to Gnomeregan.
Rewards: 280 exp
Alliance Quests

Save Techbot’s Brain!
Shareable. Given by Tinkmaster Overspark in Tinker Town, Ironforge from level 20. Turn in at Tinkmaster Overspark.
-The quest mob is an elite that can be found outside the instance.
-There is a breadcrumb quest you can take before this one,

Tinkmaster Overspark from Brother Sarno in Stormwind’s Cathedral, which rewards you 210 exp and +25 rep with Gnomeregan.
Rewards: 20s, 2650 exp, +150 rep with Gnomeregan

Not Shareable. Given by Ozzie Togglevolt in Kharanos, Dun Morogh from level 20. Turn in at Ozzie Togglevolt.
-Breadcrumb quest The Day After leads to this. Pickup from Gnoarn in Tinker Town, Ironforge. Rewards you with 220 exp and +10 rep with Gnomeregan.
Rewards: 22s, 2200 exp, +100 rep with Gnomeregan

The Only Cure is More Green Glow
Chain. Given by Ozzie Togglevolt in Kharanos, Dun Morogh from level 20. Turn in at Ozzie Togglevolt.
-Complete previous quest to get this one
Rewards: 25s, 2450 exp

Data Rescue
Shareable. Given by Master Mechanic Castpipe in Ironforge’s Tinker Town from level 25. Turn in at Master Mechanic Castpipe.
-Initial card drops from random mobs outside instance.
-Make sure you use the first matrix machine before going in, which is outside the instance.
-If you have cartographer the locations are marked on the map, otherwise keep an eyeout for the machines as you follow the dungeon
Rewards:Repairman’s Cape, Mechanic’s Pipehammer, 25s, 3650 exp, +200 rep with Gnomeregan

Essential Artificials
Shareable. Given by Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge’s Tinker Town from level 24. Turn in at Klockmort Spannerspan.
Rewards: 55s, 3050 exp, +150 rep with Gnomeregan

Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators
Shareable. Given by Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District of Stormwind from level 20. Turn in at Shoni the Shilent.
Rewards: Pick one of: Shoni’s Disarming Tool, Shilly Mitts, 2450 exp, +100 rep with Gnomeregan, +100 rep with Stormwind

The Grand Betrayal
Shareable. Given by High Tinker Mekkatorque in Tinker Town, Ironforge from level 25. Turn in at High Tinker Mekkatorque.
Rewards: Pick one of: Civinad Robes, Triprunner Dungarees, Dual Reinforced Leggings, 35s, 2750 exp, +100 rep with Gnomeregan
Neutral Quests

A Fine Mess
Not shareable. Given by Kernobee inside the dungeon from level 20. Turn in at Scooty in Booty Bay.
-This can be a rather difficult quest as you have a time limit to escort him to the exit before a bomb goes off and kills him, failing the quest. Make sure you have completed the dungeon and cleared all the mobs from his location up through the clean room. He will join in combat and can be killed easily, also failing the quest.
-Lead him to the front entrance to complete
Rewards: Pick one of: Fire-welded Bracers, Fairywing Mantle, 2450 exp
Scarlet Monastery
Horde Quests

Hearts of Zeal
Chain. Given by Master Apothecary Faranell in the Apothecarium, Undercity from level 30. Turn in at Master Apothecary Faranell.
-The pre-req for this quest is Going, Going, Guano! in Razorfen Kraul.
-Items can be gotten from inside or outside instance
Rewards: 3300 exp, +150 rep with Undercity

Compendium of the Fallen
Shareable. Given by Sage Truthseeker at the main area of Thunderbluff from level 28. Turn in at Sage Truthseeker.
-Available to all horde characters except for undead
-Can be found in SM Library
Rewards: Pick one of: Vile Protector, Forcestone Buckler, Omega Orb, 3550 exp, +150 rep with Thunderbluff

Into The Scarlet Monastery
Shareable. Given by Varimathras in the Royal Quarter of Undercity from level 33. Turn in at Varimathras.
-Need to kill bosses from Library, Armory, and Cathedral
Rewards: Pick one of: Sword of Omen, Prophetic Cane, Dragon’s Blood Necklace, 5150 exp, +200 rep with Undercity

Vorrel’s Revenge
Shareable. Given by Vorrel Sengutz inside SM Graveyard from level 25. Turn in at Monika Sengutz at Tarren Mill.
-This involves travelling to Lordamere Lake, Alterac Mountains, killing two level 33 elite mobs, one of whom will drop the quest item.
Rewards:Vorrel’s Boots, Pick one of: Mantle of Woe, Grimsteel Cape, 3300 exp, +150 rep with Undercity

Test of Lore
Chain. Given by Parqual Fintallas at the Apothecarium in Undercity from level 25. Turn in at Parqual Fintallas.
-This is a very long chain of quests starting with Test of Faith given from Dorn Plainstalker in a cave in Thousand Needles.
Rewards: 2100 exp, +75 rep with Undercity
Continuing the chain after gives you a choice of Windstorm Hammer or Dancing Flame , as well as 4200 exp and +200 rep with the Horde
Alliance Quests

In the Name of the Light
Chain. Given by Raleigh the Devout inside the inn at Southshore from level 34. Turn in at Raleigh the Devout.
-Need to kill bosses from Library, Armory, and Cathedral
-The first quest of this chain is Brother Anton which you can find from Brother Crowley in Stormwind Cathedral. It involves travelling to Desolace and killing a bunch of mobs
Rewards: Pick one of: Sword of Serenity, Bonebiter, Black Menace, Orb of Lorica, 4700 exp, +200 rep with Stormwind

Mythology of the Titans
Shareable. Given by Librarian Mae Paledust at the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge from level 28. Turn in at Librarian Mae Paledust.
-Found in SM Library
Rewards: Explorers’ League Commendation, 3550 exp, +150 rep with Ironforge
Razorfen Downs
Horde Quests

An Unholy Alliance
Chain. Given by Varimathras at the Royal Quarter in Undercity from level 28. Turn in at Varimathras.
-The pre-req for this is the RFK quest An Unholy Alliance from an item dropped by the last boss there.
-The quest mob is an elite spawned randomly outside the instance.
Rewards: Pick one of: Skullbreaker, Nail Spitter, Zealot’s Robe, 20s, 3500 exp

Bring the End
Shareable. Given by Andrew Brownell at the Magic Quarter, Undercity from level 37. Turn in at Andrew Brownell.
Rewards: Vanquisher’s Sword, Amberglow Talisman, 4300 exp, +150 rep with Undercity
Alliance Quests

Bring the Light
Not shareable. Given by Archbishop Benedictus at the Cathedral in Stormwind from level 39. Turn in at Archbishop Benedictus.
Rewards: Vanquisher’s Sword, Amberglow Talisman, 4300 exp, +150 rep with Stormwind
Neutral Quests

A Host of Evil
Shareable. Given by Myriam Moonsinger on a hill outside the instance from level 28. Turn in at Myriam Moonsinger.
-Mobs can be found outside the instance.
Rewards: 75s, 3450 exp

Scourge of the Downs
Not shareable. Given by Belnistrasz in a prison cell inside the instance from level 32. Turn in at Belnistrasz.
-Make sure all group members have accepted and turned in this quest before starting the next one
Rewards: 290 exp

Extinguishing the Idol
Not shareable. Given by Belnistrasz in a prison cell inside the instance from level 32. Turn in at Belnistrasz’s Brazier.
-Can be safely started once everyone has completed the previous quest
-Escort the NPC and protect him from waves of mobs
Rewards: Dragonclaw Ring, 4250 exp
Horde Quests

Uldaman Reagent Run
Chain. Given by Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath, Badlands from level 36. Turn in at Jarkal Mossmeld.
-Need to complete

Badlands Reagent Run before getting this one
Rewards: 5 Restorative Potion, 55s, 3450 exp, +100 rep with Darkspear Trolls

Reclaimed Treasures
Shareable. Given by Patrick Garrett in the main area of Undercity from level 33. Turn in at Patrick Garrett.
-The chest is outside the instance
Rewards: 60s, 3600 exp, +100 rep with Undercity

Necklace Recovery
Chain. Given by Dran Droffers at The Drag, Orgrimmar from level 37. Turn in at Dran Droffers.
-You need the Shattered Necklace before getting this quest. You cannot use the quest item, instead you have to go to Dran Droffers.
-This is a long chain that involves finding a drop Shattered Necklace from Shadowforge dwarves inside or outside the instance, going back to Orgrimmar, going to Uldaman to find Remains of a Paladin, leaving the dungeon to turn in at Kargath, returning to Uldaman a second time to find some gems and kill the end boss, back to Org, then back to Badlands.
Rewards in total for the whole chain: Jarkal’s Enhancing Necklace, 1g 25s, 19550 exp, +225 rep with Orgrimmar, 450 rep with Darkspear Trolls
Alliance Quests

The Shattered Necklace
Chain. Given from Shattered Necklace which drops from Shadowforge Dwarves inside or outside the instance, req level 37 for final quest. Turn in at Talvash del Kissel in the Mystic Ward, Ironforge.
-You need to bring 5 Silver Bar to the NPC you complete this quest at. He then gives you another quest to go inside Uldaman and find Remains of a Paladin. You should be able to finish this in one dungeon run as you can turn in the quests as you complete them by using Talvash’s Phial of Scrying while still inside the dungeon.
Rewards in total for the whole chain: Talvash’s Enhancing Necklace, 22400 exp, +575 rep with Gnomeregan

Uldaman Reagent Run
Chain. Given by Ghak Healtouch at Thelsamar, Loch Modan from level 38. Turn in at Ghak Healtouch.
-You must complete Badlands Reagent Run from the same NPC before being able to get this quest
Rewards: 5 Restorative Potion, 55s, 3450 exp, +100 rep with Ironforge

Reclaimed Treasures
Shareable. Given by Krom Stoutarm in the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge from level 33. Turn in at Krom Stoutarm.
-The chest is outside the instance
Rewards: 60s, 3600 exp, +100 rep with Ironforge

Amulet of Secrets
Chain. Given by Hammertoe Grez inside Uldaman but outside the instance from level 35. Turn in at Hammertoe Grez.
-The quest chain A Sign of Hope needs to be completed beforehand. It can be started from Crumpled Map at Hammertoe’s Digsite in Badlands.
-You have to kill an elite outside the instance for the amulet to drop.
Rewards: 3150 exp, +250 rep with Ironforge

The Lost Tablets of Will
Chain. Given by Advisor Belgrum in the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge from level 35. Turn in at Advisor Belgrum.
-Quest item can be found next to the boss Galgan Firehammer inside Uldaman
-This requires finishing the chain you just did after amulet of secrets. You should end up with Passing Word of a Threat that sends you to Advisor Belgrum, he will eventually give you An Ambassador of Evil that involves killing a level 42 elite in Angor Fortress, which rewards you with Dwarf Captain’s Sword, 1g 25s, 4650 exp, +350 rep with Ironforge. Then finally he offers this quest.
Rewards: Medal of Courage 1g 30s, 5850 exp, +250 rep with Ironforge

The Lost Dwarves
Shareable. Given by Prospector Stormpike at the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge from level 35. Turn in at Baelog inside Uldaman.
Rewards: 5s, 320 exp

The Hidden Chamber
Chain. Given by Baelog inside Uldaman from level 35. Turn in at Prospector Stormpike at the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge.
-You need to open the chest by Baelog to get a Gni’kiv Medallion, then combine it with The Shaft of Tsol to form a Staff of Prehistoria and use it in the machine above that structure of a miniature town. This will spawn a boss which you need to kill then enter the chamber she came out of, to complete the quest.
Rewards: Pick one of: Dwarven Charge, Explorer’s League Lodestar, 3900 exp, +150 rep with Ironforge

Agmond’s Fate
Chain. Given by Prospector Ironband at Ironhand’s Excavation Site in Loch Modan from level 30. Turn in at Prospector Ironband.
-Need to complete the chain starting with Ironband Wants You! from Prospector Stormpike in the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge.
Rewards: Prospector Gloves, 2850 exp, +100 rep with Ironforge
Neutral Quests

Solution to Doom
Shareable. Given by Theldurin the Lost in Badlands from level 30. Turn in at Theldurin the Lost.
-Quest item is in a chest outside the instance
Rewards: Doomsayer’s Robe, 3150 exp

The Platinum Discs
Not Shareable. Given by The Discs of Norgannon in the final treasure chamber of Uldaman from level 40. Turn in at the Discs of Norgannon.
Rewards: 4200 exp

The Platinum Discs
Chain. Given by The Discs of Norgannon in the final treasure chamber of Uldaman from level 40. Turn in at Sage Truthseeker in the main area of Thunderbluff.
Rewards: 75s, 6690 exp (needs to be checked if correct)

The Platinum Discs
Chain. Given by Sage Truthseeker at Thunderbluff from level 40. Turn in at Bena Winterhoof in Thunderbluff.
Rewards:Thawpelt Sack, Pick one of: Superior Healing Potion, Greater Mana Potion, 420 exp, +10 rep with Thunderbluff

The Platinum Discs
Chain. Given by The Discs of Norgannon in the final treasure chamber of Uldaman from level 40. Turn in at High Explorer Magellas in the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge.
Rewards: 5250 exp, +150 rep with Ironforge

The Platinum Discs
Chain. Given by High Explorer Magellas in the Hall of Explorers, Ironforge from level 40. Turn in at Dinita Stonemantle in the Vault of Ironforge.
Rewards:Thawpelt Sack, Pick one of: Superior Healing Potion, Greater Mana Potion, 420 exp
Horde Quests

The Spider God
Chain. Given by Master Gadrin at Sen’jin Village, Durotar from level 40. Turn in at Master Gadrin.
-The quest series to get it starts with Venom Bottles which you can pick up from picking up a green Venom Bottle that spawns randomly at the troll camps around Hinterlands.
Rewards: 5850 exp, +500 rep with Darkspear Trolls
The total reward for completing the full chain of these quests continuing on from the Spider God is 33150 exp, +1100 rep with Undercity, +650 rep with Darkspear Trolls, 2g 50s, picking one of Royal Highmark Vestments, Honorguard Chestpiece, Aegis of Battle
Alliance Quests

Nekrum’s Medallion
Chain. Given by Thadius Grimshade at Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands from level 40. Turn in at Thadius Grimshade.
-The quest series to get it starts with Witherbark Cages from Gryphon Master Talonaxe at Aerie Peak, Hinterlands.
Rewards: 70s, 6300 exp, +500 rep with Ironforge

The Brassbolts Brothers
Shareable. Given by Klockmort Spannerspan in Tinker Town, Ironforge from level 40. Turn in at Wizzle Brassbolts, Shimmering Flats.
-This is an alliance only breadcrumb quest that leads to Gahz’rilla.
Rewards: 410 exp
Neutral Quests

Shareable. Given by Wizzle Brassbolts at Shimmering Flats, from level 40. Turn in at Wizzle Brassbolts.
-Need to have a party member with Mallet of Zul’Farrak to summon the boss
Rewards: Carrot on a Stick, 70s, 7100 exp

The Prophecy of Mosh’aru
Chain. Given by Yeh’kinya at Steamweedle Port, Tanaris, from level 40. Turn in at Yeh’kinya.
-You must complete Screecher Spirits in order to get this quest.
-This is only the second step of a long chain that leads you to Sunken Temple and Blackrock Spire, netting a whopping 79850 exp all up and a couple of blues along the way, so it’s worth doing the entire thing
Rewards: 5250 exp

Scarab Shells
Shareable. Given by Tran’rek at Gadgetzan, from level 40. Turn in at Tran’rek.
-There’s a breadcrumb quest, Tran’rek that you can pickup from Krazek in Booty Bay, which rewards 390 exp, +25 rep with Gadgetzan
Rewards: 65s, 3900 exp, +100 rep with Gadgetzan

Troll Temper
Shareable. Given by Trenton Lighthammer at Gadgetzan, from level 40. Turn in at Trenton Lighthammer.
Rewards: 1g 95s, 3900 exp

Tiara of the Deep
Shareable. Given by Tabetha at her hut in Dustwallow Marsh, from level 40. Turn in at Tabetha.
-There is a breadcrumb quest Tabetha’s Task given by any Mage Trainers in cities that leads you to Tabetha and gives 410 exp as a reward.
Rewards: Spellshifter Rod, Gemshale Pauldrons, 65s, 6050 exp

Divino-matic Rod
Shareable. Given by Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle at Gadgetzan, from level 40. Turn in at Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle.
Rewards: Pick one of: Masons Fraternity Ring, Engineer’s Guild Headpiece, 6300 exp, +200 rep with Gadgetzan
Horde Quests

Shadowshard Fragments
Shareable. Given by Uthel’nay at the Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar from level 39. Turn in at Uthel’nay.
-Quest mobs are outside the instance
Rewards: Pick one of: Zealous Shadowshard Pendant, Prodigious Shadowshard Pendant, 3450 exp, +150 rep with Darkspear Trolls

Vyletongue Corruption
Not shareable. Given by Vark Battlescar at Shadowprey Village, Desolace, from level 41. Turn in at Vark Battlescar.
-Spawns elite mob when you use the vial
Rewards: Pick one of: Woodseed Hoop, Sagebrush Girdle, Branchclaw Gauntlets, 6300 exp

Corruption of Earth and Seed
Shareable. Given by Selendra outside Shadowprey Village, Desolace, from level 45. Turn in at Selendra.
Rewards: Pick one of: Thrash Blade, Resurgence Rod, Verdant Keeper’s Aim, 7350 exp. +500 rep with Cenarion Circle
Alliance Quests

Shadowshard Fragments
Shareable. Given by Archmage Tervosh in Theramore from level 39. Turn in at Archmage Tervosh.
-Quest mobs are outside the instance
Rewards: Pick one of: Zealous Shadowshard Pendant, Prodigious Shadowshard Pendant, 3450 exp, +150 rep with Stormwind

Corruption of Earth and Seed
Shareable. Given by Keeper Marandis at Nijel’s Point, Desolace, from level 45. Turn in at Keeper Marandis.
Rewards: Pick one of: Thrash Blade, Resurgence Rod, Verdant Keeper’s Aim, 7350 exp. +500 rep with Cenarion Circle

Vyletongue Corruption
Not shareable. Given by Talendria at Nijel’s Point, Desolace, from level 41. Turn in at Talendria.
-Spawns elite mob when you use the vial
Rewards: Pick one of: Woodseed Hoop, Sagebrush Girdle, Branchclaw Gauntlets, 6300 exp
Neutral Quests

Twisted Evils
Shareable. Given by Willow at Kormek’s Hut near Thunderaxe Fortress, Desolace, from level 41. Turn in at Willow.
Rewards: Pick one of: Acumen Robes, Sprightring Helm, Relentless Chain, Hulkstone Pauldrons, 6300 exp

Legends of Maraudon
Shareable. Given by Cavindra in the caves outside the instance from level 41. Turn in at Celebras the Redeemed who spawns inside the dungeon once you kill Celebras the Cursed
-You must kill Noxxion and Lord Vyletongue for quest items before you kill Celebras.
Rewards: Pick one of: Acumen Robes, Sprightring Helm, Relentless Chain, Hulkstone Pauldrons, 6300 exp

The Scepter of Celebras
Chain. Given by Celebras the Redeemed after you complete the previous quest from level 41. Turn in at Celebras the Redeemed.
Rewards: Scepter of Celebras, 5700 exp

The Pariah’s Instructions
Not shareable. Given by Centaur Pariah patrols around the area south of Mannoroc Coven, Desolace from level 39. Turn in at Centaur Pariah.
-You need to find and kill The Nameless Prophet who spawns in the caves of Maraudon but outside the instance. He will drop Amulet of Spirits which you need to use on the Khans to attack them. 3 Khans can be found in the caves outside, while 2 more are inside the instance itself.
Rewards: Mark of the Chosen, Amulet of Spirits, 1g 40s, 5450 exp
Sunken Temple
Horde Quests

The Temple of Atal’Hakkar
Chain. Given by Fel’zerul at Stonard, from level 38. Turn in at Fel’Zerul.
-You must start the chain Pool of Tears and continue until you get this one
Rewards:Guardian Talisman 7100 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar

Zapper Fuel
Chain. Given by Liv Rizzlefix in Ratchet, from level 47. Turn in at Larion, Marshal’s Refuge, Un’goro.
-The pre-req for this is Larion and Muigin and then Marvon’s workshop, picked up from Larion.
Rewards: 5100 exp

The Sunken Temple
Shareable. Given by Witch Doctor Uzer’i at Camp Mojache, Feralas, from level 46. Turn in at Marvon Rivetseeker, at the Broken Pillar, Middle of Tanaris desert.
-This is the Horde starter for a chain that you can find in neutral section
Rewards: 3650 exp
Alliance Quests

Into The Temple of Atal’Hakkar
Chain. Given by Brohann Caskbelly at the Dwarven District, Stormwind, from level 38. Turn in at Brohann Caskbelly.
-You must start the chain In Search of The Temple from the same NPC which is fairly long and will send you all over, to eventually get this one.
Rewards:Guardian Talisman 7100 exp, +500 rep with Ironforge

Haze of Evil
Chain. Given by Gregan Brewspewer near the Twin Colossals, Feralas, from level 47. Turn in at Muigin, Marshal’s Refuge, Un’goro.
-The pre-req for this is Muigin and Larion and then a Visit to Gregan, picked up from Muigin.
Rewards: 75s, 7600 exp

The Sunken Temple
Shareable. Given by Angelas Moonbreeze at Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas, from level 46. Turn in at Marvon Rivetseeker, at the Broken Pillar, Middle of Tanaris desert.
-This is the Alliance starter for a chain that you can find in neutral section
Rewards: 3650 exp
Neutral Quests

The Stone Circle
Chain. Given by Marvon Rivetseeker at the Broken Pillar, from level 46. Turn in at Marvon Rivetseeker.
Rewards: 4900 exp

Into the Depths
Chain. Given by Marvon Rivetseeker at the Broken Pillar, from level 46. Turn in at Altar of Hakkar inside the dungeon.
Rewards: 7350 exp

Secret of the Circle
Chain. Given by Altar of Hakkar leading on from the last quest, from level 46. Turn in at the statue in the center of the pool after killing Atal’alarion.
-To spawn this boss you need to activate the snake statues in the right order, which is: South, North, Southwest, Southeast, Northwest, Northeast. Some map addons will have this order marked.
Rewards: Hakkari Urn, 7350 exp
The Hakkari Urn contains these 3 items: Mark of Hakkar, Hakkari Breastplate, Hakkari Shroud

Jammal’an the Prophet
Shareable. Given by Atal’ai Exile at Shadra’Alor, Hinterlands, from level 38. Turn in at Atal’ai Exile.
Rewards: Pick one of: Rainstrider Leggings, Helm of Exile, 6550 exp

The God Hakkar
Chain. Given by Yeh’kinya at Steamwheedle Port from level 40. Turn in at Yeh’kinya.
-This continues the chain we previously found in ZF, starting with Screecher Spirits from Yeh’kinya if you had not picked it up already
-Will be needed for a LBRS quest later
Rewards: Pick one of: Avenguard Helm, Lifeforce Dirk, Gemburst Circlet, 2g 40s, 7900 exp

The Essence of Eranikus
Not shareable. Given by Essence of Eranikus dropped from the boss Shade of Eranikus at level 48. Turn in at Essence Font in the boss room.
Rewards: Chained Essence of Eranikus, 2800 exp
Blackrock Depths
Horde Quests

The Last Element
Shareable. Given by Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave in Kargath, Badlands from level 48. Turn in at Vivian Lagrave.
Rewards: Lagrave’s Seal, 2g 45s, 8150 exp, +500 rep with Undercity

Lost Thunderbrew Recipe
Shareable. Given by Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave in Kargath, Badlands from level 50. Turn in at Vivian Lagrave.
-Destroy 3 kegs in the Grim Guzzler to summon quest mob
-There is a breadcrumb quest that leads to her, Vivian Lagrave, given by Apothecary Zinge in the Apothecarium, Undercity. It rewards 560 exp.
Rewards: 5 Superior Healing Potion, 5 Greater Mana Potion, Pick one of Swiftstrike Cudgel, Limb Cleaver, 85s, 8450 exp

Disharmony of Flame
Shareable. Given by Thunderheart in Kargath, Badlands from level 48. Turn in at Thunderheart.
-Questgiver can wander, if he is not in Kargath wait for him to return by the inn.
-Quest mob is outside the instance.
Rewards: 1g 55s, 5100 exp, +250 rep with Thunder Bluff

Disharmony of Fire
Chain. Given by Thunderheart in Kargath, Badlands from level 48. Turn in at Thunderheart.
-Questgiver can wander, if he is not in Kargath wait for him to return by the inn.
Rewards: Pick one of: Sunborne Cape, Nightfall Gloves, Crypt Demon Bracers, Stalwart Clutch, 2g 55s, 8750 exp, +500 rep with Thunder Bluff

KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves
Shareable. Given by a wanted poster in Kargath, Badlands from level 48. Turn in at Warlord Goretooth.
Rewards: 1g 55, 7600 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar

KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials
Chain. Given by a wanted poster in Kargath, Badlands from level 48. Turn in at Warlord Goretooth.
Rewards: 1g 65s, 8150 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar

Operation: Death to Angerforge
Chain. Given by Warlord Goretooth in Kargath, Badlands from level 52. Turn in at Warlord Goretooth.
-To get the final one here you must complete Grark Lorkrub, after the previous quest, which takes place in Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge, it can be picked up from Lexlort in Kargath from level 52 and rewards 6200 exp.
Rewards: Conqueror’s Medallion 2g 65s, 9300 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar

Commander Gor’shak
Shareable. Given by Galamav the Marksman in Kargath, Badlands from level 48. Turn in at Commander Gor’shak inside BRD.
-You must have completed Disharmony of Flame before Galamav will give you this quest
-Kill High Interrogator Gerstahn to unlock his cell.
Rewards: 7600 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar

What Is Going On?
Chain. Given by Commander Gor’shak inside BRD, from level 48. Turn in at Commander Gor’shak.
-Make sure everyone in your group has turned in the previous quest before you accept the next one as it will start straight away, spawning 8 elites to come and attack Gor’shak.
-Don’t let them near his cell or they can kill him very easily with cleaves and you’ll fail the quest
Rewards: 8150 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar

What Is Going On?
Chain. Given by Commander Gor’shak inside BRD, from level 48. Turn in at Thrall in Orgrimmar.
-Just go talk to the dwarf Kharan Mighthammer in the cell nearby to progress
Rewards: 6800 exp, +350 rep with Orgrimmar

The Eastern Kingdoms
Chain. Given by Thrall in Org, from level 48. Turn in at Thrall.
Rewards: 540 exp

The Royal Rescue
Chain. Given by Thrall in Org, from level 48. Turn in at Princess Moira Bronzebeard in BRD.
-Kill the emperor, don’t touch the princess during the fight obviously
Rewards: 9650 exp

The Princess Saved?
Chain. Given by Princess Moira Bronzebeard, from level 48. Turn in at Thrall in Org.
Rewards: Pick one of: Thrall’s Resolve, Eye of Orgrimmar, 2g 70s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with the Horde

The Rise of the Machines
Chain. Given by Lotwil Veriatus near the earth elemental hill by Kargath, from level 52. Turn in at Lotwil Veriatus.
-Must complete a couple of quests in the chain The Rise of the Machines before this one can be picked up. Start it at Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania in Kargath.
Rewards: Pick one of: Azure Moon Amice, Raincaster Drape, Basaltscale Armor, Lavaplate Gauntlets, 2g 65s, 9300 exp
Alliance Quests

The Good Stuff
Shareable. Given by Oralius in Morgans Vigil, Burning Steppes, from level 50. Turn in at Oralius.
Rewards: A Dingy Fanny Pack, 85s, 8750 exp, +500 rep with Ironforge

Overmaster Pyron
Shareable. Given by Jalinda Sprig in Morgans Vigil, Burning Steppes, from level 48. Turn in at Jailndra Sprig.
-Quest mob is outside the instance
Rewards: 1g, 55s, 5100 exp, +250 rep with Gnomeregan

Chain. Given by Jalinda Sprig in Morgans Vigil, Burning Steppes, from level 48. Turn in at Jailndra Sprig.
Rewards: Pick one of: Sunborne Cape, Nightfall Gloves, Crypt Demon Bracers, Stalwart Clutch, 85s, 8750 exp, +500 rep with Gnomeregan

The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan
Shareable. Given by Royal Historian Archesonus in Ironforge’s throne room, from level 50. Turn in at Archesonus.
-Not a quest for the dungeon but this chain will send you in eventually
Rewards: 540 exp, +10 rep with Ironforge

The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan
Chain. Given by Royal Historian Archesonus in Ironforge’s throne room, from level 50. Turn in at Archesonus.
Rewards: Ring of the Aristocrat, 1g, 65s, 5450 exp, +250 rep with Ironforge

Kharan Mighthammer
Chain. Given by King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge’s throne room, from level 50. Turn in at King Magni.
-Kill High Interrogator Gerstahn to unlock his cell.
Rewards: 9650 exp, +500 rep with Ironforge

Kharan’s Tale
Chain. Given by Kharan Mighthammer in BRD from level 50. Turn in at Kharan Mighthammer.
Rewards: 1600 exp

The Bearer of Bad News
Chain. Given by Kharan Mighthammer in BRD from level 50. Turn in at King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge.
Rewards: 6400 exp

The Fate of the Kingdom
Chain. Given by King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge from level 50. Turn in at Princess Moira Bronzebeard inside BRD.
-Dont kill the princess in the fight obvs
Rewards: 9650 exp, +500 rep with Ironforge

The Princess’s Surprise
Chain. Given by Princess Moira Bronzebeard inside BRD from level 50. Turn in at King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge.
Rewards: Pick one of: Magni’s Will, Songstone of Ironforge, 2g, 65s, 9650 exp

Hurley Blackbreath
Shareable. Given by Ragnar Thunderbrew in Kharanos, Dun Morogh from level 50. Turn in at Ragnar Thunderbrew.
-There is a breadcrumb quest leading to this, Ragnar Thunderbrew picked up from Enohar Thunderbrew in Nethergarde Keep, Blasted lands.
-Break 3 kegs at Grim Guzzler to summon quest mob
Rewards: 10 Dark Dwarven Lager, Pick one of: Swiftstrike Cudgel, Limb Cleaver, 1g, 65s, 8450 expNeutral:

Dark Iron Legacy
Shareable. Given by Franclorn Forgewright in BRD from level 48. Turn in at Franclorn Forgewright.
-You must be dead to find and talk to this NPC to get the quest. He is in a tomb outside of the entrance
Rewards: 510 exp

Dark Iron Legacy
Shareable. Given by Franclorn Forgewright in BRD from level 48. Turn in at Monument of Franclorn Forgewright.
-The key is necessary to unlock deeper parts of BRD
Rewards: Shadowforge Key, 2g, 30s, 7600 exp

Attunement to the Core
Not shareable. Given by Lothos Riftwaker outside BRD from level 55. Turn in at Lothos Riftwalker.
-Attunes you to Molten Core
Rewards: 6s, 60c, 6600 exp

The Love Potion
Not shareable. Given by Mistress Nagmara inside BRD at the Grim Guzzler, from level 50. Turn in at Mistress Nagmara.
Rewards: Pick one of: Manacle Cuffs, Nagmara’s Whipping Belt 80s, 8150 exp

Ribbly Screwspigot
Shareable. Given by Yuka Screwspigot at Flame Crest, Burning Steppes, from level 48. Turn in at Yuka Screwspigot.
-Theres a breadcrumb that leads to her, Yuka Screwspigot, that can be picked up from Yorba Screwspigot in Gadgetzan.
Rewards: Pick one of: Rancor Boots, Penance Spaulders, Splintsteel Armor, 60s, 7900 exp

The Heart of the Mountain
Shareable. Given by Maxwort Uberglint at Flame Crest, Burning Steppes, from level 50. Turn in at Maxwort Uberglint.
Rewards: 85s, 8450 exp

A Taste of Flame
Chain. Given by Cyrus Therepentous at Slither Rock, a cave northeast in Burning Steppes, from level 52. Turn in at Cyrus.
-The first quest in this long series is Divine Retribution which can be picked up from Kalaran Windblade near Thorium Point, Searing Gorge, from level 40.
Rewards: Pick one of: Shaleskin Cape, Wyrmhide Spaulders, Valconian Sash, 2g 85s, 9300 exp
Lower Blackrock Spire
Horde Quests

Warlord’s Command
Not shareable. Given by Warlord Goretooth at Kargath, Badlands, from level 55. Turn in at Warlord Goretooth.
Rewards: Pick one of: Wyrmthalak’s Shackles, Omokk’s Girth Restrainer, Halycon’s Muzzle, Vosh’gajin’s Strand, Voone’s Vice Grips, 1g 80s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar

Operative Bijou
Shareable. Given by Lexlort at Kargath, Badlands, from level 55. Turn in at Bijou inside LBRS.
Rewards: 9650 exp, +500 rep with Booty Bay, -500 rep with Bloodsail Buccaneers

Bijou’s Belongings
Chain. Given by Bijou inside LBRS, from level 55. Turn in at Bijou.
Rewards: 9650 exp

The Pack Mistress
Shareable. Given by Galamav the Marksman at Kargath, Badlands, from level 55. Turn in at Galamav.
Rewards: Pick one of: Astoria Robes, Traphook Jerkin, Jadescale Breastplate, 1g 80s, 9650 exp, +500 rep with Orgrimmar
Alliance Quests

Doomrigger’s Clasp
Shareable. Given by Mayara Brightwing at Morgans Vigil, Burning Steppes, from level 57. Turn in at Mayara Brightwing.
-There is a breadcrumb quest to get here, Mayara Brightwing, given by Count Remington Ridgewell in Stormwind Keep.
Rewards: 9s 60c, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Stormwind

Put Her Down
Shareable. Given by Helendis Riverhorn at Morgans Vigil, Burning Steppes, from level 55. Turn in at Helendis Riverhorn.
Rewards: Pick one of: Astoria Robes, Traphook Jerkin, Jadescale Breastplate, 1g 80s, 9650 exp, +500 rep with Darnassus

Bijou’s Belongings
Shareable. Given by Bijou inside LBRS, from level 55. Turn in at Bijou.
Rewards: 9650 exp

Message to Maxwell
Chain. Given by Bijou inside LBRS, from level 55. Turn in at Marshal Maxwell at Morgans Vigil.
Rewards: 1g 80s, 6400 exp, +250 rep with Stormwind

Maxwell’s Mission
Chain. Given by Marshal Maxwell at Morgans Vigil, from level 55. Turn in at Marshal Maxwell.
Rewards: Pick one of: Wyrmthalak’s Shackles, Omokk’s Girth Restrainer, Halycon’s Muzzle, Vosh’gajin’s Strand, Voone’s Vice Grips, 1g 80s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Stormwind
Neutral Quests

Kibler’s Exotic Pets
Not shareable. Given by Kibler at Flame Crest, Burning Steppes, from level 55. Turn in at Kibler.
Rewards: Worg Carrier, 90s, 9650 exp

Shareable. Given by Kibler at Flame Crest, Burning Steppes, from level 55. Turn in at Kibler.
Rewards: Smolderweb Carrier, 90s, 9650 exp

Mother’s Milk
Shareable. Given by Ragged John at Flame Crest, Burning Steppes, from level 55. Turn in at Ragged John.
Rewards:Ragged John’s Neverending Cup, 1g, 80s, 9950 exp

Urok Doomhowl
Not shareable. Given by Warosh inside Blackrock Spire, from level 55. Turn in at Warosh.
-You need to pick up a Roughshod Pike from the weapon racks on the wall of the first section with the groups of orcs, then get Omokk’s Head from a boss in the dungeon, then use the items on a pile of skulls where the ogres are, to summon waves of ogres and eventually the boss you need for the quest.
Rewards: Prismcharm, 9s, 80c, 9950 exp

Seal of Ascension
Not shareable. Given by Vaelan at inside Blackrock Spire, from level 57. Turn in at Vaelan.
Rewards: 9s, 60c, 9950 exp
the next quest in this chain rewards Seal of Ascension

The Final Tablets
Chain. Given by Prospector Ironboot at Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris, from level 40. Turn in at Vaelan.
-This is wrapping Yeh’kinya’s chain we were doing in previous dungeons, (starting with Screecher Spirits if you haven’t been following it)
Rewards: 9300 exp
followup quest rewards you with one of: Faded Hakkari Cloak, Tattered Hakkari Cape
Upper Blackrock Spire
Horde Quests

For The Horde!
Chain. Given by Thrall in Orgrimmar, from level 55. Turn in at Thrall.
-Chain starts with Warlord’s Command from Warlord Goretooth in Kargath, Badlands.
Rewards: Pick one of: Mark of Tyranny, Eye of the Beast, Blackhand’s Breadth, 2g, 70s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with the Horde

The Darkstone Tablet
Shareable. Given by Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave in Kargath, Badlands, from level 57. Turn in at Vivian Lagrave.
-There’s a breadcrumb quest that leads to her, Vivian Lagrave and the Darkstone Tablet from Apothecary Zinge in the Apothecarium, Undercity.
Rewards: Pick one of: Swiftfoot Treads, Blinkstrike Armguards, 2g, 70s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Undercity
Neutral Quests

Egg Freezing
Not shareable. Given by Tinkee Steamboil at Flame Crest, Burning Steppes, from level 57. Turn in at Tinkee Steamboil.
-The breadcrumb that sends you to her is Tinkee Steamboil picked up from Felnok Steelspring in Everlook, Winterspring
-It’s possible that you may actually have to start with Broodling Essence from Tinkee before you can do the egg quests (needs to be checked)
Rewards: Eggscilloscope, 1g, 80s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Steamwheedle Cartel

Egg Collection
Chain. Given by Tinkee Steamboil at Flame Crest, Burning Steppes, from level 57. Turn in at Tinkee Steamboil.
Rewards: 2g, 70s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Steamwheedle Cartel

Eye of the Emberseer
Chain. Given by Duke Hydraxis on an island in the middle of the Ocean, Aszhara from level 55. Turn in at Duke Hydraxis.
-This is part of Hydraxian Waterlords quests, so you need to start with Poisoned Water given by Duke Hydraxis and keep going until you acquire this quest.
Rewards: 7s, 80c, 8300 exp
Horde Quests

Chain. Given by High Executor Derrington at the Bulwark, Tirisfal Glades from level 55. Turn in at Apothecary Dithers at the Bulwark.
-This is the start of the chain to get the key to Scholomance
-Prereq to get this quest is All Along the Watchtowers picked up from the same NPC.
Rewards: 560 exp

Barov Family Fortune
Shareable. Given by Alexi Barov at the Bulwark, Tirisfal Glades from level 52. Turn in at Alexi Barov.
Rewards: 1g, 80s, 9950 exp
Alliance Quests

Chain. Given by Commander Ashlam Valorfist at Chillwind Camp from level 55. Turn in at Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point.
-This is the start of the chain to get the key to Scholomance
-Prereq to get this quest is All Along the Watchtowers picked up from the same NPC.
Rewards: 560 exp

Barov Family Fortune
Shareable. Given by Weldon Barov at the Chillwind Camp from level 52. Turn in at Weldon Barov.
Rewards: 1g, 80s, 9950 expNeutral:

Plagued Hatchlings
Shareable. Given by Betina Bigglezink at Light’s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands from level 55. Turn in at Betina Bigglezink.
Rewards: 90s, 9300 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn

Dawn’s Gambit
Chain. Given by Betina Bigglezink at Light’s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands from level 55. Turn in at Betina Bigglezink.
-This quest leads on from Egg Collection, see UBRS section
Rewards: Pick one of: Windreaper, Dancing Sliver, 2g 70s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn

Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher
Shareable. Given by Eva Sarkhoff at Caer Darrow, Wester Plaguelands from level 55. Turn in at Eva Sarkhoff.
Rewards: 9s 60c, 9950 exp

Krastinov’s Bag of Horrors
Chain. Given by Eva Sarkhoff at Caer Darrow, Wester Plaguelands from level 55. Turn in at Eva Sarkhoff.
Rewards: 9s 60c, 9950 exp

Kirtonos the Herald
Chain. Given by Eva Sarkhoff at Caer Darrow, Wester Plaguelands from level 55. Turn in at Eva Sarkhoff.
Rewards: Spectral Essence, Pick one of: Penelope’s Rose, Mirah’s Song, 9s 60c, 9950 exp
Stratholme Living
Neutral Quests

Of Love and Family
Chain. Given by Artist Renfray at Caer Darrow, Western Plaguelands from level 52. Turn in at Tirion Fordring who is up the river between the borders of both Plaguelands.
-The start of the chain to get here is Redemption, picked up from the same NPC
Rewards: 9s 60c, 9950 exp

The Great Fras Siabi
Shareable. Given by Smokey LaRue at Lights Hope Chapel, EPL from level 55. Turn in at Smokey LaRue.
Rewards: Smokey’s Lighter, 9s 60c, 9950 exp

The Archivist
Shareable. Given by Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff at Light’s Hope Chapel, EPL from level 55. Turn in at Duke Nicholas.
Rewards: 1g 80s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn

The Truth Comes Crashing Down
Chain. Given by Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff at Light’s Hope Chapel, EPL from level 55. Turn in at Duke Nicholas.
Rewards: 9950 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn

The Medallion of Faith
Shareable. Given by Aurius inside the Chapel in Strat from level 55. Turn in at Aurius
-Need this for another quest on the UD side
Rewards: No reward
Stratholme Undead
Horde Quests

Chain. Given by Nathanos Blightcaller at his house in EPL from level 56. Turn in at Nathanos Blightcaller.
-The first quest in this series is The Corpulent One, given by Nathanos
Rewards: Pick one of: Royal Seal of Alexis, Elemental Circle, 1g 80s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Undercity
Neutral Quests

Aurius’ Reckoning
Chain. Given by Aurius after defeating Baron Rivendare from level 55. Turn in at Aurius
-Complete The Medallion of Faith first, given by Aurius
Rewards: Pick one of: Will of the Martyr, Blood of the Martyr, 30c

Menethil’s Gift
Chain. Given by Leonid Barthalomew the Revered in Light’s Hope Chapel, EPL, from level 57. Turn in at the object that appears during the quest
-Chain starts with The Human, Ras Frostwhisper given by Magistrate Marduke at Caer Darrow, WPL.
-You must have also completed Eva Sarkhoff‘s chain in Scholo, starting with Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher
Rewards: 9s 60c, 9950 exp

The Flesh Does Not Lie
Shareable. Given by Betina Bigglezink at Light’s Hope Chapel from level 55. Turn in at Betina Bigglezink.
Rewards: 1g 80s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn

The Active Agent
Chain. Given by Betina Bigglezink at Light’s Hope Chapel from level 55. Turn in at Betina Bigglezink.
Rewards: Pick one of: Seal of the Dawn, Rune of the Dawn, 9s 60c, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn

Above and Beyond
Shareable. Given by Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff at Light’s Hope Chapel from level 55. Turn in at Duke Nicholas.
Rewards: 9s 60c, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn

Houses of the Holy
Shareable. Given by Leonid Barthalomew the Revered at Light’s Hope Chapel from level 55. Turn in at Leonid Barthlomew.
Rewards: 5 Superior Healing Potion, 5 Greater Mana Potion, Pick one of: Crown of the Penitent, Band of the Penitent, 1g 80s, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Argent Dawn
Dire Maul
Horde Quests

Lethtendris’s Web
Shareable. Given by Talo Thornhoof at Camp Mojache, Feralas from level 54. Turn in at Talo Thornhoof.
-There’s a breadcrumb quest that leads you here, Camp Mojache that rewards 1500 exp, from Warcaller Gorlach in Orgrimmar
Rewards: Lorespinner, 1g 70s, 9050 exp, +500 rep with the Horde

Elven Legends
Shareable. Given by Sage Korolusk at Camp Mojache, Feralas from level 54. Turn in at Sage Korolusk.
Rewards: 1g 80s, 9950 exp
Alliance Quests

Lethtendris’s Web
Shareable. Given by Latronicus Moonspear at Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas from level 54. Turn in at Latronicus Moonspear.
-There’s a breadcrumb quest that leads you here, Feathermoon Stronghold that rewards 1500 exp, from Courier Hammerfall in Ironforge
Rewards: Lorespinner, 1g 70s, 9050 exp, +500 rep with the Alliance

Elven Legends
Shareable. Given by Scholar Runethorn at Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas from level 54. Turn in at Scholar Runethorn.
Rewards: 1g 80s, 9950 exp
Neutral Quests

Pusillin and the Elder Azj’Tordin
Shareable. Given by Azj’Tordin at Lariss Pavilion, Feralas from level 54. Turn in at Azj’Thordin
Rewards: Pick one of: Spry Boots, Sprinter’s Sword, 1g 75s, 9300 exp, +500 rep with Shen’dralar

The Gordok Ogre Suit
Shareable. Given by Knot Thimblejack in Dire Maul north from level 56. Turn in at Knot Thimblejack
-Used for DM tribute runs
Rewards: Gordok Ogre Suit, 6s 60c, 6600 exp, +500 rep with Steamwheedle Cartel

Unfinished Gordok Business
Not shareable. Given by Captain Kromcrush in Dire Maul north from level 56. Turn in at Captain Kromcrush.
-Can only be acquired while wearing the ogre suit
Rewards: Pick one of: Gordok’s Handguards, Gordok’s Gauntlets, Gordok’s Gloves, Gordok’s Handwraps, 9s 60c, 9950 exp

The Madness Within
Shareable. Given by Shen’dralar Ancient in Dire Maul west from level 56. Turn in at Shen’dralar Ancient.
Rewards: 8g 52s, 9950 exp

The Treasure of the Shen’dralar
Chain. Given by Shen’dralar Ancient in Dire Maul west from level 56. Turn in at Treasure of the Shen’dralar.
Rewards: Pick one of: Bonecrusher, Backwood Helm, Sedge Boots, 2g 70s, 660 exp

Shards of the Felvine
Chain. Given by Rabine Saturna in Moonglade from level 56. Turn in at Rabine Saturna.
-You must first complete A Reliquary of Purity from the same NPC
Rewards: Pick one of: Milli’s Shield, Milli’s Lexicon, 9s 60c, 9950 exp, +500 rep with Cenarion Circle
Notes: I decided not to include class dungeon quests that were on the spreadsheet as they weren’t really universal or hard to figure out where to go to find them. The exp gains shown are for when the quest is yellow difficulty or higher, you get less exp depending on how higher level you are.
Values for every quest I trawled through wowhead on every single one to find, but some of them seem a little weird. If you find anything incorrect after release, please post here or DM me and i’ll update it.
Great guide, thanks!
One note:
Given from Glowing Shard 66% drop rate from Mutanus the Devourer.
Unless my memory is failing me, this is a guaranteed drop, not 66%. The drop rate in Wowhead is skewed because it counts for every kill; meaning for people who have already completed that quest (and therefore will not be getting a second Glowing shard).
teebling, this one is listed in Guides section under “General guides • Miscellaneous Classic guides”, however wouldn’t it be better suited for PvE guides • Questing, levelling and instances?
You’ve done the Titan’s work, thank you very much. Starred this thread for life 😀
Thank you for this! Putting this together must have taken quite awhile. I really appreciate to work put in to this.
This is amazing, thanks!
Great job!!
This is going to be extremely useful in Classic. Thank you!
Unless my memory is failing me, this is a guaranteed drop, not 66%. The drop rate in Wowhead is skewed because it counts for every kill; meaning for people who have already completed that quest (and therefore will not be getting a second Glowing shard).
ah right I was wondering about that as well actually, I thought it should have been guaranteed along with a couple of other quest items dropping from bosses like in rfk. thanks for pointing that out :biggrin:
I love this. Thank you for all the work.
This is amazing. Thank you so much for organizing all Dungeon Quests. I’m going to use this 100%. 😀
This is great, Thank you
This is exactly what I was looking for, the Exp from doing the questlines.
Thanks a lot.