WoW Classic 39 Twink Holy Priest Guide

Wow Classic 39 Twink Holy Priest Guide

Never appreciated, always taken for granted and seldom thanked, the Holy Priests of World of Warcraft are the constant backbone of any dungeon party, or raid group.  In PvP, the contribution of Priests is no less important, though it is often easier to overlook, as a healer doesn’t ever need to worry about Threat and can heal with abandon most of the time.  Priests are a decidedly supportive class and provide a battle group with not only healing, but debuff countering, buffing, and some serious AoE crowd control (CC) with Psychic Scream.  They rely on their team mates though, as Priests themselves can be quite fragile, in open combat, though this is mitigated somewhat by their other protective abilities.

All in all, the Holy Priest is a great healer class, likely the greatest healer class – maybe even the greatest CLASS!  No…no, that’s not true.  There is no greatest class, only great players…they’re still the best healers though.


  • Races:  Which races can play as Priests, and which racial traits help them most in PvP?
  • Professions:  Which professions are best for Twinking, and which recipes work best for Priests?
  • Spells and Abilities:  What spells are available to Priests at level 39 and how best can they be employed in PvP?
  • Talents:  What Priest talents are good for Twinking and which builds work best in PvP in general?
  • Gear:  What is the Best in Slot (BiS) gear for a level 39 Priest Twink and how can it be acquired?
  • Enchantments:  Which enchantments are best for a Twink Priest in Classic WoW?
  • Buffs:  What Scrolls, Potions, Elixirs and other consumables are of use to a level 39 Twink Priest?


Priests have a unique advantage over other classes when it comes to the choice of race, which makes the decision of which race to play all the more difficult.  Each race not only has their own racial traits that all classes benefit from, but also special racial spells that are available only to the Priest class.    The good news is that there most assuredly is a best class to play from each faction, which makes the decision a lot easier.


Dwarf:  Only two of the standard racial traits for dwarves are particularly useful to a Priest, those being Stoneform and Frost Resistance.  The former is a fantastic short term buff that negates Bleed, Poison and Disease, while also giving a slight armor increase.  The latter is a pretty generally useful boon that can stop some of the damage from Mages and Hunters.  Find Treasure is useful to any class that likes gold, so it is worth a mention.

Desperate Prayer is one of the racial spells that dwarves have access to and it’s phenomenal, as it heals for almost as much as Heal, which is your best healing spell!  Dwarves also have access to the spell Fear Ward, which drastically increases their usefulness in PvP

Human:  Humans likely have the most racial traits useful to a Priest, though other races might have some that are more useful.  Diplomacy is good for helping with that WSG (Warsong Gulch) rep to get some of your BiS gear.  Having an edge over Rogues, whose first order of business is usually to find and kill the Priest, is always a good thing, so Perception is helpful.  The Human Spirit gives a solid buff to mana and health regen and is useful to any class, especially a Priest.  While it might seem of paltry benefit, Mace Specialization shouldn’t be ignored.  You can attack with a weapon for a reason – sometimes it’s all you have left and that minor percentage increase in skill might mean the difference between life and the graveyard.

Like Dwarves, Humans also possess Desperate Prayer, but at level 20, they also gain the use of Feedback, which is helpful in countering other Casters.


Troll:  Regeneration is a great survival racial that is probably one of the best reasons to choose the race at all.   Beast Slaying can find some use outside of PvE, when facing off against Hunter Pets.

Shadowguard instantly retaliates against any attacker, whether they be caster, melee or ranged and lasts for 10 whole minutes.  All of this, plus its potential to proc Blackout when talented for it, easily one of the best abilities available to troll priests at all.  A solid debuff can be found in Hex of Weakness and is particularly useful when your opponents aren’t very good at healing.

UndeadCannibalize is a pretty nice, weak but free bandage that’s useful at the end of a fight, but since you can already heal a lot and you will have bandages…it’s probably just ok.  Shadow Resistance will help against Warlocks and other Priests as well.  Probably the best racial ability that the Undead possess and definitely one of the best racial traits for PvP, Will of the Forsaken is a great nope button for any obnoxious fear effects used against you.

Touch of Weakness is one of the racial spells for an undead and it is good, but Devouring Plague the other and it is oh so much better.  It’s like a ranged Cannibalize that does damage and doesn’t make you stop and become vulnerable while you use it.



There are a lot of professions to choose from, which can make deciding which ones to go with hard.  Fortunately, one of the coolest professions is also an absolute necessity for a Twink of any class.  Engineering.  There are a plethora of gadgets, devices and bombs that are extremely useful within Battlegrounds and you won’t want to miss out on them.

While Engineering is a necessity, you’re other Profession is also important.  Which ones you’ll be interested in will largely depend on your class.

What follows is a description of each of the Professions that should be of interest to a level 39 Twink Priest and why.


For Twinks of any class, this profession is an absolute must-have.  Along with all of the engineering gadgets and doodads you get before reaching 230 in engineering, there are some seriously fantastic items at this level that are of extreme use in PvP.  Make sure you get all of them.

The Major Recombobulator is especially useful for countering the Crowd Control (CC) effects of Polymorph.  Other items of note are the Alarm-O-Bot, which can help in detecting Rogues and other Druids and the Dark Iron Bomb, which is the absolute best bomb in early Classic WoW, with the most damage and longest CC duration.  There are also three energy reflectors; Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector, Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector and Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector, which all reflect their type of damage for 5 seconds.  This is extremely useful and can quickly turn the tables on any caster in the game.  Finally, there is the Arcane Bomb, which absorbs mana and does half of what is absorbed as damage to anyone in range.

All of these items are incredibly useful in PvP and are the best engineering has to offer at this level.  Not to mention all of the fun fireworks and pet companions you can make.


Enchanting is probably the best choice for players who are not supporting their Twink with another character.  It has few expensive reagents that must be truly gathered, most being products of disenchanting items you are already likely to pick up.  It also offers lucrative selling opportunities with the many materials you will acquire from breaking down all of the Green and Blue items you do not need.  It can also offset the cost of getting your own enchantments some, as higher level enchanters are sometimes on the lookout for lower level materials.


If you are being supplied herbs and reagents by another character, then Alchemy can be an extremely useful Profession to endeavor upon.  The ability to simply create the many potions and elixirs that offer decided advantages in PvP at this bracket, instead of having to go shop for them, almost pays for itself.  Alchemy can also be a great way to make money, especially if the reagents and materials can be acquired cheaply.

Other Professions

If you are being funded by another character, and you should be, the gathering professions (HerbalismMining, and Skinning) should be avoided, because they are mostly good for earning money, which you wouldn’t need as much of.  The only other profession useful to a Twink Priest is Tailoring and its usefulness is slim at best compared to Alchemy or Enchanting, because none of your BiS gear is acquired through Tailoring.

Another use for for Alchemy, Leatherworking and Tailoring is to sell the various high level components and transmutes that only these Professions can craft.  Alchemists can transmute metals with recipes like Recipe: Transmute Arcanite, Leatherworkers can craft the Cured Rugged Hide and Tailors can use Pattern: Mooncloth to purify Felcloth.

Secondary Professions

  • CookingCooking has but one benefit to any Twink at any level bracket.  The Well Fed Buff.  The food that offers the highest possible Well Fed bonus at this level is Spider Sausage, the recipe for which can be purchased from virtually any standard Cooking trainer.  Another fun and useful food the cooks can make at this level is Dragonbreath Chili, the recipe for which can be purchased from Helenia Olden (Alliance) or Ogg’marr (Horde) in Duskwallow Marsh.  It can also be purchased from Super-Seller 680 in Desolace.
  • First Aid:  The only thing to worry about here is to get your First Aid maxed as high as it will go, so that you can use the Heavy Runecloth Bandage, which can heal you almost completely full with just one bandage.  To do this, you will need the three books Expert First Aid – Under WrapsManual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage.  The only trouble is that, because you still can’t get your Secondary Skills up to 300 yet, you’ll have to find someone to craft the bandages for you.  Alternatively, you could simply purchase them off of the AH.
  • Fishing:  This skill is not as important at this level bracket, but it’s still a great way to increase your income, especially while you’re bored and waiting around near some water.  Take any opportunity you can to fish, because each time you fish is a chance to catch a rare fish that can earn you some good money.  It’s also not a bad way to get Cooking and Alchemy reagents to increase those skills.

Spells and Abilities

Priest spells break down into three basic groups:  Discipline, Holy and Shadow Magic.  Discipline holds many of your utility and buff spells, Holy is mostly healing magic, with some damage spells, and Shadow Magic is predominantly damaging spells and curses.  Keep in mind that, being the best at Healing, while you will likely be focusing on using healing spells most of the time, you will use most of your spells at some point.  So familiarize yourself with all of your capabilities.

What follows is a brief description of the spells in each of these categories, that are pertinent to a Twink Holy Priest.

  • Flash Heal: While not healing for as much as the regular Heal spell and not as mana efficient as other spells, Flash Heal is a very fast spell and does a respectable amount of healing.
  • Renew: This is probably the spell that you will use the most, when your party members are only slightly dead. It’s a good spell to use when moving from one spot to another, or kiting, but try not to over heal with it.
  • Holy Nova: This spell is awesome in PvP! Most of the time you’ll want to keep your distance and heal your allies, but if a bunch of friends and foes are all clustered together, go for this as often as is possible. It heals your allies and hurts your enemies at the same time and, because threat is not an issue, you can use it until you get caught using it and then scream for help.
  • Resurrection: This is the best, most mana efficient spell for bringing a dead party member back to life, especially at this level. It uses less of you mana pool and restores more health and mana than any other spell from any other class.
  • Heal: Your most efficient healing spell and your most powerful. If you combine it with Divine Fury it is easily the most effective way to burst heal.
  • Abolish Disease: Only slightly better that Cure Disease, in that it continues to attempt to protect the recipient from disease for another 20 seconds.
  • Cure Disease: Completely removes one disease from a target. Very situational, as there aren’t very any disease spell effects, but when you need this and have it, you’ll be happy.
  • Prayer of Healing: The best AoE Healing spell there is and one of the most useful healing spells in the game. Like Holy Nova, this is best used when your allies are clustered around, or near you, though it does not harm enemies.
  • Lesser Heal: This spell is likely not going to see much use, since some lower levels of other healing spells might be better at this level. Still, it’s a good idea to know about all of your capabilities.
  • Dispel Magic: This spell is infinitely useful and can really level the playing field, even against your betters. Removing buffs from opponents is important, but negating their debuffs may be more so, because you not only make their casting of it useless, you also made them waste the mana to cast it in the first place. Where’s your buff now!?
  • Power Word: Fortitude: The most commonly unsung (or perhaps taken for granted) buff in the game. PWF is a spell that benefits literally every recipient of it, because at the end of the day, no one ever died from more health.
  • Power Word: Shield: This is great for when a fellow caster is taking damage and can’t quite get off that AoE (Area of Effect) spell that will solve everyone’s problems. It’s also useful for protecting a close to death character, so that you have time to heal them.  It also continues to do 100% of its healing while debuffs like Mortal Strike are active.
  • Levitate: This spell can be extremely useful in PvP, but perhaps only in a situational manner. First, you can travel across a body of water with ease and only a handful of other classes can follow you. Second, if you are near a large cliff, or drop off and being accosted by enemies, you can cast it and jump right off to relative safety.
  • Inner Fire: This is a great buff that offers significant protection and has a unique duration in that it is both timed, but also based on how much you get hit. Renew it maybe once during a lengthy fight and always between fights and you should be never run out of charges.
  • Mana Burn:  Drains mana from your foes and damages them a bit with it.  It’s excellent for situations where the enemy has an abundance of healers and can drastically change the outcomes of fights.
  • Mind Flay: Mind Flay is a fantastic damaging spell with a minor CC effect attached. Never under estimate the usefulness of slowing your enemies. It’s also especially effective, as few players are expecting the Priest to use, or even have such abilities.
  • Mind Blast: While not a spell you want to use outside of PvP very much, when engaging other players this is a great spell to chain with Smite, as it’s casting time is far lower. It also has a higher base damage output. Pop one off after a Smite to maximize your damage. Oh, and if you max out Blackout, this too has a chance to offer some CC
  • Mind Control: While usable in PvP, Mind Control should only be used if you are 100% sure you can force the target into a situation that will result in their demise. If makes the target friendly to you and your allies and can sometimes make you a target. Still, if it’s two on two, you can make it two on one for a little while.
  • Shadow Protection: This spell can be extremely useful, especially if you and your party happen to be mostly forsaken and your enemies happen to be using a lot of Shadow Damage.
  • Shadow Word: Pain:  This spells DoT is very good fro preventing stealthy classes from reentering stealth.
  • Psychic Scream: Use at opportune moments during a fight to get everyone off of your party, so you can throw down some fast healing, or when you are overwhelmed, so that you can retreat to a safe zone, or hiding place. This works especially well for Night Elves who can let loose a scream, run away a good distance and then Shadowmeld to eat, drink and regroup. This spell also pairs very well with Prayer of Healing.
  • Mind Vision: Easily the most useful utility spell for PvP in the Priest’s pocket, Mind Vision literally allows you to see through the eyes of the target for 1 minute. This spell can target enemies, or allies and is one of the best spells in the entire game for scouting a BG.  It CTF it is nigh on invaluable, as it can give you an enemy FC exact location.

Playing a Priest is a lot like playing any other caster, in that it often boils down to mana efficiency.  You have a number of different healing spells for a reason.  Using the less powerful ones early and reserving high mana cost spells for when you’re in trouble is important.  Don’t forget that you also have multiple ranks of healing spells as well and that you might want to map them all.  Having a lower cost, lower output heal in your back pocket can be very useful.

Knowing when to heal, when to attack…and when to completely bail is also crucial.  It’s better to run away and hide and come back to Resurrect everyone than it is to have a party wipe.


For a non-shadow priest, your specs are going to be less about how much damage you can do and more about how you can support your teammates and survive.  In that vein, the following talent builds do both of these in spades, though in very different ways.

The Discipline spec focuses on support through mana conservation and helpful buffs like Divine Spirit.

Wow Classic Twink Talent Build Images Holy Priest Discipline

On the other hand, the Holy spec below focuses on maximizing your ability to heal and the damage you do with the spell, Smite.  It also increases survivability with talents like Blessed Recovery.

Wow Classic Twink Talent Build Images Holy Priest Smite

BiS Gear

Gear is important for all classes and is usually one of the most difficult aspects of building a Twink of any level.  For Priests, whether gearing for PvP or not, your gear choices are going to depend on your talent build.  This guide focuses on a Holy build, so the gear that you’ll need for that will focus on increasing your Intellect, spirit, Spell Critical,  and Mana Regeneration in that order.  While it might not seem important to a healer, it’s a good idea to increase your Stamina wherever you’re able to as well.

Acquiring all of this BiS gear won’t be easy and it is advised that you get financial backing from a Main to get the items from the AH, which will make the task much easier.  Listed below are all of your BiS gear slot items and how, or where to get them. Many of the best healing items can be found in the Scarlet Monastery Dungeon at this level.  Good Luck!


The enchantments for your gear are almost as important as the gear itself.  Make sure to get all of the best enchantments for each gear slot item that can be enchanted.  If your Main is not an enchanter, then acquiring these enchantments will be expensive, so keep that in mind.  Here are all of the best enchantments for a level 39 Twink Holy Priest.


There are a plethora of buffs to be had at this level and some of them are incredibly useful.  If you’ve taken Alchemy, you’ll be able to acquire most of these, fairly easily.  Otherwise, you can get them through other players who are Alchemists, or simply from the AH. Some of them are often sold by vendors in a limited quantity as well.


Remember that you can only have one Battle and one Guardian Elixir active at one time.

Battle Elixirs

  • Elixir of Greater Agility: While this will do nothing for a Healer’s ability to restore health, it does increase your armor and your chance to dodge, so why not?

Guardian Elixirs

  • Elixir of Greater Intellect: A very good choice if you can get it, as it offers an even higher bonus to Intellect than Arcane Intellect at this level.
  • Elixir of Fortitude:  Not a single character in all of WoW has ever complained about having more health.  You shouldn’t either.
  • Mighty Troll’s Blood Potion:  This one is great to pop right before a long fight.  It helps mitigate damage to you and let’s your Healer take it a bit easier.
  • Elixir of Greater Defense:  More armor is always a good thing, especially in these quantities.
  • Gift of Arthas: Hard to come by and somewhat situational with respect to the resistance, but definitely worth the defensive proc.  Being able to disease opponents is very useful in PvP.
  • Elixir of Water Walking This one might only be useful when you are out of mana to cast Levitate, but if you can have it on you, why not?


  • Lesser Stoneshield Potion: One thousand extra armor?  Yes, you can easily find a situation where this is useful.
  • Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisible.  What’s not to love?
  • Swiftness Potion: No matter what bracket you’re in, no matter what class you play, this potion will never not be useful in some way in PvP and in CTF it is invaluable.
  • Restorative Potion: Expensive, but worth the price and extremely utilitarian.  You can just keep this in your back pocket just in case and rest easy, knowing you have an answer for almost every debuff.  Good to hold on to these to use yourself and save your spells for allies.
  • Magic Resistance Potion:   If 50 resistance in all schools of magic doesn’t seem like enough to you, you are wrong.  This potion is perfect for when every caster on the field is flinging different colored light at each other.
  • Dreamless Sleep Potion:  Makes you vulnerable for awhile but pretty much completely restores your health and mana.  Good to use right after some kind of mass CC has just occurred, like Psychic Scream, or Fear.  Also, good for when everyone else is back to full health and you need to get back to 100%.  Try popping it right after casting Renew or Power Word: Shield.
  • Superior Healing Potion:  The healing potion is a staple of adventurers everywhere.  Good for you, or and ally.  Use it in good health.  Heheh.
  • Superior Healing Draught:  Not as effective as the above, but plentiful and cheap.  You can only use them in BGs though.
  • Greater Mana Potion: An absolute must have for all casters.  Make sure you have at least a couple of these before ever even heading out.


Use all of them if you are alone, because they are cheap and why not?

Team Buffs

Power Word: Fortitude  should always be on you, end of story.  All other classes want it as well and the health it gives.  Arcane Intellect is also extremely useful, as it increases your Mana pool.  Mark of the Wild raises all of your stats a little and stacks with most buffs.  Blessing of Kings does kind of the same thing as Mark of the Wild, only a bit better and only for Alliance players.

Other Consumables

  • Rumsey Rum Black Label: Being a little tipsy is a small price to pay for an extra 15 Stamina.
  • Dragonbreath Chili: As stated above, this is a great little added boon that you can get easily if you cooking skill is high enough.
  • Spider Sausage: Again, make sure you have some of this sausage before heading out there.  The well fed buff shouldn’t be ignored.

So that is all that you will need to know to create the best level 39 Twink Holy Priest.  Remember to keep an eye on your allies’ health and keep them topped off when you can.  Make sure everyone has PWF on at all times and any other buff you can manage.  Don’t forget about Psychic Scream or any of your other CC abilities, as some well placed CC can really be the difference between victory and defeat.  Most importantly, do not neglect your own health.  It’s your job to keep your party alive, to do that, you need to be alive, because at the end of the day, if you die…  They.  Are.  Boned.

Have fun!


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4 years ago

Best I can tell, the Bloodband Bracers are unobtainable. the quest is indicated as level 40, and I don’t see the quest.

Last edited by Brad
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