The Guardians of Hyjal are the protectors of Nordrassil, the World Tree, as well as the zone where it resides, Mount Hyjal. The group is composed of an alliance between the Green Dragonflight and the druids of the Cenarion Circle.
Players start at Neutral with the faction. This guide will cover how to gain reputation with Guardians of Hyjal all the way through Exalted.
Who Needs Guardians of Hyjal Rep?
Just about any character should be able to find something useful at the Guardians of Hyjal Quartermaster, unless they are already in full raid gear. In particular:
- Caster DPS will want to get to Revered for the Arcanum of Hyjal helm enchantment.
- Tanks will want to reach Exalted with the faction in order to grab the Wrap of the Great Turtle, which is the best cloak option outside of raids for tanks.
- Plate DPS will find this faction appealing due to the Belt of the Ferocious Wolf at Exalted as well as some useful blue pieces at lower levels of reputation.
- Hunters and Enhancement Shaman will want Exalted for the Treads of Malorne, which are BIS pre-raid gear.
Additionally, anyone looking to collect reputation achievements may be after Guardians of Hyjal reputation for the following:
- The Guardians of Hyjal
- 40 Exalted Reputations (Title: “The Exalted”)

How to Get Guardians of Hyjal Reputation
Status | Additional Reputation Required |
Neutral | 0 |
Friendly | 3000 |
Honored | 6000 |
Revered | 12,000 |
Exalted | 21,000 |
Gaining reputation with the Guardians of Hyjal is a two step process.
First, you’ll need to complete quests in the Mount Hyjal zone until at least Friendly. Completing all of the quests in this zone can get you all the way to Revered.
After that, the only means of gaining further reputation with this faction is by wearing a Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal in Cataclysm dungeons. This tabard can be purchased at Friendly, so you can switch to this method much sooner if you prefer.
When the Firelands raid is released, there will also be daily quests that grant Guardians of Hyjal reputation, but these won’t be in the game for the first raid tier.
Guardians of Hyjal Quests
Quests in the Mount Hyjal zone are the only way to earn reputation with the Guardians of Hyjal until you reach Friendly with the faction. If you continue questing in the zone, you can get as far as Revered before running out of quests.
To start the Mount Hyjal quest chain, you can head to the Hero’s Call Board/
Warchief’s Command Board in your faction’s capital city. Mount Hyjal is a level 80-82 zone, so you’ll need to be at least level 80 to be able to pick up the breadcrumb quest, which is
Hero’s Call: Mount Hyjal!/
Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal!

Although there are enough quests available in the zone to get you to Exalted and then some, you will no longer receive any reputation from these quests once you reach Revered.
Below you’ll find a complete list of the quests in Mount Hyjal along with the reputation they give.
Guardians of Hyjal Dungeons

Once you have reached Friendly reputation with the Guardians of Hyjal, you will be able to purchase a Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal from the quartermaster at the Nordrassil Inn. Wearing this tabard inside any level 85 Cataclysm dungeon will grant you reputation for enemies killed inside the dungeon.
Guardians of Hyjal Reputation Rewards
The rewards listed below can be purchased from Provisioner Whitecloud, the Guardians of Hyjal Quartermaster, who can be found at the Nordrassil Inn in Mount Hyjal (62.8, 23.8).

Rank | Item | Slot | Type |
Friendly | Tabard | – | |
Honored | Back | – | |
Honored | Finger | – | |
Honored | Neck | – | |
Honored | Chest | Leather | |
Revered | – | Enchantment | |
Revered | Neck | – | |
Revered | Hands | Leather | |
Revered | Feet | Plate | |
Revered | Legs | Mail | |
Exalted | Waist | Plate | |
Exalted | Waist | Cloth | |
Exalted | Feet | Mail | |
Exalted | Back | – |
Hello , After finish all quests at Guardians of Hyjal – You will be revered. (Confirmed)
Dont forget daily quests at Guardians of Hyjal..