- Author: Passion
- Date: September 10, 2022
- Updated: September 19, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Noth the Plaguebringer is the first boss in the Plague Quarter of Naxxramas. Once a prominent researcher in Dalaran, he joined the scourge to seek real power and continue his research unhindered, perfecting a lot of the processes that would be key to Naxxramas and the future of the scourge.
“Behold, Noth the Plaguebringer. Responsible for the creation of the process that distills the souls of the living and places them within the cold cage of undeath, Noth was observed to be refining this process even now.” -Commander Eligor Dawnbringer
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to deal with Noth the Plaguebringer’s array of debilitating curses and spells.
Role Summaries
Phase 1
- Be careful with threat when Noth the Plaguebringer Blinks, let your tanks get a hit in!
- If you can decurse or dispel you should be doing it to guarantee debuffs are gone as soon as possible.
Phase 2
- Consider your positioning, ranged classes should always be 25-yards away from Plagued Champions.
Phase 1
- Try to establish threat or close the gap between yourself and Noth the Plaguebringer as fast as possible. Warriors can use Heroic Throw, Charge and Intercept. Paladins can use Avengers Shield. Death Knights can use Icy Touch. Druids can use Feral Charge.
- Off-tanks should grab Plagued Warriors as soon as they spawn and bring them close to the boss for cleave damage.
Phase 2
- All tanks should focus on grabbing adds as fast as possible, stacking them together for quick area-of-effect clears.
Phase 1
This Phase consists of three main mechanics, Curse of the Plaguebringer which needs to be decursed immediately, Blink, which requires the tank to re-establish threat on Noth the Plaguebringer as soon as possible, and Cripple which should be Mass Dispelled. Phase 1 lasts for 110-seconds, and then loops back again after another 70-seconds.
Noth the Plaguebringer
Phase 2
During Phase 2 Noth the Plaguebringer will teleport to the balcony and stay there for 70 seconds, summoning Plagued Champions and Plagued Warriors to attack the raid instead.
The Plagued Champions will cast Shadow Shock and Mortal Strike, while the Plagued Warriors will use Cleave.
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
There is nothing special to consider when pulling Noth the Plaguebringer, simply do a pull timer and go in together.
The Fight

Phase 1
During Phase 1 Noth the Plaguebringer will regularly Blink away from the tank, resetting threat and applying Cripple to the raid. The tank will need to immediately grab him again and establish threat, while a Priest should Mass Dispel the raid to clear Cripple. This forms the main loop of Phase 1 and will happen a lot. Every 30-seconds Noth the Plaguebringer will summon 3 Plagued Warriors, these should be grabbed by an off-tank and pulled onto Noth the Plaguebringer, but the DPS should be focusing on Noth the Plaguebringer for Phase 1, the Plagued Warriors can be dealt with later.
The other important aspect of Phase 1 is Curse of the Plaguebringer, which needs to be decursed immediately. If this is left for 10-seconds it will explode and almost certainly wipe the raid.
Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this phase:
- Curse of the Plaguebringer is not dispelled and the raid wipes
- DPS are overzealous after Blink and the tank doesn’t have time to establish threat, causing DPS to over aggro and die
- The Plagued Warriors aren’t picked up and end up cleaving down healers
Phase 2

After 110-seconds Noth the Plaguebringer will teleport onto his balcony, summoning adds from all the bone piles scattered around the room. The tanks should gather all the adds while ranged DPS and Healers stay at maximum range to avoid Shadow Shock damage. AoE these down and after 70-seconds, Noth the Plaguebringer will teleport back down and start Phase 1 again, even if you still have skeletons left.
Plagued Champions and Plagued Warriors
Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this phase:
- Ranged classes stay too close to the Plagued Champions and the area-of-effect damage overwhelms the healers
- The tanks do not manage to pick up the adds before they aggro elsewhere and cause chaos
- The adds don’t die before the Phase ends, meaning your raid has to deal with both Noth the Plaguebringer and the Plagued Champions
Congratulations on defeating Noth the Plaguebringer! Proceed through the iconic Naxxramas gauntlet and towards Heigan the Unclean for your dancing lessons.