PVP Beast Mastery Hunter Guide

PVP Beast Mastery Hunter Guide WotLK 3.3.5a


Welcome to the Beast Mastery Hunter PVP guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Beast Mastery Hunter in the arena or a battleground. The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips, Team setups.

Talent Tree

Beast Mastery Hunter Arena Battleground Pvp Spec Wow.3.3.5a


Major Glyphs

Minor Glyphs


Gems are situational and depend on the build and equipment. They are used to reach the required stat caps.


Gameplay & Rotations

While playing a Beast Mastery Hunter your skill priority should be something like this:

Kill Shot > Aimed Shot > Arcane Shot > Serpent Sting > Steady Shot


The thing with Serpent Sting is that it may break some CC effects on the target. To go around this problem – apply Scorpid Sting or Viper Sting to the target. They will replace the Serpent Sting and deal 0 damage to the target, thus not break the crowd control.

Viper Sting will not be used a lot, but here’s an example of when it’s a good idea. Your team failed to win by bursting down the enemy and you see the enemy healer is low on mana. Now is the time to help him get OOM with Viper Sting, focus him down and finish the fight.

Tranquilizing Shot is a gamble, but you should definitely use it. It can dispell spells like Hand of Sacrifice, Power Word: Shield, Ice Barrier, Paladin’s wings and Hand of Freedom.

Don’t use all of your cooldowns at once. Firing Bestial Wrath, Intimidation, and Rapid Fire at once leaves in a rather weak position. Use Rapid Fire if you are sure that you will be able to free cast untouched for about 8-10 seconds.



Chimaera is considered to be one of the best Exotic pets for PVP thanks to its special skill called Froststorm Breath. Froststorm Breath is a ranged skill that also slows the target by 50% for 5 seconds. The cooldown is low, resulting in a 70% uptime slowing effect. The slowing effect cannot be trinketed out of or dispelled.

Pvp Beast Mastery Hunter Cunning Chimaera Pet Talent Tree Wow 3.3.5a

You can also change this build by swapping points between Cornered and Bullheaded to Grace of the Mantis and Roar of Sacrifice.

Core Hound

Core Hounds are a bit too squishy but Battleground, but they really shine in the Arena. Their high DPS and special ability called Lava Breath is a great combo to burst down enemies. Lava Breath is a ranged fire-based spell with a 25% casting speed reduction debuff to the enemy.

Pvp Beast Mastery Hunter Ferocity Core Hound Pet Talent Tree Wow 3.3.5a

You can also swap the Bloodthirsty and Heart of the Phoenix talents to Culling the Herd for maximum damage.


Worms are excellent pets for the Battlegrounds. They are really hard to kill due to their survivability and they also apply an armor debuff to the target. The worm is a Tenacity pet, which brings great abilities, such as Charge, Intervene, Roar of Sacrifice and Last Stand.

Pvp Beast Mastery Hunter Tenacity Worm Pet Talent Tree Wow 3.3.5a


Add-ons improve your gameplay by a lot. It is necessary to utilize add-ons, since they play a vital role in your performance, whether you are in a raid, arena or at the auction house.

Check out our Add-ons Page which will provide you with a download link and some configuration info. The addon versions are for WoW WotLK 3.3.5a. The site has multiple versions of the add-ons, so if you need another version – you can also search for it there.

Team Setups

Here is a list of preferable partners in the 2v2 and 3v3 arena.

2v2 Arena

  • Retribution Paladin
  • Discipline Priest
  • Shadow Priest
  • Restoration Druid
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Feral Druid

3v3 Arena

  • Protection Warrior + Holy Paladin
  • Unholy / Frost Death Knight + Holy Paladin
  • Feral Druid + Holy Paladin / Restor. Shaman / Discipline Priest
  • Retribution Paladin + Discipline Priest



About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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2 years ago

Use this macro with a Chimera, and you’ll be able to global just about anyone. There is extra for a core hound and Racial for Orc Hunters. However a chimera will benefit you more.

#showtooltip Bestial Wrath
/cast Rabid
/cast Dash
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Intimidation
/cast Kill Command
/cast Call of the Wild
/cast Lava Breath
/cast Blood Fury(Racial)
/cast Rapid Fire
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Also name your pet the same as your character. Helps disrupt targeting in a non arena fight.

Dont waste time with the worm, theyre garbage in smaller BG’s. AV and mabye Isle of Conquest, but all other bg’s they suck.

YOU DO NOT NEED SPELL PEN AS A HUNTER, you are a physical dps, your stings are really only ment to help keep targets in combat. Youre missing Chimera Shot from the Marksmen tree, which really capitalizes on stings. Spell Pen doesnt carry over to your pet, just as armor pen doesnt. Pets scale completely off Attack power, thus why we gem it.

Reply to  Tundrawookie
2 years ago

what about spell pen for traps?

Reply to  garysnail
2 years ago

traps are physical damage

Reply to  Tundrawookie
1 year ago

Each trap has it’s own element. You need spell pen to break auras and motw. Period. It’s important for arena post naxx phase. everything else, just Tranq it off.

5 months ago

Missed one of the most viable comp with enh shaman. Basicly, this is the only comp worth playing as BM.In every other comp in 2v2 MM is more preferable.

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