- Author: Passion
- Date: September 7, 2022
- Updated: September 19, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Instructor Razuvious is the first boss of the Military Quarter in Naxxramas. He is a stern and uncompromising teacher and trainer to the very best Death Knights the Scourge has to offer.
“Pay attention. This is Instructor Razuvious, Kel’Thuzad’s appointed trainer of all death knights. It is said that his own technique is so potent, only a disciple of his could possibly withstand his might.” –Commander Eligor Dawnbringer
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to use Instructor Razuvious’ biggest strength, his students, against him.
Role Summaries
- Everyone should have potions, elixirs, and flasks appropriate for their role
- Make sure you don’t hit Instructor Razuvious prematurely so that Priests have time to Mind Control
The Fight
- Do what you can to top yourself up after Jagged Knife and Disrupting Shout
- Make sure you don’t over aggro and throw off the taunt rotation
- Make sure to pre-pop a potion in order to maximize your damage!
The Fight
- Avoid cleave damage, you don’t want to accidentally kill a Death Knight Understudy
- Make sure to pre-pop a potion in order to maximize your damage!
The Fight
- Avoid cleave damage, you don’t want to accidentally kill a Death Knight Understudy
- Avoid pre-HoTs, you might mess up the positioning of the Understudies
The Fight
- Make sure your UI shows pet frames, so you can heal the tanking Death Knight Understudy
- Make sure to pre-pop a potion, you are mostly a DPS for this fight
The Fight
- Make sure you pick up any Understudy that breaks Mind Control, otherwise they will kill a Priest
- In an emergency, you might be able to take a hit from Razuvious if you use defensive cooldowns
Instructor Razuvious
Razuvious main ability, Unbalancing Strike is not intended to be tanked by players, instead, it is expected to be tanked by a Death Knight Understudy that is Mind Controlled. Jagged Knife and Disrupting Shout will be the main sources of damage to players in the raid.
Death Knight Understudy
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull

Your main-tank should use a ranged ability, such as Heroic Throw to pull the Understudies from a distance. This will aggro them all, but Instructor Razuvious will stay behind for a few seconds giving his students their orders. These precious seconds should be used for your Priests to Mind Control their Understudies, which should then be used to Taunt Instructor Razuvious.
The Fight

The majority of the fights mechanics are dealt with by the Priests and their Death Knight Understudy. These Priests will need to coordinate taunt swaps every time Bone Barrier is about to fall off. Tanking Razuvious without Bone Barrier active is certain death, but you do have backup Understudies if things go very wrong. While you’re Mind Controlling, simply spam Blood Strike on cooldown.
Healers will have to focus on four different areas. Some will need to prioritize the tanking Death Knight Understudy, it will not survive without healing. At least one healer should be dedicated to taking care of people hit by Jagged Knife, ensuring that they do not die to the damage-over-time effect. Your other healers will need to focus on keeping the main-tank alive while they tank the Understudies that are not currently Mind Controlled, as well as keeping everyone healthy between Disrupting Shout casts.
When Razuvious dies, his Understudies will become Hopeless, taking 5000% increased damage from all sources, making them very quick and easy to clean up.
Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this fight:
- A Death Knight Understudy breaks Mind Control prematurely, aggroing onto a Priest and potentially killing them
- Someone gets aggro on Razuvious, being quickly killed and creating chaos while the Priests attempt to reestablish their Taunt rotation
- The target of Jagged Knife does not receive enough healing and dies to the damage-over-time
- The tanking Death Knight Understudy does not receive enough healing and dies
- The healers fail to keep up with Disrupting Shout and players slowly die to AoE damage
As long as your Priests manage their new role as tanks effectively, this fight is very simple. No pressure!
Congratulations on defeating Instructor Razuvious and starting your journey into the Military Quarter, next up is Gothik the Harvester, so make sure you have a drink, this one will take a lot longer!