- Author: Nevermore
- Date: January 8, 2024
- Updated: January 10, 2024
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Equipment will be the main source of your character’s power, contributing the biggest bulk of your stats. It is therefore very important that you choose the correct equipment for each slot — commonly referred to as “best in slot” equipment – in order to maximize your power.
This guide is divided into two sections. The first section is basic lists, providing you full sets for a fresh level 80 pre-raid, a level 80 preparing for their first foray into Trial of the Crusader, and an example of ideal gear to aspire to from Trial of the Crusader. The second section provides more alternatives for each slot, giving an example of gear progression between these three areas of gearing.
Heroic++, otherwise known as Defense Protocol Beta drops gear from 10-man Ulduar and Naxxramas. Heroic+, otherwise known as Defense Protocol Alpha, drops gear from 10-man Naxxramas, as well as regular Heroic gear. Future Phases are likely to add further Heroic difficulties.
Progressive List
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Engineering Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) The Oculus |
As a Fresh level 80, you’ll have several choices for your head slot. One of your first choices will be Visage Liquification Goggles if you’re an Engineer that is, if you’re not an Engineer the next best option will be the Crown of Unbridled Magic from normal Oculus.
With the release of Phase 2, we get the introduction of Heroic+ dungeons which move normal raid gear from Naxxramus 10 man into heroic dungeons, with this introduction you’ll have access to Hereos Frostfire Circlet which will be one of the best options you can pick up as a fresh level 80 due to the set bonuses with another option being the Cowl of Sheet Lightning which will give you haste instead of crit and slightly less spell power
Item | Source |
Kel’thuzad 25m Naxxramas Malygos 25m Gothik the Harvester 25m |
Valorous Frostfire Circlet and Hood of Rationality can be interchanged as they’re both incredibly powerful depending on what other tier pieces you are using/not using. if you are using 4 other pieces of tier Hood of Rationality will be better than Valorous Frostfire Circlet, but if Valorour Frostfire Circlet is one of the 4 tier pieces you are using then it’ll be better. Gothik’s Cowl is mainly just an upgrade over the fresh 80 items.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Mimiron 25m Hard Mode Emblem of Conquest Quartermaster Razorscale 25m Normal Mode |
With all 3 being incredibly good options, Conqueror’s Kirin Tor Hood is only good if it’s needed for the 4 set bonus and if the massive amount of hit is needed. Both Crown of Luminescence and Collar of the Wyrmhunter are both incredible pickups depending on if you need the hit from the latter or not
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Trash Drop) Emblem Vendor Jewelcrafting |
As a fresh 80 you’ll have several different options available to you with necks, if you have enough emblems you can purchase Encircling Burnished Gold Chains for 25 emblems, if not you also have the option to purchase Titanium Spellshock Necklace from your local Auction House. A couple other necks you’ll be able to pick up that’ll last you a decent amount of time would be Thunderstorm Amulet which is just slightly better than Encircling Burnished Gold Chains or Chain of Latent Energies which is just below the Pre-raid neck
Item | Source |
Sapphiron 25m Naxxramas Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) |
Pre-raid wise Wyrmrest Necklace of Power will be the strongest neck you can aquire with Thunderstorm Amulet and Encircling Burnished Gold Chains being the next best 2
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Steelbreaker 25m HM Flame Leviathan 25m HM |
For Arcane these are the only 2 really good options as most of the other necks from Ulduar lack stats compared to these two with Sapphire Amulet of Renewal being the better of the 2 if the hit from Pendant of Fiery Havoc isn’t needed
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) BoE Drop BoE Drop |
With the few amount of shoulders to choose from our best to grab during this time is out tier shoulders, after that it’ll be 2 BoE drops that you can buy off the Auction House
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Emblem Vendor Heroic+ (former Naxxramas 10 Drop) |
As we get into our pre-raid gear, we only have 2 different options as they both give us our set bonus.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Togg-Saron Ulduar 25m Thorim, Thorim (Hard) Ulduar 10m Togg-Saron Ulduar 10m |
With the release of Ulduar we have the option to grab 3 different sets of shoulders. 2 of which are our tier shoulders which will help us get out 4 set bonus, while the other is only a option if you want your shoulders to be the off piece from your set, in which case you go for Amice of Inconceivable Horror.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Emblem Vendor Tailoring/Auction House Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) |
Disguise of Kumiho is one of our best cloaks to get as a fresh 80 with Deathchill Cloak a very close second which is available before you hit level 80 due to the Auction House.
Item | Source |
Sartharion 25m Kel’Thuzas Naxx 25m Emblem Vendor Tailoring/Auction House |
With our Pre-raid we have 2 options with the most powerful being Pennant Cloak as it has a gem slot to activate our meta gem, our only option outside of Pennant Cloak before using Fresh 80 gear, is Cape of the Unworthy as it provides more stats than the other cloaks.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic: All is Well That Ends Well (Ulduar) Steelbreaker Ulduar 25m |
With Ulduar we only have 2 real options for cloaks, with Sunglimmer Cloak being our more powerful option unless Hit is needed from Drape of Mortal Downfall.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Emblem Vendor |
As a Fresh 80 you only really have one option due to the set bonus mage t7 will give you causing all other items to be lower in damage and availability.
Item | Source |
Sartharion 1 Drake Naxxramas 25 man or Vault of Archavon Emblem Vendor |
With Pre-raid gear being from the previous phase, The The Sanctum’s Flowing Vestments will be one of your strongest options if you have the other 4 tier sets, if not then the tier chest will be the next best option.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Hodir Ulduar 25 man Yogg-Saron 10 man Kologarn Ulduar 25 man |
With the tier sets in ulduar allowing us to have a 2nd use of Missile Barrage the tier chest is one of the better options to get for the 4 set bonus. If you go for the tier gloves you can grab Robes of the Umbral Brute as the next best option.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
The Oculus Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Emblem Vendor |
With pre-raid we have access to 3 different wrist combo’s with Cuffs of the Shadow Ascendant being available off the Auction House but also being the weakest of the three, Cuffs of Winged Levitation is our best option as a Fresh 80 as it gives us the most bang for our buck in terms of stats for arcane.
Item | Source |
Sartharion 3 Drake 25 man Grand Widow Faerlina, Naxxramas 25 man |
With our pre-raid coming from the previous raid tier, Unsullied cuffs are one of the strongest bracers we can get in this time, as they are also second bis for us in Ulduar our next option is Punctilious Bindings which is basically Unsullied cuffs but without a gem slot.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
XT-002 Deconstructor Ulduar 25 man HM Sartharion 2 Drake 25 man Kologarn Ulduar 25 man |
With the release of Ulduar Grasps of Reason take the bis slot easily with Unsullied cuffs being right behind it, our next best option is Bracers of Unleashed Magic.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Auction House/Naxxramas 25m from Faerlina and Gluth Emblem Vendor Tailoring Heroic+ Former Naxxramas 10 Drop |
With the release of Heroic+ our glove options are surprisingly simple, with Gloves of Token Respect being out main go to option if we don’t go for the tier gloves for our 4s bonus. After those two Spellweave Gloves and Handgrips of Turmoil are the next best options with Spellweave Gloves being slightly better
Item | Source |
Auction House/Naxxramas 25m From Faerlina and Gluth Sartharion 25man or Vault of Archavon |
with our pre-raid gear, we only have 2 real options to choose from, either our tier gloves or Gloves of Token Respect, with the latter only being chosen if not using tier gloves for the set bonuses.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Algalon the Observer Ulduar 25 man Emalon the Storm Watcher, Vault of Archavon 25 man General Vezax, Ulduar 25 man HM |
with our gloves, there is only one clear winner with that being Pharos Gloves being significantly better in terms of optimization of stats for us with the next best option being our tier gloves for the set bonus or Handwraps of the Vigilant if gloves aren’t needed for the set bonus.
Fresh 80
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Emblem Vendor |
Due to the lack of options as a fresh 80, Plush Sash of Guzbah will be one of the best options to get as it’s also from the Emblem Vendor
Item | Source |
Malygos 25m Thaddius 25m |
Upgrading from Plush Sash of Guzbah you only have two real options, with one being more of a hit option compared to the other, with Leash of Heedless Magic being better unless hit is needed in which case Cincture of Polarity will be better
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Tailoring Algalon, Ulduar 25m HM |
With the release of Ulduar we gain access to Sash of Ancient Magic as it’ll be a tailoring pattern inside Ulduar which will be one of our best options with Starwatcher’s Binding being the next best option if hit is not needed.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Heroic Halls of Lightening |
As a fresh 80 we don’t have many options for our legs which make our tier legs and Woven Bracae Leggings the best option by far.
Item | Source |
Emblem Vendor Malygos 25m |
With our pre-raid gear being our previous’s tier bis that puts our 25m tier legs as our best option for this slot, with Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster right behind it if hit is somehow needed.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Freya Ulduar 25m HM and Emalon the Storm Watcher Vault of Archavon 25m |
In Ulduar bis, 4 set bonus is extremely strong specially with how much hit comes on the gear for it. If you are using tier gloves you can use Leggings of the Enslaved Idol instead as the off piece.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Wyrmrest Accord – Exalted Malygos 25m or Auction House |
For our Fresh 80 bis items, Arcanic Tramplers is by far the best as they’ll last even past Naxxramas 25m gear. However, if you can afford to get them as a fresh 80, Sandals of Crimson Fury are your next best as you’ll only need exalted with Wrymrest Accord to buy them.
Item | Source |
Malygos 25m or Auction House |
As our pre-raid gear is our bis from the previous phase, Arcanic Tramplers will remain our bis even at this point.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Flame Leviathan 25m HM Ulduar Yogg-Saron 25m HM Ulduar |
Both of these are extremely close together so either one can be used over the other.
Fresh 80
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6800g from Harold Winston at Exalted with Kirin Tor Emblem Vendor Culling of Stratholme Heroic Utgarde Keep Heroic |
With our rings we have 4 options with Signet of the Kirin Tor being the most expensive but easiest to get with it also being one of the best rings we can get as a fresh 80. Our other best option is Band of Channeled Magic which will also be our pre-raid bis. Our other two options if you choose to not spend the excessive amount on Kirin tor ring are Band of Guile and Annhylde’s Ring.
Item | Source |
Kel’Thuzad Naxxramas 25m Emblem Vendor |
Our Pre-raid Rings are extremely simple with Band of Channeled Magic making a return with Signet of Manifested Pain.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Algalon the Observer 25m Mimiron 25m HM Kel’Thuzad Naxxramas 25m Ignis the Furnace Master Ulduar 25m |
With our Ulduar bis gear we only have two options that are miles ahead of other rings with those being Nebula Band and Conductive Seal. The two next best options would be Signet of Manifested Pain and Pyrelight Circle.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Emblem Vendor |
Sadly as a Fresh 80 we only have 2 real options for our trinkets with these being by far the best 2.
Item | Source |
Heroic+ Naxxramas 25m Sarth 25m |
For our pre-raid trinkets Embrace of the Spider is by far one of the best we can get with Dying Curse being the next best and Illustration of the Dragon Soul being the next best option behind the two.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
General Vezax 25m HM Thorim 25m Razorscale 10m |
With our trinkets in Ulduar we only have 2 extremely good options with Eye of the Broodmother being a decent option incase one is missing.
Fresh 80
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2H Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 drop) Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 drop) 1H Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 drop) Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 drop) Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 drop) OH Emblem Vendor Emblem Vendor |
For our fresh 80 options with two Hand weapons, Sulfur Stave is one of the best options if Hit is needed on your weapons, along with Charmed Ceirge being an incredible option if hit isn’t needed.
Out of our 1 Handed options we have 3 different options with The Soulblade being an incredibly powerful if hit is needed, otherwise both Blade of Dormant Memories and Grieving Spellblade being the next best options if hit isn’t needed.
With our Off hand options we have a couple options with 1 providing hit and another providing haste
Item | Source |
1H Ke’Thuzad Naxxramas 25m Gothik the Harvester Naxxramas 25m OH Maexxna Naxxramas 25m Patchwerk Naxxramas 25m |
With our Pre-raid gear being our bis from Naxxramas, Turning Tide is by far the best weapon for us, with Life and Death being the next best option out of our Main Hand options.
Matriarch’s Spawn is by far the best Off-hand option for us with Surplus Limb being the best option if hit is needed.
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
2H Hodir Ulduar 25m Ignis the Furnace Master 25m 1H Algalon the Observer and Mimiron 25m HM Yogg-Saron 25m Mimiron 10m HM OH Algalon 25m HM |
With our Ulduar bis, we have a couple options with the Main hand + Offhand being the best option with the other options being a decent upgrade.
The best option for us as Fire will be StarShard Edge + Cosmos with Soulscribe and Fusion Blade being incredibly good options as well.
For our Staff options, Intensity is a good choice if you need the hit on a weapon, otherwise, Staff of Endless Winter is the best option by far
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 drop) Utgarde Keep H |
With our Fresh 80 gear we have 1 extremely strong option with that being Wand of the Archlich, if hit is a issue though you can use Wand of the San’layn
Item | Source |
Heroic+ (Former Naxxramas 10 Drop) Naxxramas 25m Anub’Rehkan |
with our pre-raid gear Wand of the Archlich is the best option with Gemmed Wand of the Nerubians being extremely powerful if hit is needed
Phase 2 Best in Slot
Item | Source |
General Vezax Ulduar 25m Freya Ulduar 25m |
With our Ulduar bis we have 2 extremely strong options with Scepter of Lost Souls being extremely powerful if hit is not needed and Petrified Ivy Sprig being extremely powerful if hit is needed.