- Author: lettara
- Date: June 27, 2023
- Updated: June 27, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic

ToC Achievement Guide
Grand Warlock Wilfred Fizzlebang arrogantly attempts to summon and bind a demon far beyond his capabilities. The mighty Eredar Lord Jaraxxus appears from the warlock’s portal and effortlessly dispatches his summoner. In an unexpected turn of events, it is up to you to take control of the disaster and vanquish Jaraxxus back to the Twisting Nether!
Role Summaries
- Run away from other players and kite when you have Legion Flames.
- Help interrupt Fel Fireball if able.
- Spread out to avoid chaining Fel Lightning.
- Run away from other players and kite when you have Legion Flames.
- Attack the Nether Portals and the subsequent Mistress of Pain that spawn.
- Attack the Infernal Volcano and the subsequent Fellflame Infernals that spawn.
- Run away from other players and kite when you have Legion Flames.
- Attack the Nether Portals and the subsequent Mistress of Pain that spawn.
- Attack the Infernal Volcano and the subsequent Fellflame Infernals that spawn.
- While attacking the Infernal Volcano, use any defensive cooldowns at your disposal.
- Spread out to avoid chaining Fel Lightning.
- Run away from other players and kite when you have Legion Flames.
- Heal players effected by Incinerate Flesh.
- Use raid-wide defensive cooldowns such as Divine Sacrifice during Infernal Volcano.
- Position the boss in the center of the room.
- When Nether Portal spawns, bring the boss over to it to facilitate cleave.
- Pick up any Mistress of Pain(s) 8 seconds after a Nether Portal is spawned.
- Rotate taunts on Fellflame Infernals that are threatening your raid members.
- During the lengthy RP, ensure that all raid members are positioned in accordance to your strategy.
- Keep an eye on Nether Portal and Infernal Volcano spawn timers. Alert your raid when they are 5-10 seconds away.
- Announce Incinerate Flesh and Legion Flames targets.
- Call for a chain of Divine Sacrifice and Aura Mastery + Fire Resistance Aura during Infernal Volcano.
- Call for a chain of Aura Mastery + Concentration Aura when a Mistress of Pain is summoned to avoid her silence.
- Monitor stacks of Nether Power. Remind your mages to Spellsteal if they are not being instantly removed.
Raid Composition & Preparation
Heroic Mode
Like every Trial of The Crusader boss, Lord Jaraxxus health has been increased by 30% in the Heroic version. The Normal and Heroic versions of Lord Jaraxxus are very similar. The primary difference being that Nether Portal and Infernal Volcano are attackable, and will need to be killed before they summon too many Mistress of Pain or Fellflame Infernals, respectively. This DPS check can be challenging and all players will need to swap to these priority targets to prevent being overrun with adds.
The Pull
After a lengthy RP, Lord Jaraxxus will become attackable. Your tank should be standing on top of the boss ready to pick him up immediately. Melee should be a few steps back to avoid getting 1-shot the moment Lord Jaraxxus becomes active.
Have your ranged DPS and healers spread evenly around the room, as depicted in the image below.

Alternatively, you can have all of your ranged DPS stack on a single location. Be warned that this positioning will present its own unique challenges and will make the fight harder to heal.

Using the alternative positioning will bolster your raids DPS in two ways:
- Movement will be dramatically reduced as both the Nether Portal and Infernal Volcano will be in range of casters at all times.
- Melee will get more uptime on the bosses back, resulting in less parries. Lord Jaraxxus likes to spin around to face the player he is casting Fel Fireball, Incinerate Flesh or Legion Flames on. If the majority of the raid is in front of the boss, he will turn dramatically less.
Using the alternative positioning will make the fight more difficult in two ways:
- Ranged DPS & healers will be always chain Fel Lightning to one another. However, AoE heals such as Chain Heal, Glyph of Holy Light and Circle of Healing will be significantly more powerful.
- Ranged DPS & healers effected by Legion Flames must react very quickly. If they fail to move out of the stack in time they will spawn fire on the raid, causing massive raid damage and forcing everyone to move.
If you do not trust your players to react to Legion Flames in time, or your healers to keep up with Fel Lightning damage, I would recommend the standard positioning.
The Fight
The Lord Jaraxxus encounter is very scripted with little room for innovative strategy.
Be prepared to handle the three mechanics that Lord Jaraxxus will use throughout the fight:
- Fel Fireball – Assign a single melee DPS player or Death Knight tank to interrupt this. If you fail to interrupt it, quickly dispel your main tank.
- Legion Flames – If you are targeted with this, stay mobile. You will drop flames on your feet periodically while you have this debuff, so run to the edge of the room, or at least out of the way enough as to not impact anyone else for the remainder of the fight. It is possible to take zero damage from Legion Flames if you do not stop moving.
- Incinerate Flesh – The player targeted with Incinerate Flesh will need to be spam healed until the debuff expires. If you fail to do this, that player will explode and cause massive AoE damage to the raid. The afflicted player can use a Healthstone or any healing abilities to help out.