- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 6, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Soul Siphon rune for Warlocks in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Soul Siphon
- Engraving: Engrave Cloak – Soul Siphon
- Class: Warlock
- Slot: Back (changed from Chest in Phase 4)
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 10 (Required)
How to Get the Soul Siphon Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
This rune can be discovered in Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, or Tirisfal Glades.
Dun Morogh (
Alliance Zone)
To get the Soul Siphon rune, you must be at least level 10 and have the Drain Soul ability trained.
Use Drain Soul on any critter (rabbit, deer, etc.) to get a Pure Soul Shard.
Then locate Captain Beld, a level 11 Dark Iron Dwarf southeast of Gol’Bar Quarry in Dun Morogh (77.9, 62.2). Use Drain Soul on him to get a Tainted Soul Shard.
Turn both shards in to Gaklik Voidtwist in Kharanos near the Warlock Trainer (47.2, 53.6). He will give you a Rune of Soul Siphon. Right-click this item to learn the rune.

Durotar (
Horde Zone)
To get the Soul Siphon rune, you must be at least level 10 and have the Drain Soul ability trained.
Use Drain Soul on any critter (rabbit, deer, etc.) to get a Pure Soul Shard.
Then find Gazz’uz, a level 14 orc, in Skull Rock, a cave at northeast end of Durotar (51.5, 9.7). Use Drain Soul on him to get a Tainted Soul Shard.
Turn both shards in to Darmak Bloodhowl in Razor Hill near the Warlock Trainer (54.6, 41.6). He will give you a Rune of Soul Siphon. Right-click this item to learn the rune.

Elwynn Forest (
Alliance Zone)
To get the Soul Siphon rune, you must be at least level 10 and have the Drain Soul ability trained.
Use Drain Soul on any critter (rabbit, deer, etc.) to get a Pure Soul Shard.
Then Find Hogger, everyone’s favorite level 11 elite, at the gnoll camp in southwestern Elwynn Forest (27.8, 89.8) Use Drain Soul on him to get a Tainted Soul Shard.
Turn both shards in to Damien Kane in Goldshire near the Warlock Trainer in the inn basement (44.0, 66.2). He will give you a Rune of Soul Siphon. Right-click this item to learn the rune.

Tirisfal Glades (
Horde Zone)
To get the Soul Siphon rune, you must be at least level 10 and have the Drain Soul ability trained.
Use Drain Soul on any critter (rabbit, deer, etc.) to get a Pure Soul Shard.
Then find Maggot Eye, a level 10 undead gnoll at Garren’s Haunt, the northern farm in Tirisfal Glades (58.7, 30.8). Use Drain Soul on him to get a Tainted Soul Shard.
Turn both shards in to Denton Bleakway in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity near the Warlock Trainer (83.8, 27.4). He will give you a Rune of Soul Siphon. Right-click this item to learn the rune.

Casting drain souls on hogger while he dies haven’t gave me the shard do you have to do it allone ?
The Pure Soul Shard and Tainted Shard work just as good.
thank you that fact is no where except here.
Anyone know whats the deal? Neither Gazz’uz OR Maggot Eye are dropping the Wanted Soul shard, I only get Normal Soul Shard….
Orc Warlock btw, but Idk if that even matters cuz I got pure soul shard instead of Innocent soul shard and I was in durotar when I got it.
I just realized I have a “tainted” soul shard but then that would prove this guide has Misinformation
Corrected the names of the items, sorry about that!
Yeah, Warlock in DunMourgh gives Pure Soul shard from an innocent and Tainted Soul shard from Beld. Not the ones indicated.
what do you mean? i have tainted and pure shard and damien kane did nothing
nvm went to the wrong npc, he´s behind the barrels lol
Something you need to know about hogger: If you outlevel him, you normally gain no soul shard due to no exp. The game is scripted to still give you a shard if SOUL DRAIN gets the killing blow.