- Author: Nevermore
- Date: July 15, 2024
- Updated: January 28, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Priests in Season of Discovery are now able to unlock a second class-specific racial ability such as Fear Ward, Devouring Plague, or Starshards in addition to the abilities offered by their own character race. The ability to obtain this additional spell is unlocked once for the entire realm, after which each Priest only needs to visit Deadwind Pass and choose their spell.
The quest chain to unlock additional Priest racials only needed to be completed once per realm, and all current Season of Discovery realms have already done so. You can therefore skip the quest chain and go straight to the Divine Apprehension, a beam of light inside the chapel behind Karazhan castle in Deadwind Pass (around 40.8, 78.3). Interact with it to learn any of the following racial abilities, regardless of your character’s race:
- Desperate Prayer (Dwarf/Human)
- Devouring Plague (Undead)
- Elune’s Grace (Night Elf)
- Fear Ward (Dwarf)
- Feedback (Human)
- Hex of Weakness (Troll)
- Shadowguard (Troll)
- Starshards (Night Elf)
- Touch of Weakness (Undead)

Realm-Wide Unlock Quest Chain
Diplomatic Overtures Quest
To start the journey for the Server-Wide Priest Racials unlock quest line, you will need to head over to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind Cathedral if you are Alliance or to Dietrich Praice in Orgrimmar and pick up the Diplomatic Overtures quest. The quest simply involves gathering some materials and delivering them back to the quest giver.
Shrine of Cooperation
Once you complete the Diplomatic Overtures quest and receive the Altruist Ward/Altruist Ward reward, you will need to head over to Eastern Plaguelands and find the Shrine of the Co-operation at the (48, 59) coordinates. However, the next part will be difficult as you will need to head over with a priest of the opposite faction. Once both you and the priest from the opposite faction reach the shrine, you will have to damage each other and use the Altruist Ward/Altruist Ward on each other to heal yourselves.

Once that’s done the Shrine of Cooperation quest will pop up for both players, returned to High Priestess Laurena for the Alliance player and Dietrich Praice for the Horde player to complete the quest.
Diplomatic Ring
The next follow-up quest will be the Diplomatic Ring which will require you to gather 2 x Arcanite Bar, 3 x Blood of the Mountain, and 3 x Blue Sapphire. Gathering all the materials will reward you with the Diplomatic Ring which will be required in the next part of the quest line.
A Diplomatic Mission
A Diplomatic Mission will require you to visit the Priest Trainer of the opposite faction and interact with them. To do so, you will need to meet at the gates of either Stormwind or Orgrimmar depending on which faction you are, and use the Diplomatic Ring from the previous quest. Both you and the other priest will have to use the Diplomatic Ring on each other, resulting in the priest of the opposite faction being able to escort you to their specific Priest Trainer. Using the Diplomatic Ring will allow you to pass the guards without being attacked, however, you will still be able to be attacked by players of the opposite faction! Count on your priest buddy to convince them to broker a temporary peace until you finish the quest. Interacting with the Priest Trainer of the opposite faction will lead to the Repairing the Shard quest.
Repairing the Shard
This quest will require you to head to Dire Maul West and kill Magister Kalendris to acquire the Applied Divinity. Once you acquire the item, deliver the quest to the Priest Trainer of the opposite faction. You will be required to do the same method with the Diplomatic Ring to reach the Priest Trainer.

The Convocation Assembles
Delivering the Repairing the Shard quest will lead to the last part of the chain quest, The Convocation Assembles quest. This quest will require you to go to Deadwind Pass and venture to the area where Karazhan is located. Nearby, at the (41, 78) coordinates, you will find a chapel where you can deliver the quest.

Once the quest chain has been completed you’ll be able to interact with the Divine Apprehension in the chapel to learn a Priest racial ability belonging to another race!