- Author: Luxrah
- Date: January 29, 2025
- Updated: January 29, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Karazhan Crypts is a new dungeon for WoW Classic added in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery. This dungeon requires level 60 as well as a chain of attunement quests to enter. This guide will walk you through how to unlock the dungeon so you can face the darkness in this highly anticipated and challenging new endgame content.
Karazhan Crypts Attunement Quests
To start the attunement quest chain, head to Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands and look for a sign next to the chapel entrance (around 80, 60). The tooltip should say Seeking Seasoned Adventurers! when you hover over the sign. Interact with it to start the quest For Gold and Glory!

Now make your way to Morgan’s Plot in Deadwind Pass. This is the graveyard on the hill behind the main castle of Karazhan. To reach Deadwind Pass, Alliance will generally run east from Duskwood while Horde will most likely travel west from Stonard in Swamp of Sorrows. (Unless you are lucky enough to have an Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, in which case you can teleport straight to the castle.)
When you reach the graveyard, look for a Deceased Adventurer on the ground in front of the crypt entrance (around 40, 74). Interact with the corpse to start the quest No Ordinary Shadows. This will trigger a swirling magical darkness around the crypt. You’ll deal with this darkness in a later quest; you don’t need to stick around for now.

Head north to find Agent Keanna at Ariden’s Camp in Deadwind Pass (around 52, 34). If you completed the Dark Riders quests earlier in the season, you’ll recognize this camp. She offers the next quest, Seeking Survivors.

Go south to Grosh’gok Compound, the large ogre cave in the southeast corner of The Vice in Deadwind Pass (59.8, 74.5). Enter the cave and look for a cage in the southeast corner (around 65, 78). Inside the cage you’ll find an Injured Adventurer who will give you the quest To the Rescue.
To open the cage, you’ll need to loot the Deadwind Cage “Key” from one of the Deadwind ogres nearby. If there are a lot of people trying to do this quest, you can just wait for another player of your faction to open the cage and it should count as long as you’re standing close enough.

Return to Ariden’s Camp to find the rescued Harrison Jones now standing near Agent Keanna (around 52, 34). He’ll give you the next quest, Are You Afraid of the Dark.
Turn in this quest to Agent Keanna nearby and she’ll give you The Hypothesis. This quest requires you to collect three items:
- The Flame of Life can drop from any elite red dragonkin mobs at Grim Batol in Wetlands.
- The Enthusiastic Wisp is obtained by clicking on a friendly blue Enthusiastic Wisp at the south end of Darkwhisper Gorge in Winterspring (around 52, 91).
- The Ancient Ironwood Branch drops from either of two dungeon bosses:
- Tendris Warpwood, the first boss inside Dire Maul West. (You will need the Crescent Key to enter this dungeon, or else have someone open the door for you.)
- Grimroot, the first boss inside the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon. (You will need to be attuned to this dungeon and have the Shadowtooth Illusion Wand equipped in order to enter.)
When you’ve collected the above three items, return to Agent Keanna at Ariden’s Camp in Deadwind Pass to progress to the quest Testing Our Hypothesis. Then head south to the Karazhan Crypts entrance to release the Enchanted Firebrand by clicking on it in your inventory. It will fly around a bit and then fly into the dungeon. The swirling darkness around the crypt should disappear.
Back at Ariden’s Camp, speak with Agent Keanna to turn in the quest, and then Harrison Jones will offer you another, Curious Karazhan Curios!
Now when you return to Karazhan Crypts, you should be able to enter the dungeon through the crypt entrance.