- Author: Luxrah
- Date: April 18, 2024
- Updated: December 8, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Players with the Leatherworking profession are able to specialize in either Dragonscale Leatherworking, Elemental Leatherworking, or Tribal Leatherworking. These specializations allow you to craft some powerful exclusive patterns, but you can only have one specialization at a time.
This guide will cover the differences between the three specializations, how you can learn them, and how to change specializations.
Leatherworking Specializations in Season of Discovery
In Season of Discovery, players are able to pick up all three Leatherworking specializations at the same time. Doing so requires completing the quests to learn each specialization individually.
Dragonscale vs. Elemental vs. Tribal Leatherworking
Each Leatherworking specialization has a slightly different focus, but none of them have any Bind-on-Pickup crafts, so you are free to choose the one that is the most lucrative. Tribal Leatherworking provides the most in-demand patterns between Wolfshead Helm, Hide of the Wild, and the Devilsaur armor set.
- Dragonscale Leatherworking focuses on mail armor
- Elemental Leatherworking focuses on leather Agility armor and elemental resistance armor
- Tribal Leatherworking focuses on leather Intellect and Agility armor
Here are all of the exclusive patterns for each specialization:
Slot | Dragonscale Exclusives | Elemental Exclusives | Tribal Exclusives |
Head | – | ||
Shoulders | |||
Back | – | ||
Chest | |||
Hands | |||
Waist | – | ||
Legs | |||
Feet | – |
Learning Dragonscale Leatherworking
To learn Dragonscale Leatherworking, head to one of the following trainers:
Peter Galen in Azshara (37.6, 65.4)
Thorkaf Dragoneye in The Badlands (62.7, 57.4)
They will give you the quest Dragonscale Leatherworking/
Dragonscale Leatherworking, which requires the following items:
10x Worn Dragonscale
- Can be looted or skinned from level 41+ Dragonkin enemies
2x Tough Scorpid Breastplate
- Pattern: Tough Scorpid Breastplate drops from Wastewander Thief in Tanaris
- Materials:
- Thick Leather 24
- Scorpid Scale x24
- Silken Thread x8
2x Tough Scorpid Gloves
- Pattern: Tough Scorpid Gloves drops from Wastewander Thief in Tanaris
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x12
- Scorpid Scale x16
- Silken Thread x4
Return to the trainer when you have collected all of the items to turn in the quest and learn the Dragonscale Leatherworking specialization.
Learning Elemental Leatherworking
To learn Elemental Leatherworking, head to one of the following trainers:
Sarah Tanner in Searing Gorge (63.6, 76.0)
Brumn Winterhoof in Arathi Mountains (28.3, 45.1)
They will give you the quest Elemental Leatherworking/
Elemental Leatherworking, which requires the following items:
Globe of Water
- Can be looted from level 46+ water Elemental enemies, including Toxic Horror in Felwood
- Can also be fished from Elemental Water pools in the Bay of Storms in Azshara
Heart of Fire
- Can be looted from level 45+ fire Elemental enemies, including Entropic Beast and Entropic Horror in Felwood
Core of Earth
- Can be looted from level 40+ earth Elemental enemies, including Ground Pounder and Land Rager in Tanaris
Breath of Wind
- Can be looted from level 43+ air Elemental enemies, including Gusting Vortex and Living Storm in Tanaris
Return to the trainer when you have collected all of the items to turn in the quest and learn the Elemental Leatherworking specialization.
Learning Tribal Leatherworking
Where the other specializations are learned by completing a single quest, Tribal Leatherworking requires several. The first seven quests can be completed by any Leatherworker without learning the specialization, so if you just want the recipes, you can get those and stop at the final quest.
You’ll want to gather all of the materials first to avoid having to make several trips back and forth. If you plan to make everything yourself, here are the materials you will need:
- Thick Leather x214
- Turtle Scale x112
- Wildvine x11
- Cured Thick Hide x2
- Silken Thread x22
- Heavy Silken Thread x12
When you’re ready, head to one of the following trainers:
Pratt McGrubben at Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas (30.6, 42.7)
Jangdor Swiftstrider at Camp Mojache in Feralas (74.4, 42.9)
They will give you the following quests in order:
1. Wild Leather Armor
- Thick Leather x10
2. Wild Leather Shoulders
- Thick Armor Kit x6
- Taught by:
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x30
- Silken Thread x6
- Wildvine x1
3. Wild Leather Vest
- Turtle Scale Breastplate x2
- Taught by:
Caryssia Moonhunter in Feralas (89.4, 46.6)
Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (74.4, 43.12)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x12
- Turtle Scale x24
- Heavy Silken Thread x2
- Taught by:
- Turtle Scale Gloves x2
- Pattern: Turtle Scale Gloves is sold by:
Pratt McGrubben (quest giver)
Jangdor Swiftstrider (quest giver)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x12
- Turtle Scale x16
- Heavy Silken Thread x2
- Pattern: Turtle Scale Gloves is sold by:
- Wildvine x1
4. Wild Leather Helmet
- Nightscape Tunic x2
- Taught by:
Drakk Stonehand in The Hinterlands (13.4, 43.5)
Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (74.4, 43.12)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x14
- Silken Thread x4
- Taught by:
- Nightscape Headband x2
- Taught by:
Drakk Stonehand in The Hinterlands (13.4, 43.5)
Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (74.4, 43.12)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x10
- Silken Thread x4
- Taught by:
- Wildvine x1
5. Wild Leather Boots
- Nightscape Pants x2
- Taught by:
Drakk Stonehand in The Hinterlands (13.4, 43.5)
Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (74.4, 43.12)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x28
- Silken Thread x8
- Taught by:
- Nightscape Boots x2
- Taught by:
Caryssia Moonhunter in Feralas (89.4, 46.6)
Drakk Stonehand in The Hinterlands (13.4, 43.5)
Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (74.4, 43.12)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x32
- Heavy Silken Thread x4
- Taught by:
- Wildvine x2
6. Wild Leather Leggings
- Turtle Scale Bracers x2
- Taught by:
Caryssia Moonhunter in Feralas (89.4, 46.6)
Drakk Stonehand in The Hinterlands (13.4, 43.5)
Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (74.4, 43.12)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x16
- Turtle Scale x24
- Heavy Silken Thread x2
- Taught by:
- Turtle Scale Helm x2
- Taught by:
Caryssia Moonhunter in Feralas (89.4, 46.6)
Drakk Stonehand in The Hinterlands (13.4, 43.5)
Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (74.4, 43.12)
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x28
- Turtle Scale x48
- Heavy Silken Thread x2
- Taught by:
- Wildvine x2
7. Master of the Wild Leather
For this quest, simply head to your faction’s Artisan Leatherworking trainer:
Telonis at the Craftsmen’s Terrace in Darnassus (64.6, 21.6)
Una at the Middle Rise in Thunder Bluff (41.5, 42.6)
8. Tribal Leatherworking
Now you’ll finally seek out your faction’s Tribal Leatherworking trainer:
Caryssia Moonhunter at The Lower Wilds in Feralas (89.4, 46.6)
Se’Jib at a hut across the river from Grom’gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale (36.6, 34.1)
You’ll need to turn in the following items:
- Wild Leather Vest x1
- Pattern: Wild Leather Vest was awarded to you earlier in the quest chain
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x12
- Wildvine x2
- Cured Thick Hide x1
- Wild Leather Helmet x1
- Pattern: Wild Leather Helmet was awarded to you earlier in the quest chain
- Materials:
- Thick Leather x10
- Wildvine x2
- Cured Thick Hide x1
Turn in these items to finally learn the Tribal Leatherworking specialization!
How to Change Leatherworking Specializations
In Vanilla WoW, there is only one way to change your Leatherworking specialization, and that’s by dropping the profession and leveling it again from scratch. This is obviously very expensive and time consuming to do, so think carefully before you do so.
To drop Leatherworking, open the Skills tab in your character window and click on the crossed out circle beside your Leatherworking skill. You will lose ALL of your current skill and ALL of your recipes, so be sure that you want to do this before you confirm!
Now you’ll have to level Leatherworking again from scratch. When you reach 200 skill level and want to pick up a new specialization, head to Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris and look for a small house north of town (65.4, 18.6). Inside you’ll find a book called Soothsaying for Dummies on a table. Interact with this book to get your new specialization. You won’t have to complete the quests like you did the first time around.