Official Hardcore Servers Announced

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During the Hardcore All-Stars Speedrun Tournament Finale, Sarthe was joined by Aggrend, the Senior Game Producer for WoW Classic for a mystery announcement.

As many predicted, that announcement was the release of official Hardcore servers for Classic Era. Characters on these servers will be restricted to one life, being unable to resurrect with any method, but you will be able to interact with the game world as a ghost.

Hardcore servers will also bring a new feature, “Duel to the Death”, which players can initiate by using /makgora. This feature is exactly what you think it is.

These servers will be available later this summer, and will be fresh, meaning that no transfers will be allowed to or from these servers. The public test realm will be available in the coming few weeks, narrowing down the specific rule-set more.

A new Classic season (Not SoM2 Electric Boogaloo) is also being worked on, with more information to come later this year. Make sure to check back here for updates as soon as we know more.

While we’re here, we’d also like to thank everyone that worked on, and participated in, the Hardcore All-Stars Speedrun Tournament. It’s been a blast watching!

About the Author


I love MMOs of all shades, especially the nitty gritty numbers parts of them. You might recognize me from the Shadow Priest discord, otherwise I play a little bit of everything, especially games with support roles available.

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1 year ago

with no appeal system i wonder if ppl will stay on current HC servers. i wonder if blizz will shutdown the HC addon. Who knows…

1 year ago

gonna be based LOL

1 year ago

gonna be shit LOL

Reply to  stomponblackorcs
1 year ago

Trash opinion that belongs in retail.

Reply to  johhny47
1 year ago

trash opinion of opinions, that belongs in retail.

Reply to  bravo616
1 year ago

grow up

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