Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) – Classic


  • Colored raid warnings (players will be colored according to their class) with icons and to the point messaging. DBM aims to let you know what to do for something, not just show you a spell name.
  • A big focus on filtering/hiding what you don’t need to know for your role (or what you can’t do anything about such as dispel/interrupt on cooldown), so you can focus on the information you do need, while also maintaining ability to disable these filters for leaders that do want a larger overview of fight events.
  • Auto-respond during boss fights. DBM will inform anyone who whispers you during a boss fight that you are busy. These messages contain the name and health of the boss as well as the raid’s status. This feature is completely optional and can be disabled by player or even raid leader for the entire group.
  • Bars can be enlarged with custom effects when they are about to expire
  • Bars that not only show time remaining, but make use of colors and icons to show what type of ability is coming and what role it’s for. DBM aims to help you process these bars at a glance.
  • Crash/DC recovery: you had a disconnect or crash during a boss fight? No problem for DBM! It will request the timer and combat status information from other DBM users in your raid group and you get your timers back
  • Infoframes that is used to show fight overviews or specific mechanics related to fight to help give you need to know information at a quick glance.
  • Modular design – all boss mods are plugins and can be exchanged, removed or updated separately
  • Load on demand – all boss mods are separate AddOns and they will be loaded when they are needed. So they don’t use memory or cpu until you enter the corresponding instance
  • Special effects like the screen flash effect, huge warning messages and sounds will draw your attention to critical events with as much customizing of those flashes and sounds as possible to make them effective to your needs.

Slash Commands

  • /dbm – shows/hides the GUI
  • /dbm help – Shows all the other slash commands and how to use them.

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2 years ago

3.3.5 ???

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