
This is a fixed version of CensusPlus, that works with the beta client.
I also made a brand new website for merging and rendering all that data that you guys collect.

Check out: WowClassicPopulation.com

CensusPlusClassic is a mod which records details about the characters online in your faction at the time of the polling. This is done with liberal use of the in-game /who command via the Wholib. The information is then stored in the CensusPlus.lua in your account’s SavedVariables folder, which you can be uploaded to websites like WowClassicPopulation.com. Sites like these sort the information and then display it on their site in chart and graph form.

To install you may need to rename the folder to remove “-master”


This update will wipe your local census database, so make sure to upload your data before updating.

  • fixed a bug fix with resuming a census after logout/login where /who jobs were dropped
  • reworked the UI so that it looks more like in vanilla
  • got rid of connected realms garbo and did some other code refactoring
  • improved data integrity
  • updated LibWho-2.0 to 2.0.171


  • /who 1-0 queries infinitely queueing up should be fixed


  • Renaming to CensusPlusClassic


  • Quick fix of CensusPlus v7.1.2 to work with the classic beta client


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4 years ago

Here is the chart for Ally. I just ran it for continual mode over last 60 minutes…
comment image

Last edited by Webmaster
4 years ago

I’ve been scanning Beta Stress Test Horde on PVP server and here are my classic results:comment image

I wanted to do Alliance, but I didn’t all my dude yet’s and scan over there… about to do that right now.

Last edited by Webmaster
4 years ago

servers are registered in the wrong region Morgaine and Judgement are not US but EU servers please fix

Last edited by Newdraw
Ritz Menardi
Ritz Menardi
4 years ago

Hi, the download link seems to be broken.

Last edited by Ritz Menardi
4 years ago

Hey Ritz, try now it should be working again.

Last edited by Furious
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