DPS_Tracker V 2.0

DPS_Tracker Version 2.0

– The DPS_Tracker frame is now resizable and saves its size and position across game sessions. Across UI Reloads only its size is retained.
– The DPS_Tracker’s Alpha (its opacity) has been adjusted to be more transparent.

A small, efficient personal DPS tracker. For each encounter (i.e., a fight) a detailed combat log and a combat summary are produced. The summary is produced when the player leaves combat.

You can display the Tracker window while you fight, though I have found it distracting. Rather, when the fight is over type “/dps show” and the Tracker window will pop up with the log and its summary. When the player is finished examining the results simply click the [X] button in the upper right corner to hide the window but retain the data. Alternatively, issue the command, /dbs hide. To delete the log entries, click the <Reset> button. Clicking the <Select> button permits the player to cut and paste all or part of the log into a text file.

NOTE: DPS_Tracker does not track the damage of a player’s party or raid members. There are other excellent addons you should use for this function (e.g., Details, Recount, Skada)

DPS_Tracker uses Blizzard’s combat log (with advanced logging enabled) as the standard against which its results are compared. In this regard, DPS_Tracker produces identical damage results (and a similar looking log file). However, against ‘Details’ and ‘Recount’ the calculated results (e.g., DPS) are different. The most likely explanation for the difference is the time over which the the total damage is divided varies from addon to addon. DPS_Tracker times each encounter from the moment the first COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED event is received to when the PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED event fires.

DPS_Tracker reports the following information:

– total damage and total DPS
– total crit damage and its percent of total damage
– periodic damage and its percent of total damage
– pet damage and its percent of total damage
– total overkill, resists, absorbs, blocks, parries, and misses
– damage by spell school (holy, shadow, physical, etc.)

– total healing and healing rate
– total critical healing and its percentage of total healing
– total periodic healing and its percentage of total healing
– total overhealing

– Add a mini-map icon
– Add more detail about mob(s) against with the player is fighting such as level, class, and kind (regular or elite).
– Add additional configuration parameters to options menu
– Add an option to export a DPS_Tracker log as a comma-delimited format so the log(s) can be easily exported into Excel.

DPS_Tracker can be configured from Blizzards In-Game options menu or via the command line. The Command Line Options are:
/dps <parameter> where parameter is one of…
help – prints this help message
show – display the tracker window
hide – hide the tracker window
config – set options via Blizzard’s in-game option menu

Here’s a sample of a combat trace and its summary:

Isaiah (Lvl 40 Shadow Spec Priest) vs Lvl 44 Greater Rock Elemental

*** COMBAT LOG ***
Isaiah’s Mind Blast dealt 404 Shadow damage to Greater Rock Elemental.
Isaiah’s Shadow Word: Pain dealt 48 Shadow damage to Greater Rock Elemental (23 RESISTED).
Isaiah’s Vampiric Embrace healed Isaiah for 21 (OVERHEALED 21.
Isaiah’s Shadow Word: Pain dealt 48 Shadow damage to Greater Rock Elemental (23 RESISTED).
Isaiah’s Vampiric Embrace healed Isaiah for 21 (OVERHEALED 21.
Greater Rock Elemental’s melee attack dealt 59 Physical damage to Isaiah.
Greater Rock Elemental’s melee swing missed Isaiah
Isaiah’s Vampiric Embrace healed Isaiah for 31 (OVERHEALED 31.
Isaiah’s Mind Flay dealt 102 Shadow damage to Greater Rock Elemental.
Isaiah’s Vampiric Embrace healed Isaiah for 31 (OVERHEALED 31.

2138 total damage (65.96 DPS): Miss rate 15.00%.
1205 periodic damage (56.36% of total)
119 ranged damage (5.57%)
161 damage RESISTED (7.53%)
— Damage by School
Physical: 119 damage (5.57% of total)
Shadow: 2019 damage (94.43% of total)
— Healing Stats
Total Healing: 485
Total Overhealing: 426 (87.84% of total)



+ The DPS_Tracker frame is now resizable and saves both its position and its size across a UI Reload event. Across a game session, only its position is retained.
+ The DPS_Tracker’s Alpha (its opacity) has been adjusted to be more transparent.


+ Fixed text in log-formatting bugs
+ DPS_Tracker can now be configured using Blizzard’s Options Menu.

10/17/2019 – First Release


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