As planned, Naxxramas has been reopened for testing on Season of Discovery Public Test Realms. This final raid of vanilla WoW will keep some of its secrets until it appears on live realms, but players can now test out most of the raid along with the new Tier 3 gear sets, which you can purchase from vendors in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
This round of testing will run through Monday morning PST. The raid opens on live Season of Discovery realms on February 6th.
Although there is still one more piece of content expected for Season of Discovery in the form of a new Scarlet Enclave raid, the season is likely to be nearing its end as we have reached the end of vanilla content. Blizzard hasn’t given us any indication of what they have planned for Season of Discovery beyond this point.
We’ve enabled the Season of Discovery PTR for one more round of Naxxramas raid testing.
We’ve made adjustments to boss mechanics for differing raid sizes, and we’ve also turned on vendors in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, so you can get the updated Tier 3 gear and try out the new Tier Set bonuses.
In the spirit of discovery, we’re holding back a couple of Naxxramas secrets, so this is not a test of everything. Season of Discovery’s Naxxramas will allow players to gain unprecedented levels of power, and we expect it to take a couple weeks after Naxxramas launches for everything to be experienced. We want to provide just a bit more discovery for the players who have populated this seasonal environment.
As always, thank you for going on this journey with us and for your feedback. Naxxramas will be open on the PTR through Monday morning PST.
We’re looking forward to your feedback.