- Author: Pride
- Date: March 8, 2022
- Updated: March 10, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
The Reliquary of Souls is a 3-phase boss encounter inside the Black Temple raid that players can attempt after defeating Supremus and gaining access to the Sanctuary of Shadows. Located at the very end of the Shrine of Lost Souls, the Reliquary (or “RoS”) will typically be the 5th or 6th boss that players fight, usually after defeating Teron Gorefiend.
With a combined 8.7 million HP, the Reliquary of Souls is going to be the longest encounter in the first 2/3rds of the dungeon. However, a lot of of that time is spent in the interlude between phases, as the bosses themselves die fairly quickly thanks to the massive damage buffs that players gain or the fact that the Essence of Suffering has 0 armor.
This fight is the first really mechanically tricky encounter in the raid, as the first 2 phases (the Essences of Suffering and Desire) require that specific players in your raid know exactly what to do, or you are likely to wipe. It is not exceptionally difficult, but the players with a specific assignment will really, really need to know what they’re doing here.
This guide will offer a step-by-step explanation on how to put the lost souls trapped inside the Reliquary to rest.
Role Summaries
Every Phase
- Stay away from the boss for a couple of seconds, then stack up with the rest of the raid behind it
- Do not take any actions until the tank has established threat on the boss, else you can wipe the raid
- If you ever get threat, do not panic — stand still, or you are making things worse for everyone
- Your mana will regenerate to full after Phases 1 & 2, so go crazy with using it
Phase 1 – Essence of Suffering
- The person closest to the boss’ center will be forced to tank it for 5 seconds — don’t be that person
Phase 2 – Essence of Desire
- Pray that your interrupters can correctly interrupt Spirit Shock
- Priests, Shamans: Use Dispel Magic / Purge to dispel the Rune Shield if you’re assigned to it
Phase 3 – Essence of Anger
- Don’t ever be in front of the boss
- Use a Master Healthstone in order to survive Spite if necessary, particularly later on in the fight
Every Phase
- Be at your maximum attack range behind the boss at all times
Phase 1 – Essence of Suffering
- Use your 2 & 3 minute DPS cooldowns in this phase
- There is no threat in this phase, so you can go crazy on the DPS
- Rogues: Step in front of the MT and use Evasion to tank the boss during Enrage
Phase 2 – Essence of Desire
- Use your 2 minute DPS cooldowns in this phase
- You take 50% of the damage you deal, so watch your health, particularly if Deaden is on the boss,
- Rogues: If you’re assigned to it, keep Mind-Numbing Poison up on the boss at all times
- Interrupters: Save rage / energy so you can Interrupt Spirit Shock when it is your turn to do so
- Interrupters: Watch the cast bar — do not interrupt Deaden unless you are explicitly told to do so
Phase 3 – Essence of Anger
Every Phase
- This fight is extremely rough on healers, so make sure you understand what to do in every phase
Phase 1 – Essence of Suffering
- Use your 2 & 3 minute DPS cooldowns in this phase
- There is no threat in this phase, so you can go crazy on the DPS
Phase 2 – Essence of Desire
- Use your 2 minute DPS cooldowns in this phase
- You take 50% of the damage you deal, so watch your health, particularly if Deaden is on the boss,
- Shadow Priests: Do not use Shadow Word: Death if Deaden is up on the boss, you’ll 1-shot yourself
- Warlocks: If you’re assigned to it, keep Curse of Tongues up on the boss at all times
- Mages: Pay attention! Use Spellsteal to steal Rune Shield ASAP, or you may wipe your raid
Phase 3 – Essence of Anger
Every Phase
- Hunters: Use Misdirection on the main tank on every phase’s start
- Shadow Priests: Using Shadow Word: Death is incredibly risky in this fight, so be super careful with it
Phase 1 – Essence of Suffering
- You cannot heal during this phase, so go wild doing some DPS instead
- Priests: One of you should use Power Word: Shield on the current tank on cooldown
- Priests, Paladins: Dispel Soul Drain immediately using Cleanse / Dispel Magic / Mass Dispel
Phase 2 – Essence of Desire
- This phase is very healing intensive, specially on the AoE healing side
- If the MT takes Deaden by accident, they will need massive healing to survive
- Focus big nuke classes like Warlocks — they are prone to suiciding on Aura of Desire self-damage
Phase 3 – Essence of Anger
- This fight starts off easy but gets very healing intensive over time, specially on the AoE healing side
- The tank will need big, constant healing here due to Soul Scream
- Quickly top off people with the Spite debuff — they take 7k damage after the 6 seconds expire
- Pay extra attention to self-damaging classes (Warlocks, Shadow Priests, Retribution Paladins)
Every Phase
- Make sure you’re the closest player & first person to attack the boss in every phase
Phase 1 – Essence of Suffering
- You will need to swap tanks when the current tank drops below 50% HP, as they cannot be healed
- To swap, stand on top of the current tank then take a few steps forward, so you’re the closest player
- Never run through the boss or move too close to it — your raid might wipe if it ever moves
- If your raid doesn’t have a Rogue, use a defensive cooldown to survive Enrage
- Paladins: Help dispel Soul Drain using Cleanse if you’re not tanking
Phase 2 – Essence of Desire
- You will need to do lots of threat to keep up with the DPS players’ threat here
- Warriors: Use Spell Reflection to reflect Deaden back to the boss
- Use a defensive cooldown to survive if you ever get hit by Deaden
Phase 3 – Essence of Anger
- You will need to do lots of threat to keep up with the DPS players’ threat here
- Warriors, Druids: Soul Scream deals more damage if you are high on rage, so constantly use it up
- Consider using your big defensive cooldowns late in the fight to counter-act Aura of Anger
Abilities – Explanation
The Reliquary of Souls encounter is split into 3 different boss fights: the Essence of Suffering, the Essence of Desire and the Essence of Anger. Each boss has a unique aura that applies to every player in the raid and makes their fight unique in a specific way, on top of several other unique mechanics.
In order to clear the encounter, you must defeat all 3 Essences. After an Essence is defeated, there is a 50 second interlude period, during which several low HP Enslaved Soul ghosts spawn. Upon death they cast Soul Release, restoring 30% HP / mana of every player within 10 yards, making this phase a nice little break period.
Abilities – Essence of Suffering
Abilities – Essence of Desire
Abilities – Essence of Anger
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
Pulling the Reliquary of Souls is completely unlike any other boss in this tier. After you have taken out the fel-sworn orcs just outside the Shrine of Lost Souls, you will be ready to take on a gauntlet of ghosts leading up to the Reliquary itself.

The ghosts there constantly respawn, so go in, hugging the right side. Group up a bunch of ghosts and kill them, then quickly move further in, towards the ramp leading down to the Reliquary.

Finish off any ghosts that have followed you then move to the bottom of the ramp. By stacking up near the bottom, your raid will stop pulling nearby ghosts, so your mana users can drink up as you prepare to take on the boss. Don’t go further than the bottom of the ramp, as you will start the fight early, which can be catastrophic.

When your raid is ready to pull, go into the Reliquary’s room. The Reliquary will churn around for a bit, giving you time to finish off any ghosts you may have pulled by accident.
From that point on, things will go exactly the same way for every Phase. The Reliquary churns around until the next Essence you’re fighting comes out, appearing directly in front of it. Your tank should stand directly in front of the Reliquary, ready to pick up the next Essence, while your raid stays a bit further behind to avoid grabbing threat. Then, your entire raid minus the MT stacks up behind the boss, with melee at their maximum attack range.
Your Hunters should use Misdirection on the main tank in every phase as it will greatly help them establish some threat. Phase 1 only has threat for the first 5 seconds, but it’s still nice to have a single Misdirection on the MT at the start.
Your raid will thus position as shown in the picture below.

Phase 1 – Essence of Suffering
Phase 1 is going to be the easiest one as there are very few mechanics to watch out for. The only thing that can really trip you up is having the Essence of Suffering move around after someone pulls threat early on, causing players to randomly get Fixated and die. But that’s easy to avoid — just have everyone take it easy for the first 5 seconds.
After the main tank has successfully grabbed threat and got targeted by Fixate, your DPS players can go all-out as threat is no longer a concern. DPS classes with 2 & 3 minute cooldown spells should use them here. If your raid has more than 1 Heroism / Bloodlust per DPS group, you can use one of them here, otherwise save them for Phase 3.
Your healers should help DPS for this phase, as they can’t heal due to the Aura of Suffering. The only exception will be a single Holy Priest, who should be using Power Word: Shield on your main tank on cooldown, which helps a little.
About 20 seconds in, the Essence of Suffering will cast Soul Drain for the first time. There’s basically nothing else going on at this point, so your Paladins and Priests should immediately dispel it using Cleanse and Dispel Magic respectively. If your raid is stacking correctly as shown in the picture above, a single Mass Dispel will dispel it off everyone in your raid at once.
When the current tank drops to about 50% HP, the next tank should move right on top the current tank then take a few steps forward so they’re the closest target when the next Fixate is cast. They should NEVER run through the boss, run to its circle’s centre etc, as that will cause it to move around after it changes target, potentially causing Fixate to be used on a random player, thus beginning a chain of random Fixates, leading to potential deaths.

If any players happen to get accidentally Fixated, they need to avoid panicking, and instead just stand still. Running around makes it impossible for the tank to get Fixated again, so really, they’re just hurting themselves in the long run.
The only other mechanic that players will have to deal with in Phase 1 will be Enrage, which will usually be cast between 45 to 50 seconds into the fight. You could have the current tank just tough it out, using a defensive cooldown like Shield Wall to stay alive if necessary. However, there’s a better way — a Rogue can quickly move in front of the main tank and tank the entire Enrage using Evasion, essentially completely circumventing it.
And that’s Phase 1! Dispel Soul Drain every 20 seconds, handle the Enrage every 45-55 seconds (or kill the boss before it casts it a second time) and all is good. If your raid’s DPS is good enough and you didn’t make any major mistakes during the tank swaps, the Essence of Suffering should go down with no problem at all — you’re 1/3rd of the way there!
Interlude 1
After the Essence of Suffering goes down, the Reliquary of Souls will start churning once again. You have about 50 seconds to prepare for the next boss, the Essence of Desire.
While you’re chilling, several Enslaved Soul ghosts keep spawning. They have very little HP and deal low damage, and when they die they cast Soul Release, restoring 30% HP / mana of every player within 10 yards. It’s thus a good idea to have your entire raid stack up as you kill them, so everyone regenerates quickly.
The ghosts stop spawning about 10 seconds before the Essence of Desire appears. Have your raid take a few steps back to avoid grabbing aggro on it right away, while your tank steps into position to pick it up, and your Hunters use Misdirection on the main tank to help them in doing so. Then, everyone moves back into Phase 1 positions.
Phase 2 – Essence of Desire
This phase will typically be the hardest in the entire fight, particularly on your healers and the 3-4 players that have specific assignments — specifically, the players responsible for interrupting and your main tank. Your healers will need to do a LOT of healing to offset the self-damage component of Aura of Desire, so wish them luck — they’ll need it.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that a casting speed reduction effect, such as Curse of Tongues from a Warlock or Mind-Numbing Poison from a Rogue, stays up on the boss for the entire phase, as it will make this phase a LOT easier.
Note for DPS players: If your class has 2 minute DPS cooldowns, you can use them again at this point. However, based on your guild’s kill speeds, you may want to save your 3 minute DPS cooldowns for the next phase.
The Essence of Desire is nice enough to wait between 5 to 10 seconds before using Spirit Shock, its first ability in the time, for the first time. Your first interrupter should be ready for it, saving rage or energy as needed until Spirit Shock starts being cast, and then immediately interrupting it. At this point, they should communicate to let the next interrupter know that it’s their turn — either voice or the macro from the Abilities – Spirit Shock section works.
That is the essence of this phase: a dance between your interrupters to keep Spirit Shock interrupted at all times, by rotating their interrupt abilities. If a single Spirit Shock is cast successfully, things can quickly spiral into a wipe. Therefore your interrupters will have to stay focused throughout the entire fight, making sure they interrupt when it’s their turn.
The next major ability you will have to deal with will be Deaden, coming about 30 seconds into the fight and then roughly every 30 seconds afterwards. You will need to deal with it by having your Protection Warrior MT reflect it using Spell Reflection, or a dedicated Deaden interrupter, separate from your Spirit Shock. It cannot be allowed to finish casting on your main tank unless it is being reflected, as it will very likely result in their death.
Your Spirit Shock interrupters should pay attention that they don’t interrupt Deaden by accident, as they will then be unable to interrupt Spirit Shock when it’s their turn — they will need to quickly communicate if they make that mistake.
If you are using the Spell Reflection method for handling Deaden, the boss will be taking 100% increased damage for 10 seconds, which is absolutely massive. However, that means you’re also taking that much more self-damage from the Aura of Desire, so DPS players will need to be very careful here — back-to-back crits can get them killed.
The last mechanic that players have to deal with in this phase is Rune Shield. It makes the Essence of Desire immune to interrupt effects while casting 100% faster, so it must be dispelled (Shaman’s Purge or Priest’s Dispel Magic) or stolen by a Mage’s Spellsteal immediately, with Spellsteal being the better method as it gives the Mage a DPS boost.
And that’s Phase 2! Keep interrupting Spirit Shock, handle Deaden every 30 seconds and Spellsteal the Rune Shield every 15 seconds, and you’re golden. Assuming your interrupters did their job correctly, your healers managed to keep up with the insane raid damage and all went according to plan, the Essence of Desire should finally go down. You can now take a breath — the hardest part of the fight is now over.
Interlude 2
This is the same as the first interlude. You have 50 seconds to regroup after a very intense fight. Kill the Enslaved Souls to regenerate mana, then step back in preparation for the fight with the last boss, the Essence of Anger.
Your tank should go in and be ready to pick up the boss, while your Hunters use Misdirection on them for a threat lead.
Phase 3 – Essence of Anger
This phase is somewhere between Phases 1 & 2 in difficulty, so if you’ve gotten this far, things are looking very good for you. That will be particularly true for groups with good raid DPS, as this phase is essentially one big DPS race.
Give your tank 10 seconds to build a healthy threat lead, then use your raid’s remaining Heroism / Bloodlust, along with each DPS player’s personal DPS cooldowns for maximum damage output. Always keep an eye out on your threat — if you ever pull aggro, the boss will cast Seethe, gaining a massive attack speed boost, which is ugly.
This phase starts off easy, as Aura of Anger initially ticks for a measly 100 damage on your entire raid. But the longer the fight goes on for, the higher this damage will get, and the more your healers will struggle to keep people alive.
The first ability you will see the Essence of Anger cast is Soul Scream. Provided you’ve positioned correctly, the main tank should be the only person getting hit by it so it largely won’t be a huge deal. If you’re using a rage-based main tank, like a Protection Warriors or Feral Druids they should make sure to always use their rage so it is as low as possible at all times — it can hit for up to 10k damage if their rage bar was full. Soul Scream is cast roughly 10 seconds into the fight, and then about every 10 seconds afterwards, so your tanks will need to keep it in mind.
The next ability, and likely the main cause of deaths here besides mounting Aura of Anger damage, will be Spite, about 20 seconds into the fight. Your healers will need to make sure that the 3 marked players are topped off before the debuff expires, as they will take 7k damage the moment it fades, killing most classes if they weren’t at 100% HP. Players should pay attention to their health and use a Master Healthstone if they need to.
That is pretty much everything there is to this fight. You will generally see those 2 abilities in coming in a pattern — 2x Soul Scream and then 1x Spite, repeat. Aura of Anger‘s periodic damage will keep increasing indefinitely, making these abilities increasingly lethal and giving your healers a really rough time — so make sure it ends as quickly as possible.
But if your group was good enough to get past Phase 2, it is unlikely that Phase 3 will give you major trouble. With the Reliquary of Souls put out of commission, your raid is one step closer to taking on Illidan himself!