- Author: Kurathis
- Date: July 3, 2021
- Updated: July 4, 2021
- Expansion: TBC Classic
As a Priest interested in healing, there are two potential builds that revolve around the Holy tree – one build focuses on reaching Improved Divine Spirit in the Discipline Tree, which should only be used in early content, when damage is low. Of course, the biggest determining factor in whether to choose this build is whether or not you already have a Discipline Priest in your raid since two players having Improved Divine Spirit is a waste.
Unbreakable Will – This talent will see more benefit than Wand Specialization, since, as a healer, you shouldn’t be worried about attacking mobs with your wands for two reasons:
- This would take your focus off healing and,
- Your heals are already generating substantial amounts of threat – attacking, even with a wand, will cause the tank to have to work even harder to maintain aggro
Improved Power Word: Fortitude and Improved Power Word: Shield – Both of these talents increase your buffs and will allow players to take more damage before requiring significant heals.
Absolution – This is more of a filler talent point so that we can reach the fourth tier and as such, can be interchanged with either Silent Resolve or Martyrdom. Keep in mind, though, that Martyrdom requires you to not only be hit by an attack, but it has to be a critical strike.
Inner Focus – This will greatly help reduce your mana spending overall and improves the critical effect chance of your chosen spell by 25%.
Meditation – This talent is vital for continued mana regeneration while in combat.
Mental Agility – This reduces all instant-cast spells’ mana cost by 10%.
Divine Spirit / Improved Divine Spirit – Every time we use Divine Spirit on a player (or ourselves) their spell damage and healing is increased by an amount equal to 10% of their total Spirit. Divine Spirit increases your Spirit by 50 which means your spell damage/healing is increased by 5 with just that buff.
Healing Focus – Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by taking damage while casting any healing spell. This talent isn’t generally taken in the main talent build because it’s only useful when you are taking damage, which we all hope healers won’t be.
Improved Renew – Effectively increases the healing by 166.5 over 15 seconds.
Holy Specialization – Increasing the critical effect chance of our healing spells is highly recommended for not only the increased healing (Critical Heals = 150% of normal heals) but also the increased likelihood of having our target benefit from Inspiration.
Divine Fury – Reduces the cast time of Heal and Greater Heal by a total of 0.5 seconds.
Inspiration – When you land a critical heal on a target, their armor is increased by 25%. This is quite a large amount of damage reduction if triggered on a tank.
Improved Healing – Reduces the mana cost of Lesser Heal, Heal, and Greater Heal by 15%.
Spirit of Redemption – By default, our Spirit will be increased by 5%, so in combination with Spiritual Guidance, our healing will be increased. When the Priest dies, they become a spirit, allowing them to cast heals without a mana cost.
Spiritual Guidance – Increases our spell damage and healing by up to 25% of our total spirit.
Spiritual Healing – Increases the amount healed by our healing spells by 10%.
Holy Concentration – With the amount of healing spells we’ll be using, having a 6% chance to enter a Clearcasting State is more than feasible.
Empowered Healing – Increases the amount healed through Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Binding Heal according to our bonus healing.
This will likely be your go-to talent build for most content:
Unbreakable Will – This talent will see more benefit than Wand Specialization, since, as a healer, you shouldn’t be worried about attacking mobs with your wands for two reasons:
- This would take your focus off healing and,
- Your heals are already generating substantial amounts of threat – attacking, even with a wand, will cause the tank to have to work even harder to maintain aggro
Improved Power Word: Fortitude and Improved Power Word: Shield – Both of these talents increase your buffs and will allow players to take more damage before requiring significant heals.
Absolution – This is more of a filler talent point so that we can reach the fourth tier and as such, can be interchanged with either Silent Resolve or Martyrdom. Keep in mind, though, that Martyrdom requires you to not only be hit by an attack, but it has to be a critical strike.
Inner Focus – This will greatly help reduce your mana spending overall and improves the critical effect chance of your chosen spell by 25%.
Meditation – This talent is vital for continued mana regeneration while in combat.
Mental Agility – This reduces all instant-cast spells’ mana cost by 10%.
Improved Renew – Effectively increases the healing by 166.5 over 15 seconds.
Holy Specialization – Increasing the critical effect chance of our healing spells is highly recommended for not only the increased healing (Critical Heals = 150% of normal heals) but also the increased likelihood of having our target benefit from Inspiration.
Divine Fury – Reduces the cast time of Heal and Greater Heal by a total of 0.5 seconds.
Inspiration – When you land a critical heal on a target, their armor is increased by 25%. This is quite a large amount of damage reduction if triggered on a tank.
Holy Reach – Increasing the radius of our healing spells is always beneficial since we won’t have to be as close to each target to heal them, possibly avoiding putting ourselves in the line of fire.
Improved Healing – Reduces the mana cost of Lesser Heal, Heal, and Greater Heal by 15%
Spirit of Redemption – By default, our Spirit will be increased by 5%, so in combination with Spiritual Guidance, our healing will be increased. When the Priest dies, they become a spirit, allowing them to cast heals without a mana cost.
Spiritual Guidance – Increases our spell damage and healing by up to 25% of our total spirit.
Spiritual Healing – Increases the amount healed by our healing spells by 10%.
Holy Concentration – With the amount of healing spells we’ll be using, having a 6% chance to enter a Clearcasting State is more than feasible.
Empowered Healing – Increases the amount healed through Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Binding Heal according to our bonus healing.
About the Author

2/2 Holy Reach is two wasted talent points. All this does is increase the radius of your CoH from 15 yards to 18 yards (Holy Priests don’t cast smite, holy fire, PoH, or holy nova).
In the realities of the raid there always would be raiders that wont group up just on your wish
So it is very usefull talent