- Author: Pride
- Date: January 29, 2022
- Updated: January 29, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
High Warlord Naj’entus, the naga anomaly, is the first boss that players will encounter in the Black Temple raid. Players must defeat him in order to unlock the gate at the end of Karabor Sewers, leading up to the Illidari Training Grounds.
His stats are fairly average. He has just over 4 million HP, which is below average, but that is counter-balanced by his 7700 armor, which means that your physical damage dealers will be doing less damage than normal here. His mechanics are also pretty straightforward, making this encounter fairly easy, provided your raid is prepared.
This guide will offer a step-by-step explanation on how to send Naj’entus back to the depths once and for all.
Role Summaries
- Make sure you have at least 9000 HP fully buffed — bring +stamina boosting consumables if needed
- Move to your designated spot quickly once the fight starts
- Quickly save people targeted by Impaling Spine by right clicking the massive spear on top of them
- Find the Naj’entus Spine you looted when freeing someone in your inventory, or have a macro for it
- Use your Naj’entus Spine to break the Tidal Shield when the raid leader calls for it
- Consider using Major Frost Protection Potion in order to survive Tidal Burst
- Use your Master Healthstone before Tidal Burst if your healers are struggling to top everyone off
- Shamans & Paladins: Use Frost Resistance Totem / Frost Resistance Aura if you can afford to
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Make sure you know which of the 2 melee stacks you should be standing on for this fight
- Arms Warriors: Make sure the Mortal Strike debuff is up when Naj’entus casts Tidal Shield
- Rogues: If your raid has no Arms Warriors, use Wound Poison for this fight
- Warriors: Consider leaving Berserker Stance until Tidal Burst has been cast
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Spread out as much as possible — never be within 6 yards of another player
- Mages: Use Frost Ward to increase your chances of surviving Tidal Burst
- This fight is largely about how good you are at staying focused and healing people who need it the most
- Spread out as much as possible — never be within 6 yards of another player
- Raid Healers: Everyone in the raid will need ~6000 HP at all times, to survive Impaling Spine
- Raid Healers: Everyone in the raid will need ~9000 HP to survive Tidal Burst
- Priests: Use Power Word: Shield before Tidal Burst on people who don’t have at least 9000 max HP
- Move Naj’entus to his designated position and keep him there, facing away from the raid
- Use personal defensive cooldowns just before Tidal Burst to increase your chances of survival
- It doesn’t hurt to have an off-tank racing for threat in case the main tank dies
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
Before you engage High Warlord Naj’entus, you will want to clear all of the trash in his room. Note that the 2 Aqueous Lord standing menacingly in front of him will not pull him when pulled.

After all of the trash is cleared, your raid has all the room it will need to take on Naj’entus. Resurrect any dead players, rebuff fully, and make sure you are all ready to take him on.
Pulling Naj’entus is extremely simple. One of your Hunters should use Misdirection on the main tank, who goes in and begins dealing threat to him ASAP, pulling him out slowly in the process and finally turning him to face away from the raid.
The rest of your raid should spread out as much as it can around the large, empty area in the middle of the room, to reduce instances of Needle Spine spash damage as much as possible. Your melee should split up into 2 camps stacking behind Naj’entus, one camp on each side — left and right — standing at their maximum melee range.
Once the pull is done, your raid should be positioned similarly to this picture.

The Fight
Naj’entus will only wait 4-5 seconds before he starts casting Needle Spine on random raid members, so your healers will need to be ready to deal with it ASAP. Your main tank will also be taking damage, so don’t lose focus.
Your non-Elemental specced shamans should take a moment to drop a Frost Resistance Totem at this point, while your Paladins who can afford to use Frost Resistance Aura. Even though it’s a small amount of Frost resistance, it will reduce Needle Spine Explosion damage by a surprising amount.
The rest of your Hunters should use Misdirection on the MT, as your raid prepares to use Heroism / Bloodlust & personal DPS cooldowns as soon as possible. You don’t want to delay them until Tidal Shield is up, halting your damage.
About 20 seconds into the fight, Naj’entus will cast Impaling Spine for the first time. Your raid, and specially your healers, will need to be 100% prepared for it, monitoring its timer using a raid addon like DeadlyBossMods or BigWigs.
Assuming your healers were prepared and everyone was topped off, the targeted player should not die to the spine. Everyone will need to pay attention to who the target was, and a nearby player should free them immediately by right clicking the spine, looting the Naj’entus Spine in the process. That player should make sure they find the Naj’entus Spine in their inventory or have a macro for it on their bars, so they’re ready to use it immediately when necessary.
Naj’entus will cast Impaling Spine once more 20 seconds later, ~40 seconds into the fight. Then, 20 seconds after that, ~60 seconds into the fight, he will forego casting Impaling Spine and cast Tidal Shield instead, interrupting your raid’s momentum as he becomes invulnerable to all damage and starts rapidly regenerating health. Your raid leader should call out who’s using their Naj’entus Spine for the upcoming Tidal Shield in advance.
Ideally, you will want to have a healing reduction effect like Mortal Strike or Wound Poison up on Naj’entus in anticipation of the shield. Regardless, your healers will now have to quickly heal everyone to full HP. As soon as everyone’s healthy, your raid leader will make the call for the Naj’entus Spine holder to shatter the shield, triggering Tidal Burst in the process, dealing 8500 Frost damage to your entire raid.
Your DPS Warriors should exit Berserker Stance in anticipation of Tidal Burst — they don’t want to take extra damage there. If your raid has any players who are not comfortably above the ~9000 maximum HP mark, your healing Priests should take a moment to put a Power Word: Shield on them, increasing their chances of survival.
Assuming you have done everything right, everyone survives the Tidal Burst, and your raid can continue dealing damage to Naj’entus. The fight will play out in the exact same way until you’re victorious or you wipe: Naj’entus casts Impaling Spine twice, and then Tidal Shield once. There will always be ~20 second intervals between those abilities, meaning you’ll get an Impaling Spine at 1:20, then another at 1:40, and Tidal Shield at 2:00, and so on.
Provided your raid has figured out how to handle Tidal Shield and your healers have brought their A-game, you should have no problem turning Naj’entus into fish sticks. Congratulations on a well-earned victory! You have successfully taken your first step into the fortress of Illidan Stormrage, the betrayer, and gotten some shiny purple loot in the process.