- Author: Luxrah
- Date: January 16, 2025
- Updated: January 16, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Spells in Plunderstorm are divided into two types, Offensive and Utility, with players able to hold two of each at a time. Unlike Items, Plunderstorm’s Spells have infinite uses, but they are limited by cooldown times that range from 5.5 to 22 seconds. Utility spells focus on mobility and crowd control.
New in Season 2:
Changed in Season 2:
- None
Call Galefeather
Rank | Spell |
Common | |
Uncommon | |
Rare | |
Epic |
This is a new Utility spell for Season 2. When cast, Call Galefeather will give you a large targeting reticule to place on the ground nearby, which will place Galefeather there for the duration of the spell. Any enemies within his area of effect will be knocked back.

Explosive Caltrops
Rank | Spell |
Common | |
Uncommon | |
Rare | |
Epic |
The Explosive Caltrops spell allows you to leap backwards and leave a row of three circles on the ground that slow and deal damage to enemies who walk through them. One circle appears around the spot where you were originally standing, one around the spot where you land, and one in the middle.

Fade to Shadow
Rank | Spell |
Common | |
Uncommon | |
Rare | |
Epic |
Fade to Shadow instantly teleports you forward when cast, so you’ll want to be sure you are facing the direction you want to go. You’ll then be put in stealth for a few seconds. Actions such as casting a spell will break the stealth early.

Faeform instantly transforms you into a random fae creature, making you immune to debuffs and increasing your movement speed for a few seconds. You can’t attack while it lasts. The form you take is purely cosmetic and doesn’t affect the buff.

Hunter’s Chains
Rank | Spell |
Common | |
Uncommon | |
Rare | |
Epic |
Hunter’s Chains requires a target to cast. The first time it’s used, you’ll create a chain between yourself and your target. Casting it again will cause you to leap toward the chained enemy. If the enemy moves out of the range of the chain (marked by the large green circle around you), they will be yanked back toward you.

Lightning Bulwark
Rank | Spell |
Common | |
Uncommon | |
Rare | |
Epic |
Lightning Bulwark is a channeled spell that causes your character to raise a shield, protecting them from damage and causing every attack received to deal damage to nearby enemies as well as buffing your movement speed and removing harmful debuffs from you. Note that your character will move much more slowly while channeling this spell.

Quaking Leap
Rank | Spell |
Common | |
Uncommon | |
Rare | |
Epic |
Quaking Leap has a cast time, after which your character will leap forward a long distance and then crash down to the ground, dealing damage and stunning any enemies they land on. You can choose to land early by using the ability a second time while your character is in the air, or you can let it launch you the full distance.

Repel has a short cast time after which you will knock back and silence any enemies in a wide area round you. Casting this can also dispel harmful debuffs and prevent some damage taken if well-timed.

Snowdrift is a short channeled spell that gives a stacking slow to enemies within its radius. It centers on your character, so you’ll want to use this spell when enemies are close and you don’t want them to escape.

Steel Traps
Rank | Spell |
Common | |
Uncommon | |
Rare | |
Epic |
Steel Traps instantly places three traps on the ground in a cone in front of you. These traps last for several seconds and will root and deal damage to any enemies that step inside their radius.

Void Tear
Void Tear is one of the two new Utility spells added in Season 2. The first time it’s cast, you’ll place a marker on your current location. Casting it again will teleport you back to the location you marked, dealing damage and slowing enemies nearby.

Windstorm has a cast time during which you can aim it. Once it goes off, it deals damage in a line in front of you and stuns the first enemy it hits.