- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 31, 2024
- Updated: January 17, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Korrak’s Revenge is a throwback version of Alterac Valley, taking you back in time to the original version of the battleground with all of its quests and quirks. It returns each year as part of World of Warcraft’s anniversary festivities. This guide will cover the unique features of this battleground, including its rewards and quests.
How to Join Korrak’s Revenge
You will need to be at least level 20 to queue for the Korrak’s Revenge battleground. You’ll find it as an option in the Player vs. Player tab of the Group Finder. You may also get it if you queue for a Random Epic Battleground.
Korrak’s Revenge is a 40v40 Epic Battleground, so it may take a little longer to fill than smaller battlegrounds, especially during off-peak hours.

Achievement & Rewards
There is one achievement that is specific to Korrak’s Revenge. You can also make progress toward standard Alterac Valley achievements in this battleground.
The achievement for Korrak’s Revenge awards a faction-specific mount.
Open the Alliance Supply Chest or
Horde Battle Chest in your faction’s starting cave to get a 60-minute buff, For the Alliance or For the Horde, that will give you the appearance of a PvP set from the past.

You’ll find a number of classic quests available inside the battleground, but before you queue you should pick up the weekly quest in Tanaris.
Weekly Quest
Be sure to pick up the weekly quest, Soldier of Time, from Izaik Kadarov at the celebration grounds outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris (62.3, 51.8). The quest awards all of the following when you earn 500 Honor in Korrak’s Revenge:
- 5 Mark of Honor
- Bronze Celebration Cache of Treasures
- Glorious Contender’s Strongbox
- 3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
- 100 Timewarped Badges

Battleground Quests
Here are all of the quests that can be picked up and completed inside the Korrak’s Revenge battleground during the 20th Anniversary Event. In addition to any other rewards listed, most of these quests give a small amount of reputation with your Alterac Valley faction ( Stormpike Guard or
Frostwolf Clan).
All quest givers are located somewhere in your faction’s base unless otherwise noted.
Korrak the Bloodrager
- Objective: Korrak the Bloodrager slain
- Quest Giver: Lieutenant Haggardin
- Next to the gate in the starting cave
- Rewards:
- Rune of Recall
- 10 Timewarped Badge
- One of the following:
The Legend of Korrak
- Objective: Korrak the Bloodrager slain
- Quest Giver: Warmaster Laggrond
- Next to the gate in the starting cave
- Rewards:
- Rune of Recall
- 10 Timewarped Badge
- One of the following:
Korrak the Bloodrager spawns at the Snowfall Graveyard in the center of Alterac Valley the first time it is capped. Therefore if your side is not able to cap it first, you may have some trouble getting this quest completed. Luckily there is an alternative method that can be easily done outside of the battleground.
You can also complete this quest by defeating the version of Korrak the Bloodrager who appears at the Amphitheater of Anguish in Zuldrak. You’ll need to go through the other Amphitheater quests until he spawns as the second-to-last challenger. This method can be done via Party Sync if your character has already completed the quests.
Towers and Bunkers
- Objective: Banner Destroyed
- Quest Giver: Sergeant Durgen Stormpike
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
Towers and Bunkers
- Objective: Banner Destroyed
- Quest Giver: Corporal Teeka Bloodsnarl
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
This quest simply requires capping one of the towers or bunkers by clicking on the opposite faction’s banner inside and then holding it until the time expires.
Capture a Mine
- Objective: Mine captured
- Quest Giver: Sergeant Durgen Stormpike
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
Capture a Mine
- Objective: Mine captured
- Quest Giver: Corporal Teeka Bloodsnarl
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
This quest requires defeating the current foreman in a mine that your faction does not already own. The foreman can be found standing on a wooden platform near the center of either mine.
Alterac Valley Graveyards
- Objective: Graveyard Assaulted
- Quest Giver: Sergeant Durgen Stormpike
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
The Graveyards of Alterac
- Objective: Graveyard Assaulted
- Quest Giver: Corporal Teeka Bloodsnarl
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
This quest requires assaulting a graveyard by clicking on the opposite faction’s banner. You don’t need to hold it until it caps.
The Quartermaster
- Objective: Speak with the Stormpike Quatermaster.
- Quest Giver: Mountaineer Boombellow
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
Speak with our Quartermaster
- Objective: Speak with the Frostwolf Quatermaster.
- Quest Giver: Jotek
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
Head to your faction’s quartermaster to turn in this easy quest, Stormpike Quartermaster or
Frostwolf Quartermaster.
Coldtooth Supplies
- Objective: 10 Coldtooth Supplies
- Quest Giver: Stormpike Quartermaster
- Rewards: gold
Irondeep Supplies
- Objective: 10 Irondeep Supplies
- Quest Giver: Stormpike Quartermaster
- Rewards: gold
Coldtooth Supplies
- Objective: 10 Coldtooth Supplies
- Quest Giver: Frostwolf Quartermaster
- Rewards: gold
Irondeep Supplies
- Objective: 10 Irondeep Supplies
- Quest Giver: Frostwolf Quartermaster
- Rewards: gold
Each of these quests requires collecting 10 supply crates from the associated mine. You’ll find glittering boxes inside the mines that you can pick up; do this 10 times and you will be able to turn them in. You can repeat this quest as many times as you want, even in the same match.
Armor Scraps
- Objective: 20 Armor Scraps
- Quest Giver: Murgot Deepforge
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
More Armor Scraps
- Objective: 20 Armor Scraps
- Quest Giver: Murgot Deepforge
- Rewards: 1 Timewarped Badge
Enemy Booty
- Objective: 20 Armor Scraps
- Quest Giver: Smith Regzar
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
More Booty!
- Objective: 20 Armor Scraps
- Quest Giver: Smith Regzar
- Rewards: 1 Timewarped Badge
Armor Scraps are collected from enemy corpses, both NPCs and players. After turning this in once, you’ll be able to repeat it with the second version of the quest. You can collect as many of these as you want and turn them all in at once, but they don’t carry over between matches.
Empty Stables
- Objective: Ram Collared and Returned
- Quest Giver: Stormpike Stable Master
- Rewards: 2 Timewarped Badge
Take your Stormpike Training Collar and use it on an Alterac Ram. Rams only spawn on the north half of the map. Let the item finish channeling and the Ram will follow you. Bring it back to the quest giver and speak with them, choosing the option “Thank you, Stable Master. Please take the animal.” Then you’ll be able to turn in the quest.
Empty Stables
- Objective: Frostwolf Muzzled and Returned
- Quest Giver: Frostwolf Stable Master
- At the stables to the east of the main Horde base
- Rewards: 2 Timewarped Badge
Take your Frostwolf Muzzle and use it on a Frost Wolf. Wolves only spawn on the south half of the map. Let the item finish channeling and the Wolf will follow you. Bring it back to the quest giver and speak with them, choosing the option “Thank you, Stable Master. Please take the animal.” Then you’ll be able to turn in the quest.
Ram Riding Harnesses
- Objective: Frostwolf Hide
- Quest Giver: Stormpike Ram Rider Commander
- Rewards: None
Frostwolf Hide drops from Frost Wolf, which only spawns on the south half of the map. You can collect more than one and turn them in one by one, but you can’t carry them over between matches.
Ram Hide Harnesses
- Objective: Alterac Ram Hide
- Quest Giver: Frostwolf Wolf Rider Commander
- At the stables to the east of the main Horde base
- Rewards: None
Alterac Ram Hide drops from Alterac Ram, which only spawns on the north half of the map. You can collect more than one and turn them in one by one, but you can’t carry them over between matches.
Ivus the Forest Lord
- Objective: Storm Crystal
- Quest Giver: Archdruid Renferal
- Rewards: None
Crystal Cluster
- Objective: 5 Storm Crystal
- Quest Giver: Archdruid Renferal
- Rewards: None
Lokholar the Ice Lord
- Objective: Stormpike Soldier’s Blood
- Quest Giver: Primalist Thurloga
- Rewards: None
A Gallon of Blood
- Objective: 5 Stormpike Soldier’s Blood
- Quest Giver: Primalist Thurloga
- Rewards: None
Storm Crystal or Stormpike Soldier’s Blood are collected from enemy corpses, both NPCs and players. You can collect as many of these as you want and turn them all in at once, but they don’t carry over between matches. When enough of the items have been turned in, your faction will summon a powerful ally.
Zinfizzlex’s Portable Shredder Unit
- Objective:
- 30 Thorium Bar
- 30 Mithril Bar
- 75 Iron Bar
- 1 Steamsaw
- Quest Giver: Master Engineer Zinfizzlex
- Found just outside the cave at Winterax Hold
- If your faction safely escorts him back to your base, he’ll be there and offer this quest
- Rewards:
Master Engineer Zinfizzlex must be rescued from the elite troll area near Snowfall Graveyard. Once he makes it safely back to your faction’s base, he will offer this quest. Keep in mind that he can be killed by NPCs or players of the opposite faction along the way. The Steamsaw you need will be marked on your map inside the battleground once you have the quest.
Master Ryson’s All Seeing Eye
- Objective: Master Ryson’s All Seeing Eye Recovered
- Quest Giver: Syndicate Master Ryson
- The Veiled Cleft, a cave up the hill from Wildpaw Ridge (east of the center of the map)
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
Master Ryson’s All Seeing Eye
- Objective: Master Ryson’s All Seeing Eye Recovered
- Quest Giver: Syndicate Master Ryson
- The Veiled Cleft, a cave up the hill from Wildpaw Ridge (east of the center of the map)
- Rewards: 10 Timewarped Badge
The eye is inside the cave at Winterax Hold on the opposite side of the map. You just need to find it and click on it to pick it up. This is an elite area, so this quest may be difficult without some help.