- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 28, 2024
- Updated: October 30, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Welcome to our World Boss Guide for Ysondre in the 20th Anniversary Event! There were the four Dragons of Nightmare who guarded the portals to the Emerald Dream in Vanilla WoW. They have returned for a limited time for World of Warcraft’s Anniversary.
Only one of these dragons spawns at any given time and they rotate on a daily basis. You can see the time remaining on the current dragon by hovering over their icon on the world map. The other three bosses are Emeriss, Lethon, and Taerar.
This World Boss is required for the achievement The Originals.
Ysondre Location
Ysondre, Dragon of Nightmare can be found guarding the Emerald Dream portal at Dream Bough in Feralas (50.9, 12.2). She will only be there if she is the currently active Dragon of Nightmare.
Here are the best ways to get there:
Alliance can take the portal to Uldum in Stormwind City and fly from there
Horde can from Thunder Bluff
Druids can use the portal to Feralas inside the Emerald Dreamway
/way Feralas 50.9, 12.2 Ysondre

Ysondre Abilities & Strategy
Ysondre has most of the same abilities and mechanics as the other Dragons of Nightmare. She has 879 million health. You can face this boss as low as level 15, since the encounter scales. As a World Boss, you will need a sizeable group to defeat this enemy.
- Noxious Breath: Deals damage in a cone in front of the boss. Don’t stand in front of her unless you are the tank.
- Tail Sweep: Deals damage in a cone behind the boss, knocking back and stunning for 2 seconds. Don’t stand behind her. (Stay at the sides.)
- Lethargy: A dot that puts the player to sleep for 15 seconds and deals damage over time. Avoid the big green circles if you don’t want to be hit by this.
- Lightning Wave: Avoid the blue swirls when they appear so you don’t get hit by this chain lightning effect.

Ysondre Loot
Ysondre drops the same loot as the other Dragons of Nightmare.
Item | Slot | Type |
Feet | Plate | |
Legs | Mail | |
Wrist | Cloth | |
Waist | Cloth | |
Feet | Leather | |
Feet | Mail | |
Head | Leather | |
Legs | Leather | |
Head | Leather | |
Wrist | Plate | |
Neck | – | |
Wrist | Leather | |
One-Hand | Dagger | |
Hands | Plate | |
Hands | Cloth | |
Back | – | |
One-Hand | Mace | |
Trinket | – | |
Chest | Cloth | |
Legs | Mail | |
Feet | Mail | |
Feet | Cloth | |
Finger | – | |
One-Hand | Sword | |
Ranged | Crossbow | |
Finger | – | |
Two-Hand | Staff | |
Legs | Plate | |
Held In Off-hand | – | |
Shoulder | Leather |