- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 22, 2024
- Updated: January 16, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The main hub for the 20th Anniversary Event is located just outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. There you’ll find a pop-up carnival similar to Darkmoon Faire, with a variety of fun activities to enjoy and familiar NPCs to bump into.
Every day, the main celebration hub in Tanaris will have a theme for a different World of Warcraft era, with appropriate costumes, props, and NPCs.
Celebration Achievements
Many of the achievements for the 20th Anniversary Event are tied to events and activities at the celebration grounds.

There are three rotating events at the anniversary celebration grounds. Each event is about 5 minutes long, with 15 minutes between. You can see the current or next event at the top of your UI while you are in the area. The current event location is also marked on the zone map and minimap with a balloon icon.
Story Time
- Led by: Lorewalker Cho (64.3, 51.5)
- Activity greeter: Grimkel (64.1, 51.2)
Lorewalker Cho tells a story from Azeroth’s past on the Storyteller Stage. Special abilities will appear at appropriate times during the story, like Cheer or Cry. Using one of these abilities to react will grant the achievement Peanut Gallery.
Story Time rotates between three different stories. Listening to all of these stories grants the achievement Avid Listener.
- The Heroes of the Scarab Wall
- The Tragedy of Tharassarian
- The Mercy of Baine Bloodhoof

Fashion Frenzy
- Led by: Althaea (63.5, 48.9)
- Activity greeter: Thrynviel (63.5, 49.9)
Fashion Frenzy is a Trial of Style type event in which you are given a theme and must dress your character up to match that theme. To do so, head to a nearby transmogrifier to dress your character up. When the dressing time expires, you’ll have a couple of minutes to grab a ribbon from the table to give to your favorite competitor. When the voting time ends, the winning outfits will appear on stage.
Casting your first vote will award the achievement Fashion Critic. Casting 20 votes will award the achievement Big Fan.

Mount Mania
- Led by: Abigail Cyrildotr (63.0, 51.3)
- Activity greeter: Hansel Cyrilson (63.2, 51.3)
Show off your mount collection! Abigail summons 15 mounts one at a time. Each mount’s name will appear above her head, making it easy for you to quickly search your collection for it. Summon the same mount she is currently using to get a stack of the Mount Matches debuff. The player with the most matches after 15 mounts have been summoned is announced as the winner.
Matching one mount awards the achievement I Have That One! Matching 20 mounts awards Mount Master.

These activities are always available and are not part of the rotating events schedule.
Pet Paradise
- Activity greeter: Petra (62.0, 50.1)
There is a Pet Box next to Petra that contains a Pet Mirror. This item allows you to take on the appearance of your currently summoned battle pet. Doing so for the first time will earn you the achievement Pet Mischief.
The Pet Disguise buff lasts for 10 minutes. While it’s active, you will be able to click on Zoomy Treats around the celebration grounds (they look like little loaves of bread). Each one will give you a stack of the Zoomies buff that lasts for 5 seconds. If you can maintain the buff for at least 20 seconds straight, you’ll earn the achievement Zoomies!
You’ll also find some Pet Trainers here who you can battle with, and there’s a Pet Feeder named Galiel who will throw food to your pet as you pass by!

Photo Booth
- Activity greeter: Vanni Thorngage (62.8, 49.3)
This area is all set up for taking pictures! Clinkeasy is standing next to the activity greeter and can change the background of the set to a different theme: Anniversary, Alliance, Horde, or Default. There’s also a Chest of Props on the other side of the stairs that will allow you to borrow some Glasses, a Top Hat, a Mug, a Toy Sword and Shield, or a weapon replica. You can only have one at a time and it will last for five minutes.
If the set isn’t a good enough background for you, there are three portals nearby that lead to scenic vistas. The locations these portals lead to rotate from day to day according to the current expansion theme. If you go through one, you’ll find a return portal on the other side for convenience. Visiting at least 10 vista locations by taking the vista portals will give the achievement Photo Op!
Below are all of the possible portal locations.
- Mount Hyjal
- Twilight Highlands
- Uldum
Broken Isles
- Stormheim
- Suramar
- Val’Sharah
- Gorgrond
- Nagrand
- Shadowmoon Valley
Dragon Isles
- Azure Span
- Ohn’ahran Plains
- Waking Shores
Kul Tiras
- Dustvar
- Stormsong Valley
- Tiragarde Sound
- Grizzly Hills
- Icecrown
- The Storm Peaks
- Ardenweald
- Revendreth
- Zereth Mortis
- Jade Forest
- Kun-Lai Summit
- Valley of the Four Winds

All over the celebration grounds you’ll find replicas of famous weapons. Clicking on these items will grant you a 10-minute costume buff that gives you the appearance of a famous hero or villain from Warcraft’s history. You’ll also get a couple of special abilities that provide voiced dialogue from the character you’re cosplaying as.

The replicas spawn randomly in a number of possible locations. Replicas are more likely to spawn when they are connected with the celebration’s current theme. Here are some known locations where they can appear.
- At the bottom of the Fashion Frenzy stage, near the mole machine (63.2, 49.5)
- On the ground behind the transmogrifier at the back of the Fashion Frenzy area, near some crates (63.3, 48.2)
- On the floor between the barber and transmogrifier at the back of the Fashion Frenzy stage (63.5, 48.2)
- On the back side of the wall on top of the Fashion Frenzy stage, on a table (63.4, 48.6)
- On the ground by a stack of crates behind the Photo Booth (62.7, 48.9)
- On the platform at Pet Paradise, on top of a crate (62.0, 49.5)
- Behind the vendor stall near Pet Paradise, on top of a crate (62.3, 50.1)
- Near Izaik Kadarov, the World Boss Guide, on a weapon rack on the wall (62.2, 51.7)
- Near Izaik Kadarov, the World Boss Guide, leaning against some crates (62.2, 51.6)
- Leaning against a hay bale near the ice rink (61.7, 51.2)
- Behind a rock near the caravans a the entrance to the valley (61.2, 50.9)
- Directly behind and below the stage at Mount Mania (63.0, 51.2)
- Between the two small tents next to the Story Time stage (64.2, 51.2)
- On the ground behind the Story Time stage (64.5, 51.7)
- Leaning against the side of Leeroy’s chicken stand (63.3, 52.3)
- Behind Chromie, between the large crystals (62.5, 50.0)
And here are the costumes you can find and the replicas they are obtained from.
Costume | Object |
Alexstrasza’s Replica Staff | |
Replica Frostmourne | |
Replica Bloodhoof Mace | |
Replica Black Hand | |
Helm of Domination Replica | |
Replica Remornia | |
Replica Durotan’s Axe | |
Replica Staff of Gul’dan | |
Replica Twin Blades of Azzinoth | |
Replica Staff of Antonidas | |
Replica Felo’melorn | |
Replica Fang of Kalecgos | |
Replica Atiesh | |
Replica Fearbreaker | |
Hourglass | |
Replica Arcanite Axe | |
Dreadbow of the Banshee | |
Replica Doomhammer | |
Replica Shalamayne | |
Velen’s Replica Staff | |
Replica Nekana | |
Replica Succession |
You’ll find a balloon vendor close to the entrance of Caverns of Time with a bunch of mountable balloons floating nearby (64.2, 50.0). Ride any of these balloons for a few seconds to earn the Balloonist achievement. Ride one of each kind to get the Frequent Flyer achievement (Bronze, Dark Blue, Gold, and Light Blue). You can also earn progress toward your Celebrate Good Fun! daily quest by riding a balloon.

Ice Rink
There is a small ice rink at the western end of the celebration grounds (61.8, 51.3). You will slowly slide when you run on it. Doing this counts toward your Celebrate Good Fun! daily quest.

Scarab Gong
You’ll find a Displaced Scarab Gong just north of the central tent (62.8, 50.0). Click on it to ring the gong! Doing so will award you some progress toward your Celebrate Good Fun! daily quest.

Hearthstone Game Table
There is a Hearthstone game table hidden behind the story stage (64.5, 51.9). Find a partner and sit down to enjoy a game!

Black Market Auctioneer
Madam Gosu can be found underneath the Fashion Frenzy stage (63.5, 49.4). She will give you access to the Black Market Auction House.

Transmogrifier & Barber Shop
You’ll find Warpweaver Tuviss behind the Fashion Frenzy Stage offering transmog services (63.4, 48.3). Nearby are a couple of standing mirrors called Visage of True Self which will allow you to change your character’s appearance.