- Author: Shadostruct
- Date: October 29, 2024
- Updated: October 29, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The Spreading the Light event takes place in Hallowfall within the depths of Khaz’Algar. This is a weekly event that involves a variety of mini-daily quests you unlock and gives Hallowfall Arathi reputation, a variety of currencies, gear, and a chance at the Dauntless Imperial Lynx mount. Feed the Keyflames! Protect the light! The darkness is encroaching in Light’s Blooming and with it come all sorts of beasties and baddies for you to beat back, as well as helping out the Arathi peoples that live in this area trying to carve out a life.
How to Unlock the Spreading the Light Event
Thankfully it’s a fairly simple process to unlock this event, and you should have it available by level cap naturally.
- Be level 80.
- Hit Renown level 3 with the Hallowfall Arathi.
- Unlock world quests by completing the Surface Bound quest.
Where is the Spreading the Light Event
The villagers of Light’s Blooming need help within the Hallowfall zone. This is a northeastern section of the map close to where the connection from Hallowfall to The Ringing Deeps is.

To start the event you can jump right in and start picking up any daily quests you might come across or helping people defend the larger Keyflames to attain Radiant Remnants. You can feed these Radiant Remnants to either Lesser Keyflames or Greater Keyflames. To complete the weekly you’ll need to activate 4 Lesser Keyflames, which will require a total of 12x Radiant Remnants. Keep in mind each Lesser Keyflame you activate will spawn a daily quest that you can pick up to complete for more rewards and remnants.
What are the Quests for the Spreading the Light Event
Weekly Quests
- Spreading the Light elite world quest.
- Defender of the Flame weekly quest.
- Worldsoul: Spreading the Light weekly quest (A Dornogal weekly quest you can choose, not available every week).

Daily Quests
There is a rotating list of daily quests in the area that are unlocked by feeding a Lesser Keyflame to max. Doing so will spawn an NPC that will give you said quests, which usually involves fairly simple tasks like collecting items or killing mobs. Do note that there are a decent amount of elites roaming about, so a group might be worth forming if you’re not well geared or confident in soloing it!
If anyone feeds a Greater Keyflame it’ll spawn an area objective automatically that anyone can participate in for the 20 minutes the keyflame will be active.
How to Complete the Spreading the Light Event
While this event is technically infinite, and you can keep on going for as long as you’d like, there are a couple of main objectives that you should aim for:
- The Spreading the Light elite world quest — Spawns each week, requires 12x Radiant Remnants, objective is to light 4 Lesser Keyflames.
- The Defender of the Flame weekly quest — Can be picked up each week at Light’s Blooming, involves killing 2x rare elite creatures in the area.
For Defender of the Flame, the spawning of a rare elite in the area is actually not random. When a Greater Keyflame is fed it has 20 minutes until the light fizzles out. After those 20 minutes are up and the darkness encroaches once again it spawns a rare elite mob on the keyflame. Meaning you can reliably complete this quest without having to worry about RNG.

How to Farm Radiant Remnants
These items are necessary for both types of keyflames, can be stacked up to an unnecessary amount, and you can hold onto any excess you don’t use to feed keyflames in the following weeks without having to farm again if you so choose.
The main way to farm these is just going to be killing mobs within the area. It’s suggested to use any active keyflames so you can complete bonus objectives at the same time, or when the rare elite spawns since they drop more of the remnants than normal mobs. There are also small chests and lootable oddities scattered about that can have Radiant Remnants in them as well.
Renown Improvements for Spreading the Light
With this event taking place in Hollowfall, and you helping the Arathi citizens, this has close ties to the Hallowfall Arathi faction. So that being said you get some extra perks that’ll help you out when you reach certain ranks with said faction.
- Renown 8 — Any rares spawned for the Spreading the Light event now drop considerably more Radiant Remnants.
- Renown 9 — You can now buy Flickering Torch, which gives you a versatility buff and can be used to uncover certain rarities within the zone.
- Renown 12 — This tier unlocks a bunch of consumables that can be used in the area of Spreading the Light that offer buffs, helpful summons, and combat enhancements.
- Auebry’s Farshooter
- Big Cat Whistle
- Charm of the Flame
- Dauntless Strike Flare
- Ezgi’s Gizmo
- Sugar Shrooms
- Renown 12 — Chances at additional items for the Life on the Farm achievement when participating in the Spreading the Light event.
Rewards from the Spreading the Light Event
There are several rewards for completing quests and activities in the area:
- Radiant Cache — For completing the Spreading the Light elite weekly world quest. This contains gold, crests, Veteran gear if it’s one of the first two weekly chests opened, and a Restored Coffer Key if one of the first four weekly chests opened.
- Lamplighter Supply Satchel — Basically any of the quests offered in this area as well as any major area objectives completed will give you these. They have a variety of currencies, can drop green gear, and offer Hallowfall Arathi reputation.
- There is also a bout a 1% chance for the Dauntless Imperial Lynx to drop from these satchels!
- Pinnacle Cache — This is from the Worldsoul: Spreading the Light weekly quest. This chest has a load of currency in it as well as counting as a weekly chest, and thus offering you potential Veteran gear and/or Restored Coffer Keys.