- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 25, 2024
- Updated: November 5, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
One of the many activities you can participate in for World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary Event is a series of trivia questions about Azeroth’s history! Each day you’ll be given a quest to correctly answer one of these questions. If you want to get it right the first time, or if you’re just curious what the right answer was, we’ve got you covered in this guide!
Daily Quest
The daily quest A Time to Reflect/
A Time to Reflect is offered by
Historian Llore or
Historian Ju’pa at the main celebration tent outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris (62.8, 50.2). They will ask you a trivia question about Azeroth’s past. You can answer as many as you need to before you get one right. If you want to keep testing your knowledge, you can even drop the quest and pick it up again!

Trivia Questions & Answers
Who became Ragnaros’ second Majordomo, protecting the entrance of the Sulfuron Keep in the Firelands?
- Majordomo Staghelm.
- Majordomo Executus.
- Majordomo Beth’tilac.
- Majordomo Shannox.
Who became the Lich King after Arthas was defeated?
- Tirion Fordring.
- Bolvar Fordragon.
- Darion Mograine.
- Terenas Menethil II.
What planet do the draenei originate from?
- Argus.
- Draenor.
- Mardum.
Whose tomb includes the inscription “May the bloodied crown stay lost and forgotten”?
- Prince Arthas Menethil.
- King Llane Wrynn.
- Uther the Lightbringer.
- King Terenas Menethil II.
Which war saw the destruction of both Darnassus and the Undercity?
- The Third War.
- The Fourth War.
- The Fifth War.
Formerly a healthy paladin, this draenei fell ill after fighting the Burning Legion and becoming one of the Broken. He later became a powerful shaman.
- Velen.
- Akama.
- Maraad.
- Nobundo.
This emissary of the Horde felt that Silvermoon City was a little too bright and clean.
- Cheneta.
- Kristine Denny.
- Tatai.
- Dela Runetotem.
Where was Dalaran originally located in the Eastern Kingdoms?
- Arathi Highlands.
- Silverpine Forest.
- Hillsbrad Foothills.
- Tirisfal Glades.
What evidence drove Prince Arthas to slaughter the people of Stratholme during the Third War?
- Tainted soil.
- Tainted wildlife.
- Tainted water.
- Tainted grain.
Draka was a tenacious warrior in life, but what combat role was she assigned in the afterlife?
- Hunter.
- Paladin.
- Rogue.
Who was the first to leave Pandaria on the back of the sea turtle, Shen-zin Su?
- Shaohao.
- Shinizi.
- Li Li Stormstout.
- Liu Lang.
What entity made a pact with N’Zoth and was later freed from the blade she was imprisoned in?
- Xal’atath.
- G’huun.
- Y’Shaarj.
The mark of the naaru on Yrel’s forehead was given to her by this notable draenei.
- Akama.
- Prophet Velen.
- Vindicator Maraad.
What did the Dragon Aspects give the night elves after the War of the Ancients?
- Teldrassil.
- Well of Eternity.
- Nordrassil.
- Moonwells.
Who was the original Aspect of the blue dragonflight?
- Sindragosa.
- Malygos.
- Kalecgos.
What freed the Nightfallen from their addiction to the Nightwell?
- Water from the Well of Eternity.
- Fruit of the Arcan’dor.
- Demon blood.
What is the name of the red dragon whose skull is on display in the Hall of Explorers?
- Vaelastrasz.
- Devrestrasz.
- Caelestrasz.
- Tyranastrasz.
The night elves and the dragonflights stood against the armies of the Qiraji in what war?
- War of the Ancients.
- War of the Satyr.
- War of the Shifting Sands.
- War of the Spider.
This queen oversaw the evacuation of her people after the Cataclysm struck and the Forsaken attacked her nation.
- Queen Lia Greymane.
- Queen Malia Greymane.
- Queen Liria Greymane.
- Queen Mia Greymane.
One of Alexstrasza’s trusted ambassadors, this red drake’s chosen visage form is a vulpera.
- Scalecommander Cindrethresh.
- Majordomo Selistra.
- Tyranastrasz.
Who is known as “the Speaker?”
- Anduin Wrynn.
- Gelbin Mekkatorque.
- Magni Bronzebeard.
The destruction of this artifact pierced the veil between Azeroth and the Shadowlands.
- Ashbringer.
- Shalamayne.
- The Helm of Domination.
White wolves were once the favored mounts of which orc clan?
- Whiteclaw clan.
- Warsong clan.
- Frostwolf clan.
- Icefang clan.
In Zandali, the language of the trolls, what does “atal’ai” mean?
- The Faithful.
- Doting Ones.
- The Chosen.
- Devoted Ones.
Tell me, hero, what are undead murlocs called?
- Gorlocs.
- Mur’ghouls.
- Wolvar.
- Mur’liches.
What was the name of the once benevolent spiritual leader in Stormwind City that sided with Deathwing?
- Benedictus.
- Katherine the Pure.
- Grayson Shadowbreaker.
- Arthur the Faithful.
Which musical trinket could be used to invoke spontaneous dancing in others against their will?
- Piccolo of the Flaming Fire.
- Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King.
- Haunted War Drum.
- Flute of the Ancients.
Name the homeworld of the ethereals.
- K’aresh.
- Xarodi.
- Khu’ral.
- Xoroth.
This monument in Stormwind commemorates the late King Varian Wrynn and fallen Alliance soldiers.
- Lion’s Rest.
- Cathedral of Light.
- Valley of Heroes.
Succubus demons revel in causing anguish, and they serve the Legion by conducting nightmarish interrogations. What species is the succubus?
- Ered’ruin.
- Sayaad.
- Shivarra.
- Eredar.
The orc that Orgrimmar is named after (Orgrim Doomhammer) belonged to which orcish clan?
- Laughing Skull.
- Blackrock.
- Iron Horde.
Merithra of the Dream is the daughter of which former Dragon Aspect?
- Cenarius.
- Malygos.
- Ysera.
What ritual are souls in Revendreth required to go through in order to attain cleansing?
- Ritual of absolution.
- Ritual of judgment.
- Ritual of balance.
This Horde ship was crafted by goblins. Originally intended to bring Thrall and Aggra to the Maelstrom, the ship was destroyed in a surprise attack by the Alliance.
- Draka’s Fury.
- Hellscream’s Fury.
- Aggra’s Fury.
- Durotan’s Fury.
What was the name of the first pandaren to ever tame a cloud serpent?
- Jiang.
- Suchi.
- Anli.
- Toudu.
This bronze dragon interrupted the trial of Garrosh Hellscrem, bringing him to alternate Draenor before Garrosh killed him.
- Anachronos.
- Nozdormu.
- Kairozdormu.
In Taur-ahe, the language of the tauren, what does lar’korwi mean?
- Sharp claw.
- Razor tooth.
- Sharp tooth.
- Razor claw.
Who became the current Arbiter in Oribos?
- Pelagos.
- Draka.
- Zovaal.
At what location did Sargeras plunge his sword into Azeroth, creating the wound?
- Darnassus.
- Gilneas.
- Silithus.
What is grummle’s most prized personal possession?
- A Backpack.
- A Yak.
- A Luckydo.
- A Luckydont.
What was in the Chalice of Rebirth that Gul’dan offered the orcs?
- The blood of Mannoroth.
- Ancient firewine.
- Tears of Elune.
Which goblin cartel is known for plundering the natural resources of Azeroth?
- Blackwater Raiders.
- Venture Company.
- Kajaro Trading Company.
- Smokeywood Pastures.
What phrase means “Safe journey” in the language of the draenei?
- Achal hecta.
- Dioniss aca.
- Acheon kor.
- Heckt corta.
Bloodfeather, Windfury and Witchwing are all types of what race?
- Harpy.
- Arakkoa.
- Kaliri.
- Hippogryph.
What is the name of the desert that surrounds Caverns of Time?
- Uldum.
- Tanaris.
- Silithus.
- Desolace.
Centaur use this title to refer to the leaders of their tribes.
- Khan.
- Thane.
- Emperor.
What Pandaria creatures are the embodiments of negative emotions including doubt, despair, and anger?
- Mantid.
- Virmen.
- Hozen.
- Sha.
Who was the brother of Varok Saurfang and the only orc to fight in the War of the Ancients?
- Broxigar.
- Eitrigg.
- Dranosh Saurfang.
- Drek’Thar.
Arthas’ death knights were trained in a floating citadel that was taken by force when many of them rebelled against the Lich King. What was the fortress’s name?
- Acherus.
- Naxxanar.
- Kolramas.
- Naxxramas.
What is the name of the bridge that connects the Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands?
- Severed Span.
- Dawning Span.
- Sulfuron Span.
- Thandol Span.
Who was the first death knight to be created on Azeroth?
- Teron Gorefiend.
- Arthas Menethil.
- Alexandros Mograine.
- Koltira Deathweaver.
Which son of an Alliance traitor would one day become a leader of the Syndicate?
- Isiden.
- Aiden.
- Aedelas.
- Aliden.
Before succumbing to magical addiction, the Wretched were once members of which race?
- Blood Elves.
- Humans.
- Night Elves.
- Forsaken.
Which Alliance city located in Darkshore was destroyed by Deathwing’s return?
- Lor’danel.
- Ameth’Aran.
- Auberdine.
- Grove of the Ancients.
Cro Treadstrong continually threatened what specific type of vendor in Shattrath City?
- Bag Vendor.
- Fruit Vendor.
- Reagent Vendor.
- Weapon Vendor.
What is the highest rank bestowed on a druid?
- Shaman.
- Stormcaller.
- Archdruid.
- Far seer.
Who was Jaina Proudmoore’s mentor in the Kirin Tor?
- Archmage Antonidas.
- Archmage Khadgar.
- Archmage Modera.
- Archmage Kel’Thuzad.
Who were the three young twilight drakes guarding twilight dragon eggs in the Obsidian Sanctum?
- Tenebron, Vesperon, and Shadron.
- Tenebron, Vesperon, and Halion.
- Theralion, Shadron, and Abyssion.
- Theralion, Halion, and Abyssion.
What is the highest rank that can be bestowed on a night elf Watcher?
- Ranger-General.
- Keeper.
- Warden.
- Sentinel.
Which apothecary cannot be found in Shadowfang Keep during the Love is in the Air event?
- Frye.
- Baxter.
- Copeland.
- Hummel.
Razormane and Bristleback are two feuding tribes of which race?
- Quillboar.
- Gnolls.
- Saberon.
- Harpies.
Thane Kurdran Wildhammer suffered a tragic loss when his valiant gryphon was killed in a fire. What was this gryphon’s name?
- Swiftwing.
- Sharpbeak.
- Sky’ree.
- Stormbeak.
This cult was affiliated with the orcish Shadow Council and included members such as Nagaz and Marez Cowl.
- Burning Blade.
- Sargerei.
- Argus Wake.
- The Cabal.
Which orc was responsible for opening numerous portals on Draenor and shattering the orc homeworld?
- Ner’zhul.
- Gul’dan.
- Skartax.
- Grieve.
King Krush, King Mosh, and King Dred are all what type of creature?
- Gorilla.
- Devilsaur.
- Colossi.
- Ogre.
Before Cataclysm, where could the remains of Mankrik’s wife be found?
- Thousand Needles.
- Durotar.
- Mulgore.
- The Barrens.
What are the final words from this Headless Horseman quote: “It is over, your search is done! Let fate choose now, …”
- “the mighty one!”
- “the rightful one!”
- “the righteous one!”
- “the delightful one!”
Which night elf was appointed the jailor of Illidan Stormrage?
- Jarod Shadowsong.
- Malfurion Stormrage.
- Maiev Shadowsong.
- Califax.
Who was the mighty proto-dragon captured by Loken and transformed into Razorscale?
- Galakrond.
- Veranus.
- Zeptek.
- Vyletongue.
Brown-skinned orcs first began showing up on Azeroth several years after the Third War, when the Dark Portal was reactivated. What are these orcs called?
- Mag’har.
- Felblood.
- Mok’Nathal.
- Fel orc.
Which arm and which eye did Zul’jin lose during his captivity and eventual escape?
- Right eye; left arm.
- Left eye; left arm.
- Right eye; right arm.
- Left eye; right arm.
What was the name of the human that kept Thrall as a slave in Durnholde Keep?
- Aiden Perenolde.
- Galen Trollbane.
- Daval Prestor.
- Aedelas Blackmoore.
What phrase means “Thank you” in draconic, the language of dragons?
- Borela mir.
- Belan shi.
- Avral shi.
- Alena mir.
Which of the following is not a possible result from drinking a Noggenfogger Elixer?
- Shrink.
- Become Skeletal.
- Slow Fall.
- You breathe fire.
Which paladin was not among the five when the Silver Hand was originally created?
- Uther.
- Alexandros.
- Gavinrad.
- Saidan.
Before Ripsnarl became a worgen, he had a family. What was his wife’s name?
- Emma Harrington.
- Calissa Harrington.
- Vanessa Whitehall.
- Katrina Whitehall.
Before she was raised from the dead by Arthas to serve the Scourge, Sindragosa was part of what dragonflight?
- Red dragonflight.
- Blue dragonflight.
- Green dragonflight.
- Bronze dragonflight.
Before the original Horde formed, a highly contagious sickness began spreading rapidly among the orcs. What did the orcs call it?
- Scarlet fever.
- Blood pox.
- Crimson fever.
- Red pox.
In the assault on Icecrown, Horde forces dishonorably attacked Alliance forces who were busy fighting the Scourge and trying to capture this gate.
- Corp’rethar.
- Aldur’thar.
- Angrathar.
- Mord’rethar.
Name the titan lore-keeper who was a member of the elite Pantheon.
- Aman’Thul.
- Norgannon.
- Eonar.
- Khaz’goroth.
Not long ago, this frail Zandalari troll sought to take a direhorn. Although he journeyed to the Isle of Giants, he was slain in his quest. What was his name?
- Maaka.
- Grimath.
- Talak.
- Ra’wiri.
One name for this loa is “Night’s Friend”.
- Shirvallah.
- Kimbul.
- Mueh’zala.
- Shadra.
The draenei like to joke that in the language of the naaru, the word Exodar has this meaning.
- Defective elekk turd.
- Crystal death trap.
- Worthless elekk dung.
- Radioactive biohazard.
The Ironforge library features a replica of an unusually large ram’s skeleton. What was the name of this legendary ram?
- Gorehoof.
- Toothgnasher.
- Bloodhorn.
- Steelmauler.
This defender of the Scarlet Crusade was killed while slaying the dreadlord Beltheris.
- Fellari Swiftarrow.
- Holia Sunshield.
- Yana Bloodspear.
- Valea Twinblades.
This structure, located in Zangarmarsh, was controlled by naga who sought to drain a precious and limited resource: the water of Outland.
- Snakecoil Cavern.
- Serpentine Basin.
- Coilfang Reservoir.
- Spiralfang Cistern.
What is the name of Tirion Fordring’s gray stallion?
- Ashanor.
- Mistsilver.
- Feonir.
- Mirador.
Which of these is the correct name for King Varian Wrynn’s first wife?
- Tiffin Windermere Wrynn.
- Therese Anne Wrynn.
- Therese Angharad Wrynn.
- Tiffin Ellerian Wrynn.
While working as a tutor, Stalvan Mistmantle became obsessed with one of his students, a young woman named Tilloa. What was the name of her younger brother?
- Billy.
- William.
- Giles.
- Tobias.
Who is the current leader of the gnomish people?
- Gelbin Mekkatorque.
- Millhouse Manastorm.
- Sicco Thermaplugg.
- Fizzcrank Fullthrottle.
Who was the first satyr to be created?
- Peroth’arn.
- Garaxxas.
- Xavius.
- Vyletongue.
What dragon appears in the Human guise of Lord Victor Nefarius?
- Sabellian.
- Itharius.
- Nefarian.
- Sapphiron.
What is the name of the mate of Har’koa?
- Loque’nahak.
- Shirvallah.
- Magria.
- Ankha.
What was the name of the Human who helped Thrall escape his imprisonment in Durnholde Keep?
- Karramyn Langston.
- Arthas Menethil.
- Jaina Proudmoore.
- Taretha Foxton.
Which of the following is not an Orc clan?
- Frostwolf.
- Warsong.
- Bloodfang.
- Dragonmaw.
Who was the naga lieutenant of Illidan and once handmaiden of Queen Azshara?
- Naz’jar.
- Vashj.
- Zhahara.
- Valishj.
These fuzzy, alpaca-driving nomads have settled in Vol’dun.
- Worgen.
- Vulpera.
- Pandaren.