- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 11, 2024
- Updated: October 21, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Once you’ve completed the main storyline in Khaz Algar and reached level 80, you’ll unlock World Quests for your character on the continent. These are special time-limited activities that offer a variety of rewards as well as some reputation with The Severed Threads Pacts for your Warband. In this guide, we’ll tell you where to go and what you need to do to complete each of these quests.
Before you can see most of the world quests in Azj-Kahet, your character will need to make a Pact with one of the 3 Severed Threads leaders. That means completing the quests Pacts Below and Of Pacts and Patrons.
But before we get started, here are some other special activities and events that you can find in Azj-Kahet:
- Orta, the Broken Mountain World Boss
- Bountiful Delves
World Quests
This section lists the standard world quests in Azj-Kahet that do not have a special quest type (PvP, pet battle, Skyrider racing, or Special Assignment).
Bug Them
- 6 Bugs placed
This quest takes place in the High Hollows inside the City of Threads, but it only appears on the Azj-Kahet zone map. All you need to do is interact with the marked Insectiformant locations to place the bugs. Note that the NPCs here will be hostile unless you have obtained Pheromones: High Hollows by reaching Crony rank with The Weaver.

Documenting Discordance
- Ride the Shrouded Skysilk
- Take Pictures of Discordance
You’ll need to mount the Shrouded Skysilk, a stealthed flying carpet beside a nerubian named Valgrexx, on a cliff overlooking The Maddening Deeps (61.5, 76.0). Then you’ll be taking pictures to fill the progress bar. Common pictures will give you 3% progress each, Rare pictures are worth 5%, Epic pictures give 10%, and a Legendary picture gives 20%. To get a Legendary shot, keep an eye out for a humanoid named Orweyna on top of a rock (65.8, 82.4).

Dye! Dye! Dye!
- Dyeworks laborers slain
- Different dyebaths visited (Optional)
One a large platform in Rak-Ahat, you’ll find several large colorful pools with spools of thread hanging over them on hooks. If you stand in one of these pools, you’ll gain a special ability based on the color of the dye: Arsenic Green, Blue Lightning, Carmine Red, Royal Purple, or Yellow Ochre. You can use these abilities to help you kill the nearby laborers – or you can just fight without bothering with the pools.

- Climbing Gear acquired
- Find a handhold on the cliff
- 7 Collect Swarmite Egg
Click on the Climbing Gear at the bottom of the rockface to equip it. Then click on the Handholds to start climbing. Make use of the special abilities to maintain your grip and navigate the cliff. Click on the Swarmite Eggs you encounter along the way to loot them and complete the quest.
Enforcer Extermination
- 12 Pale Weavelashers slain
Defeat humanoids around the Silken Ward to complete this quest: Boltweaver Enforcer, Pale Weavelasher Apprentice, Pale Weaverlasher Grunt, and/or Webwarden Enforcer.

Exfiltration Operation
- 12 Conscripted Ascendants Freed
This World Quest will only appear on the City of Threads map, not the Azj-Kahet map. You must look around the area at The Transformatory for Conscripted Ascendants. They can be hard to find as there are not very many of them and they have a slow respawn time. Interact with them to set them free.

- 15 Nerubians slain
Kill any combination of 15 Dependable Skitterling, Kaheti Overseer, Kaheti Skirmisher, and/or Kaheti Threadmancer to complete this quest.

Grub Run
- 10 Razormouth Grubs gathered
Completing this quest is required for the Worm Theory achievement, which awards the Lil’ Bonechewer battle pet.
Gutter Work
- Salien Gutters scavenged
For this quest, you’ll be killing creatures in the Salien Gutters area where the rivers converge outside the City of Threads. Most of the hostile mobs here will drop some type of Innards, which you must collect to fill your progress bar. If you don’t see any spawns above ground, try checking underwater.

Let Them Win
- Fly through rings to gain Holy Lance
- Battle turned against the nerubians
There are two ways to complete this quest. First, you can choose to fight the nerubian forces on the ground. You’ll need to kill Kaheti Preysnatcher, Kaheti Silksinger, Kaheti War-Weaver, and/or Slam Scavenger, each of which count for 2-5% of your progress bar. The other option is to fly through the rings to gain a 10-second Holy Lance buff, which will allow you to fly into the balloon-like objects in the area that would otherwise knock you off your mount. These are worth 5% progress each.

Opposing Forces
- Ride the Shrouded Skysilk
- Take Pictures of Nerubian Forces
You’ll need to mount the Shrouded Skysilk in Siegehold (43.3, 21.8). Then you’ll be taking pictures to fill the progress bar. Common pictures will give you 3% progress each, Rare pictures are worth 5%, Epic pictures give 10%, and a Legendary picture gives 20%. To get a Legendary shot, keep an eye out for a humanoid named Fahl’khax (32.5, 38.8).

Pawns of Dark Masters
- Obtain stacks of Unseeming Shift
- Discordant creatures slain
The easiest way to get stacks of Unseeming Shift is to swim in one of the pools of red goo around the bottom of The Maddening Deep. The more stacks you have, the more dangerous mobs you will be able to see, with 50 stacks giving you access to Elites who are worth the most progress. Discordant Skitterlings are worth 1% each, Discordant Harvesters and Tentacle Slimes are 2% each, Discordant Hulks are worth 5%, Discordant Swarmites are worth about 7%, and the following Elites are worth a whopping 50% each: Aberrant Deepwalker (65.2, 88.0), Faceless One (65.8, 83.8), and Warped Sabling (63.0, 85.0).

Slay the Goo, Save the World
- Have 50 or more stacks of Unseeming Shift
- Faceless One slain
- Warped Sapling slain
- Aberrant Deepwalker slain
The easiest way to get stacks of Unseeming Shift is to swim in one of the pools of red goo around the bottom of The Maddening Deep. Then you’ll be able to see the Elite mobs you need to kill for the quest: Aberrant Deepwalker (65.2, 88.0), Faceless One (65.8, 83.8), and Warped Sapling (63.0, 85.0).

Spider Optics
- 6 Silkweaver Pillager slain
- 6 Rescue Spiderlings
- 5 Protect Egg Sacs
This quest takes place at the nesting grounds that are tucked under the cliff in Rak-Ush. Kill the Silkweaver Pillagers. Click on the Spiderling Cages to rescue their captives, and click on Threading Egg Sacs to coat them with protective venom.

Taking it To Go
- 5 Vigilant Nestguard corpses collected
You’ll be given a Threadling Lure when you enter the quest area. Before you can use it, you will need to kill a Vigilant Nestguard. Then throw the Lure on the corpse to collect it.

Truffle Shuffle
- 5 Kaheti Truffles
Unassuming Delivery Spider
- Supplies Delivered
Look for a building called Toy Hollow in the Umbral Bazaar that has an NPC named Tizkren inside (entrance: 56.7, 30.4). This is where you’ll need to turn in the supplies. Supplies can be found all around the area as glittering boxes and piles. Small boxes are worth about 14% of your progress bar, medium boxes are worth 25%, and large boxes are worth 33%. There is one large box right around the corner that you can simply run into the building repeatedly for easy credit (58.7, 29.8). Run through any ghostly purple spiders you encounter along the way for a speed buff and avoid detection by guards in the area.

Worm Sign, Sealed, Delivered
- 4 Food placed
Look for the marked Worm Chow locations to place the food. Note that two of the marked spots are inside small caves/burrows in the ground, and when you place the food the sleeping worms will wake up and become hostile.
Completing this quest is required for the Worm Theory achievement, which awards the Lil’ Bonechewer battle pet.

Wormcraft Rumble
- Shyalude slain
All you need to do for this quest is kill a large worm named Shyalude (73.0, 83.8).
Completing this quest is required for the Worm Theory achievement, which awards the Lil’ Bonechewer battle pet.

PvP World Quests
These world quests will not appear on your map unless you have War Mode turned on. To enable War Mode, head to a major city (Dornogal, Valdrakken, or your faction capital) and open your talents window. Click on the circle in the lower right corner so that it lights up. There are ways to complete these quests without killing other players, but you must have War Mode on the whole time.
- Kill Cave Borer Worms or Players
To fill up the progress bar, you’ll either need to kill players or defeat nearby Sparking Electroscythes. Players are worth 14% of your progress bar while the worms are worth 5% each.

Serving the Queen
- Kill Nerubian Forces or Players
To fill up the progress bar, you’ll either need to kill players or defeat nearby Sureki nerubians. Players are worth 14% of your progress bar while Sureki Hulks are worth 11% and Sureki Sycophants and Sureki Threadmancers are worth about 7% each.
Pet Battle World Quests
These world quests involve winning pet battles against some challenging opponents.
One Hungry Worm
- Defeat Zaedu in a Pet Battle
Zaedu is a Beast type battle pet near the bridge to the north of the Weaver’s Lair (53.1, 31.6). It is weak to Mechanical abilities but resistant to Humanoids.

- Defeat Ziriak in a Pet Battle
This quest does not appear on the Azj-Kahet zone map, but on the City of Threads map. Ziriak is a Master Pet Trainer next to a stairwell in The Burrows (61.3, 37.0). Her pets are Tickler, Swoopgrasp, and Four-Legs. Tickler is an Undead type, weak to Critter abilities but strong against Dragonkins. Swoopgrasp is a Flying type, weak against Magic but strong against Beast abilities. Four-Legs is a Beast type pet who is weak to Mechanical abilities but resistant to Humanoids.

Skyrider Racing World Quests
For these world quests, you’ll be tasked with completing one of the Skyriding races that are scattered around the map. To do so, speak with the Bronze Timekeeper at the race location and choose the version of the course you’d like to try. Any version will count as long as you complete the race in time to earn at least Bronze.

Skyrider Racing – City of Threads Twist
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a cliff near Wildcamp Ul’ar overlooking the City of Threads (27.0, 8.0).
Skyrider Racing – Maddening Deep Dip
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a high cliff in the southeast of Rak-Ush (77.9, 79.7).
Skyrider Racing – Pit Plunge
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a high ledge just north of Wildcamp Or’lay (23.8, 48.4).
Skyrider Racing – Rak-Ahat Rush
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is high up on the wall on the northwest side of Rak-Ahat (71.4, 36.4).
Skyrider Racing – The Weaver’s Wing
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a ledge slightly northwest of The Weaver’s Lair (52.9, 36.2).
Special Assignment World Quests
These world quests require completing a certain number of other world quests in Azj-Kahet before they will become available. Until this prerequisite is met, they’ll appear on the map with a lock symbol.
Special Assignment: A Pound of Cure
- Arathi’s End disrupted
There are several ways to fill your progress bar for this quest in the Arathi’s End canyon in the north of the zone. There are small Arathi airships near the entrances where you can fly through a glowing orb (66.0, 12.8) (62.5, 2.9) to gain the temporary Holy Lance buff. This buff will allow you to fly into nearby balloon mines and destroy them, netting you 1% progress each. You can free Arathi Prisoners from web cocoons for 2% each. You can also click on the Webbing at cave entrances (65.6, 6.8) (65.4, 4.3) (63.3, 7.2) to remove it and set some more prisoners free for about 6% progress. Finally you can just kill nerubians in the area – Elites are worth about 3% while normal mobs are worth 0.5%
Igitith Ik’Tak is worth a whopping 75%, but you will need help to defeat him. He’s located in a cave called Sundered’s Crucible in the north end of the area that is not actually part of the Azj-Kahet map: /way #2274 49.8 57.1 Igitith ik'Tak

Special Assignment: Bombs from Behind
- Appropriate a Skiff
- Convoy troops slain
Board the Stolen Skiff behind the flight master in The Weaver’s Lair (56.7, 47.3). Then, kill enemies until the progress fills all the way up. Skittershaws are worth 10% each, Chitin Commanders are worth 7%, Convoy Leaders are worth 5%, Convoy Protectors are worth 2%, and Skitterlings are worth 0.5% progress each.
Worldsoul Memories World Quests
You won’t be able to see these quests unless you have at least one Radiant Echo in your inventory. Worldsoul Memories are unique world quests that must be started by interacting with a Worldsoul Memory orb at the world quest location. You’ll select the difficulty level you’d like to attempt. Each difficulty grants better rewards and costs more Radiant Echoes to start. Once the event starts, your goal is to increase the Worldsoul Memory Score at the top of your screen by defeating enemies, mining Azerite, and interacting with objects in the area within the time limit. These quests do not award any reputation.

Worldsoul Memory: A Wounded Soul
- Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
- Bloodscar slain
Worldsoul Memory: Old Gods Forsaken
- Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
- Watcher Zalesx slain