Seeds of Renewal Limit of 10 Follower Dungeons Per Day Per Account

seeds of renewal limit of 10 follower dungeons per day per account

With next week’s release of Follower Dungeons in World of Warcraft’s Seeds of Renewal content update, a daily limit has been introduced. Players will be able to initiate a maximum of 10 Follower Dungeons per day per account.

It’s important to note that in Follower Dungeons, which are only available at Normal difficulty, an instance will be considered as ‘started’ once it is created. This new limit will not affect regular non-Follower dungeons that involve player groups.

Adjustments to the daily limit may be considered in the future and will be actively monitored following its launch in all regions.

Bornakk – (Source)

With Follower Dungeons arriving next week in the Seeds of Renewal content update, we’ve added some precautionary measures for the feature’s initial release to help ensure a smooth experience for all players. The initial limit will be that a maximum of 10 Follower Dungeons can be started per day per account.

Note that a Follower Dungeon, which can only be run at Normal difficulty, will be considered as ‘started’ once the instance is created and that regular non-Follower dungeons with players will not be impacted by this limit.

We will actively monitor the impact of this feature once it’s live in all regions and look into adjusting the limit at some point in the future. Thank you for your understanding.

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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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