Recent Blue Posts
Chains of Domination Soundtrack Released
September 24, 2021 • Spannah
While opinions on the state of the game may vary, most players will agree that the people behind World of Warcraft’s music and visuals have been doing an amazing job. And…
TBC Hotfixes September 23, 2021 – Raid Threat Fixed
September 24, 2021 • Spannah
Players should no longer lose their aggro on Kael’thas Sunstrider and Lady Vashj, which is something that has been happening with those bosses since PTR testing. Also, di…
WoW Hotfixes September 22nd: Sanctum Bug Fixes
September 23, 2021 • Spannah
Small set of bug fixes for the Eye of the Jailer and Painsmith Raznal bosses in the Sanctum of Domination, as well as additional performance improvements for the Sylvanas…
TBC Hotfixes September 21, 2021 – Raid Loot Tables Fixed
September 22, 2021 • Spannah
Most notably, the Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern loot issues have been fixed. Shartuul’s teleporter event has been enabled, and several quests have also received s…
9.1.5 PTR Sept. 21st Update: Path of Ascension Changes, Maw Intro Skip
September 22, 2021 • Baed
Path of Ascension Changes The Kyrian Covenant activity, Path of Ascension, is receiving several changes to make it more friendly for players to get into. The cost to ente…
Brewfest Seasonal Event Now Live
September 21, 2021 • Spannah
From September 20th to October 6th, players can participate in the Brewfest seasonal event. Complete quests and different activities to earn Brewfest Prize Tokens, or use…
Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep Loot Bug
September 21, 2021 • Spannah
Earlier this week, players have been reporting that some items such as Serpent-Coil Braid and Talon of Azshara, may not be dropping at all from Morogrim Tidewalker. Blizz…
TBC Brewfest Seasonal Event Now Live
September 21, 2021 • Spannah
From September 20th to October 6th, players can participate in the first TBC classic Brewfest. Complete various quests and activites to earn Brewfest Prize Tokens, and de…
WoW Hotfix September 20th: Meta Achievement Fixed, Raid Tuning
September 21, 2021 • Baed
As this week was the first week that players were able to complete the Breaking The Chains achievement, when players finished it they did not properly receive their mount…
WoW Hotfix September 16th: Sanctum Hall of Fame Closing
September 17, 2021 • Baed
With the final entries to Sanctum of Domination’s Hall of Fame, player’s will now be able to attempt the Raid on Mythic difficulty in cross-server raids. The hotfix also…
9.1.5 PTR Sept. 15 Update: More AOE Balancing and Misc Improvements
September 17, 2021 • Baed
Blizzard is keeping with the theme of continually improving the quality of gameplay in 9.1.5. Alongside the previously revealed Mage Tower return, this week’s PTR update…
TBC Classic Phase 2 is Now Live: Overlords of Outland
September 16, 2021 • Furious
After a delayed rollout, Phase 2 of TBC Classic is now live! This phase includes two additional raids, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep: The Eye to take down a coupl…
9.1.5 PTR Update: Mage Tower Reopening With Legion Timewalking
September 15, 2021 • Baed
Alongside the returning Legion Mythic+ dungeons, Blizzard is also bringing back the Mage Tower with the Legion Era Timewalking Event. This time, the Mage Tower will not a…
WoW Hotfixes September 13th: Theater of Pain Timer Increase
September 14, 2021 • Spannah
The Theater of Pain completion timer in Mythic+ has been increased by a minute. This dungeon has been very punishing in case of wipes, and is the only dungeon featuring 5…
Brewfest Coming Soon in TBC Classic!
September 14, 2021 • Taladril
Reddit’s observant posters are hard at work again with Draakex noticing that the Brewfest crew is outside Orgrimmar preparing for the event. Presuming that the event happ…