This guide will cover how to get the Lone Wolf rune for Hunters in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
The process to get this rune was a lot more complicated in previous phases, but has been significantly simplified.You no longer need to complete Grizzby’s three quests before you can purchase the rune. The level requirement has also been removed.
To get the Lone Wolf rune, head to Ratchet in The Barrens. This is a Horde zone, but the town is neutral, so this also works for Alliance players. Find Grizzby in the inn on the south side, around 62, 39. You’ll be able to buy a Rune of Lone Wolf from him for 3. Right-click this item to learn the rune.
About the Author
I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
this is impossible, no?
is this server wide or personal?