WoW Classic 19 Twink Priest Guide

Wow Classic 19 Twink Priest Guide

The unsung heroes of every battle, Priests get nowhere near enough recognition for their contributions both in and out of PvP.  If you’ve ever played a Priest, you have heard the yell, or read the message, “HEAL!” more than once. That being said, Priests are very popular – not as a playable class, but socially.  If you play a priest, you will have friends…friends who will still expect you to heal, but friends none the less.

Priests have the most dedicated healing spells out of every other class at this level and their spells tend to heal for more damage compared to most other classes as well.  Heal for example is a very powerful spell that restores a huge chuck of HP, but that doesn’t share a cooldown with your other healing spells.  They also have one of the most sought after buffs, Power Word: Fortitude, which is a good idea to kind of always have on.  Power Word: Shield is another great spell that other casters love to be the recipient of, some Warriors and Rogues too, frankly.  Dispel Magic is another great utility spell that is useful in almost every fight and Cure Disease, while situational, is a lifesaver (sometimes literally) when you do need it.  With the ability to resurrect multiple times in a short period and one of the best CC (Crowd Control) spells for PvP, the priest is easily the best healer class in this tier.


  • Races:  Which race is best for a your Twink Priest?
  • Professions:  Which Professions should you choose to maximize your benefit when building your Priest?
  • Spells and Abilities:  What spells and abilities are available to Priests at level 19 and which are the best to use in PvP
  • Talents:  Which Talents should you choose when building your Twink Priest and why?
  • Gear:  What is the BiS (Best in Slot) gear for your Priest and where can you get it?
  • Enchantments:  Which enchantments are the best for a Priest in PvP?
  • Buffs:  Which elixirs, potions, scrolls and other consumables are the most useful to a level 19 Twink Priest?


While your choices for race are a bit limited, all of them possess interesting and very useful racial traits that should interest any player trying to build a Twink Priest.  The most unique of these, though, are the Priest Only spells that are unique to each race. These racial abilities reflect the differences thematically and culturally, between the different races that have Priests.  They also offer a fantastic edge in and out of PvP.

What follows is a short description of each race available to the Priest class and the racial traits of that race that are pertinent to a level 19 Twink Priest.  If you would like a more detailed description of all of the playable races in WoW, click here.


  • Dwarf:  Only two of the standard racial traits for dwarves are particularly useful to a Priest, those being Stoneform and Frost Resistance.  The former is a fantastic short term buff that negates Bleed, Poison and Disease, while also giving a slight armor increase.  The latter is a pretty generally useful boon that can stop some of the damage from Mages and Hunters.  Find Treasure is useful to any class, so it is worth a mention.  Desperate Prayer is the racial spell that dwarves have access to at this level and it’s phenomenal.  At level 19 it heals for almost as much as Heal, which is your best healing spell!
  • Human:  Humans likely have the most racial traits useful to a Priest, though other races might have more useful ones.  Diplomacy is good for helping with that WSG (Warsong Gulch) rep to get some of your BiS gear.  Having an edge over Rogues, who’s first order of business is usually to find and kill the Priest, is always a good thing, so Perception is helpful.  The Human Spirit gives a solid buff to mana and health regen and is useful to any class, especially a Priest.  While it might seem of paltry benefit, Mace Specialization shouldn’t be ignored.  You can attack with a weapon for a reason – sometimes it’s all you have left and that minor percentage increase in skill might mean the difference between life and the graveyard.  Like Dwarves, Humans also possess Desperate Prayer, which is really just a free Heal when you really think about it.
  • Night Elf:  Nature Resistance is always good, because it negates lightning and poison damage.  While Quickness might not seem all that valuable, every little bit helps and even a miniscule chance to completely negate damage is worth considering.  Here’s where an interesting point comes in that most people don’t consider about Night Elves. Wisp Spirit lets you travel to your corpse a lot faster than other classes, while Shadowmeld offers limited stealth while not moving and allows you to eat and drink while stealthed.  These two things, if properly implemented, can allow the Night Elf Priest to bring an entire party back from the dead, if they are cunning and cautious.  Another great ability, only available to Night Elf Priests, is Starshards, which is the most damaging Priest spell at this level.


  • Troll:  There are literally only two racial traits that trolls possess, that are useful to a Priest of any kind.  Regeneration, for its obvious survival benefit and Hex of Weakness which is a decent DeBuff.  Beast Slaying may be somewhat useful against Hunter Pets, or Druids in their animal forms, but most of the time it is useless in PvP.
  • Undead:  Cannibalize is a pretty nice, weak but free bandage that’s useful at the end of a fight, but since you can already heal a lot and you will have bandages…it’s probably just ok.  Shadow Resistance will help against Warlocks and other Priests as well.  Probably the best racial ability that the Undead possess and definitely one of the best racial traits for PvP, Will of the Forsaken is a great nope button for any obnoxious fear effects used against you and will allow you to counter with your own obnoxious fear effects!  The Undead Priest specific spell is called Touch of Weakness and it’s a whole lot of not worth it at this level.  Then again, Twinks are about leveraging every possible advantage that you can, so if you play an undead, pop this on and let them take that whole 8 shadow damage.

Which is the best, you ask?  Well, for the Alliance at least, it’s probably the Dwarf.  Stoneform is just a lot more beneficial an ability that most of what the other races offer and with Desperate Prayer, they’re an obvious choice.  Then again, there is that Shadowmeld trick you could try. For the Horde, the Undead are a much better choice that a Troll, as Will of the Forsaken is just so useful in PvP.  At the end of it all though, it’s your choice, so make it a good one and do what you want.  It’s your character after all.


In WoW Classic Professions do not offer stat bonuses at all.  That being the case, there is really only one required profession to a Twink and that is Engineering.  Not only does it give access to some really useful utility and combat items that can be used in battlegrounds in Classic WoW, but it also allows you to construct decent gear, especially head slot items.

Your second choice of skill, while not as important, shouldn’t be made on a whim.  If you are being funded by your main, or an alt, then you can be a lot more choosey about what you may want.  If not, you may want to go for a profession that can earn you some gold.


Engineering is always the best choice for Twinks, because it offers tangible, exploitable benefits before level 20.  A lot of other professions are all about the long game, but Engineering gives you Explosive Sheep now.  These little guys are great for a bit of burst damage, but also as a sort of early warning sign.  When you pop one out, they last for three whole minutes and will alert you if someone is sneaking up on you (like Rogues) by running at them full tilt and exploding!  What a pal! There are other great items too! Like the Ornate Spyglass, which is useful for scouting and spying in battlegrounds and the Minor Recombobulator, which is a great nope button for a Mages’ CC.


Enchanting is a great second choice for profession, because it gives you something to do with all of those extra green items that never seem to sell on the AH.  To boot, you can sell the Enchanting materials created from disenchanting those items for way more than the items might sell for on their own.  Or, you could use those materials to enchant your Pre BiS items to give you an edge as you get to level 19.


Alchemy is always a good choice for a healer, if for no other reason than it gives you access to Healing Potion cheaply, as long as you have your herbs supplied to you.  Not to mention the Lesser Mana Potion, which is the best one you can use at level 19.  There are also a number of elixirs and other consumables that can be made with Alchemy that will be discussed later on in the Buffs section, that make Alchemy a good choice as well.

Other Professions

If you are being funded by another character, and you should be, the gathering professions (HerbalismMining, and Skinning) should be avoided.  As they would only either be useful to supply your Engineering, in the case of mining, or to make money and you wouldn’t need it.  The only other profession useful to a Twink Priest is Tailoring and its usefulness is slim at best compared to Alchemy or Enchanting, because none of your BiS gear is acquired through Tailoring.

Secondary Skills


Cooking your own food has one and only one benefit to any Twink at all and that is the Well Fed buff.  If you are only interested in using food to restore health, you might as well buy the cheap food that vendors sell.  The easiest way to acquire this buff is probably to actually just buy cooked food from the AH, but if you are interested in getting it on your own and are only interested in the buff, then go find the Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet.  It offers the best Well Fed bonus at this level and can be easily purchased from Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind and Nerrist at the Grom’ gol Outpost.

First Aid

While not as important to a Priest as it is to other classes, First Aid is still very important if you are leveling a Twink.  Eventually, at some point, you will run out of mana and potions and will need a quick way to heal both yourself and, sometimes, your allies.  With that in mind, make sure to acquire Expert First Aid – Under WrapsManual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage so that you can max out your First Aid to 225.  This will allow you to make and use Mageweave Bandages, which are great.  It will also allow you to use but not make Heavy Runecloth Bandages, which are best.  You can either buy them off of the AH, you have another character/player make them for you.


Fishing is so important, because it is the only way to acquire two of your BiS gear items.  Lucky Fishing Hat and Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots.  You will want to raise this skill as often as you are given opportunity.  Though, watch your back when fishing. Many an Angler has been taken unawares by a suddenly spawning hostile mob while dipping their hooks in the water.  Make sure to purchase the Strong Fishing Pole and Bright Baubles from just about any fishing or trade vendor, or the AH and use your engineering to make an Aquadynamic Fish Attractor to give you an edge over others fishing in and around Booty Bay.

All in all, you’re probably going to want to focus mostly on your Engineering, First Aid and Fishing to get the most bang for your buck.  That being said, this is your character, so if you want to spend a lot of time cooking, or being an enchanter, knock yourself out.  Just make sure to raise those other three as well, or your Twink will be out some very valuable advantages.

Spells and Abilities

The Priest has quite a few spells at their disposal, though some are only marginally useful to a Twink, while others aren’t useful at all.  They break down into three basic groups, putting aside talent specs: Healing Spells, Damaging/Offensive Spells and Utility Spells. You will need spells from every group, depending on your situation, but most of the time, you will likely be using the spells from the Healing group.

Healing Spells

These are all spells which in some way restore health to the target.  They will also be your bread and butter abilities, which you will use the most often.

  • RenewThis is probably the spell that you will use the most, when your party members are only slightly dead.  It’s a good spell to use when moving from one spot to another, or kiting, but try not to over heal with it.
  • Lesser HealLesser heal is a great spell to use at the middle of a battle.  It does a decent amount of healing, while taking it easy on your mana pool.  It’s often a good idea to have both rank one and two of this spell mapped, for mana efficiency and situational use.
  • HealYour most efficient healing spell and your most powerful.  If you combine it with Divine Fury it is easily the most effective way to burst heal at this level at all.
  • ResurrectionThis is the best, most mana efficient spell for bringing a dead party member back to life, especially at this level.  It uses less of you mana pool and restores more health and mana than any other spell from any other class.

Damaging Spells

These spells you will use more often as you level of course, but also during PvP in an opportunistic manner.  If a foe is close to dead, it might be more worth it to help drop them before they pop a potion – or worse, kill your tank and pop a potion.  Besides, if any of your allies die, you can just resurrect them!

  • Mind Blast:  While not a spell you want to use outside o PvP very much, when engaging other players this is a great spell to chain with Smite, as it’s casting time is far lower.  It also has a higher base damage output. Pop one off after a Smite to maximize your damage.  Oh, and if you max out Blackout, this too has a chance to offer some CC
  • Smite:  The main offensive spell of the Priest, at this level at least.  Does a decent amount of damage for the mana cost and that’s pretty much it, really.  Remember to only even start using this if you have to, or you are sure your help will drop the target quickly.
  • Shadow Word: PainThis spell is a much better choice for an out the gate attack to support melee classes.  It does far more damage than either of your other offensive spells, but more importantly, if it has been augmented with the Blackout talent, it suddenly becomes a minor CC ability.

Utility Spells

These spells do everything that the first two groups of spells don’t.  Buffs, CC and removing DeBuffs are all to be had in this group of incredibly useful spells.

  • Power Word: FortitudeThe most commonly overlook (or perhaps taken for granted) buff in the game.  PWF is a spell that benefits literally every recipient of it, because at the end of the day, no one ever died from more health.
  • Power Word: ShieldSomewhat situational, but you will likely find yourself in a situation where it is useful at some point.  This is great for when a fellow caster is taking damage and can’t quite get off that AoE (Area of Effect) spell that will solve everyone’s problems.  It’s also useful for protecting a close to death character, so that you have time to heal them.
  • Cure DiseaseAnother self explanatory spell.  This one is going to be really situational, because almost no class has any disease abilities before level 20.  So, outside some rare Hunter Pet abilities, it’s not going to see much use.
  • Inner FireThis is a great buff that offers significant protection and has a unique duration in that it is both timed, but also based on how much you get hit.  Renew it maybe once during a lengthy fight and always between fights and you should be never run out of charges.
  • Psychic ScreamProbably the best CC in the game, especially for PvP.  Use at opportune moments during a fight to get everyone off of your party, so you can throw down some fast healing, or when you are overwhelmed, so that you can retreat to a safe zone, or hiding place.  This works especially well for Night Elves who can let loose a scream, run away a good distance and then Shadowmeld to eat, drink and regroup.
  • Dispel MagicThis spell is infinitely useful and can really level the playing field, even against your betters.  Removing buffs from opponents is important, but negating their debuffs may be more so, because you not only make their casting of it useless, you also made them waste the mana to cast it in the first place.  Where’s your buff now!?

There are also race specific spells that fall into each of these groups and were discussed at more fully earlier.  Using a Priest’s abilities, like using the abilities of a lot of casters, is about resource management and maximizing mana usage.  There is a reason that there are a number of healing spells.  Using the less powerful ones early and reserving high mana cost spells for when you’re in trouble is important.  With that in mind, remember that you also have multiple ranks of healing spells as well and that you might want to map them.  Having a lower cost, lower output heal in your back pocket can be very useful.

Knowing when to heal, when to attack…and when to completely bail is also crucial.  It’s better to run away and hide and come back to Resurrect everyone than it is to have a party wipe.


One of the great things about playing a priest is their simplicity.  That’s simplicity not ease of play.  Your role is simple:  Keep your party alive and try not to die.  This is sometimes easier said than done, especially with some parties.  That being said, one thing that will alleviate your worries is your choice in talents, as there are only three builds that make much sense for a PvP Priest.

Healer Holy Spec

This is the tried and true, good ol’ standby of the healer Priest.  It’s also dead simple: Max out Healing Focus, Improved Renew and Divine Fury.  The build focuses more on using Heal than any other spells and maximizes mana efficiency with that spell.

Support/Wand Spec

This build is a bit more balanced, for Priests who want to get a bit more in on the action.  Max out Healing Focus..actually…always max out Healing Focus.  There’s literally no reason not to.  Then follow up with Improved Renew and finally finish with Wand Specialization.  This build focuses more on instant cast spells, both damaging and healing, along with using your wand.  Always be wanding!  When you are not sapping someone with a wand, you are healing with Renew, damaging more with Shadow Word: Pain, or Dispelling.

Support/Crowd Control

Focusing more on utility then balance, this build give you a bonus method of CC through the use of Blackout.  Max out this talent, then follow suit like a typical Holy build with Healing Focus (naturally) and Improved Renew

BiS Gear

While not one of the most gear centric classes, Priests do benefit greatly from having the right equipment, especially Twinks of course.  Some of these items might be difficult to acquire, for a Priest in particular, as they are difficult to solo. Fortunately, as previously stated, Priests tend to find fast friends in a dangerous world, so get your allies’ aid if you need it and never fear – they will be willing to help make sure that their healer friend is well equipped.

This is a simple list of all of the BiS gear you will need for your Twink Priest, along with where and how to acquire it.  Good luck!

* These items, while not necessarily the BiS for this slot, are much easier to acquire than the actual BiS item and are almost as good and might actually be preferable, depending on your preferences.


Enchantments are as important an aspect to your equipment, as the gear itself is important to your Twink Priest.  In the case of the Priest, it might be even more so, because many of the best enchantments for Priest gear focuses on increasing the amount of healing done by the character.  This being the case, you will want to make friends with and enchanter of high level, or have a main or alt that can provide the enchantments you will need.

The following is a short list of which enchantments you should get for every applicable slot item.


There are a multitude of different consumables, both short and long term, that are useful to any Priest.  Some are better than others and some might be very situational, but all offer clear and decided boons to the enterprising Twink.


Great long term buffs for protracted engagements, unfortunately, only one of the two classifications of Elixirs is at all useful to a Twink Priest of level 19.  Guardian. Fortunately, there are a few of them.

  • Elixir of Wisdom:  Not the absolute best intellect buff at this level, but only by one point.  This Elixir is great for when you don’t have a mage in your group.
  • Strong Troll’s Blood PotionThis one is fantastic, especially for Troll Priests, as it further buffs their natural Regeneration.  It’ll allow you to worry less about your own health and focus on your allies.  Best when used early in a long campaign with multiple engagements.
  • Elixir of DefenseA solid choice, especially if it is all that you have.  The 150 bonus to armor is almost as much as half of all of your BiS gear, so it’s nothing to ignore.


No self respecting healer doesn’t carry around a few potions at least…especially not Priest healers.

  • Healing PotionA staple of adventurers everywhere, even outside of Azeroth.  Keep a good stack on you, not only for yourself, put also to hand out to your party…who will always seem to forget them.  They take such looking after. “sigh”
  • Lesser Mana PotionEven more than the Healing potion, you will need these.  Again, keep as many as you can carry and use them carefully.  They are easy to waste.
  • Minor Rejuvenation PotionThe best of both worlds!  When you find yourself needing these though, it’s either at the end of a long battle, or things have gotten…complicated.  So use it and uncomplicate them.
  • Minor Magic Resistance PotionThese are really good for when you are up against a party with multiple kinds of casters, all throwing around different colored glowing death.  Likely more useful to another party member that’s going to take a lot of damage, but if there’s more than one to be had, have it.
  • Swiftness PotionThis one is actually almost as important as a Mana or Healing potion.  Sometimes…things go sideways, and you need to be able to escape to a safe place quickly.  So throw down a Psychic Scream, pop this potion and book it to cover. Then regroup and rez your crew.


Not always the best choice, especially if better party buffs are to be had, but scrolls can be a big help in providing buffs that the Elixirs and allies that you have don’t provide.  Important fact: Never use a Scroll of Stamina.  Your own stamina buff is much better and cheaper, only costing mana.

  • Scroll of Intellect:  There are definitely better intellect buffs to be had, but if those are not available and this is, why not use it?
  • Scroll of Protection II:  A good stand by for the Elixir of Defense and a more accessible armor buff for a shorter term.  Use either when you don’t have the EoD, or when you don’t want to waste it.
  • Scroll of Spirit IIThere aren’t a lot of spirit buffs and this one is better than a campfire.  Might get replaced by Mark of the Wild if a Druid buffs you, but that’s better anyway.

Team Buffs

Really, the only allied buff that help casters at this level, other than the one you can cast, are Arcane Intellect and Mark of the Wild.  And you want the former over the latter, because 7 intellect is better than 2 of just about anything else.

Other Consumables

Here are a few odds and ends that you might go ahead and grab if you have the option to.  Never forget that every little bit helps.

  • Minor Wizard Oil:  Like all Imbues, this stacks with whatever enchantment you have on your weapon, so you’d be foolish to not use it if you have it.
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label:  This one is awesome, because it stacks with the Well Fed bonus and Power Word: Fortitude.  The only drawback is that you’re hammered for the duration.
  • Curiously Tasty OmeletAs mentioned before, this is the easiest recipe to acquire that offers the best Well Fed bonus.  It’s also pretty easy to get the ingredients, especially from the AH.

That is just about everything you need to know to make a superb Twink Priest.  You are now prepared to aid your prospective party, or just your tank in decimating your enemies.  You’d better get going, too, because the Tank’s been sheeped and the Hunter’s pet just died. They take such looking after.  Have fun!


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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3 years ago

Nice guide, very informative. Just recently decided to return to WoW and start twinking a Priest. Good timing with the guide 🙂

Last edited by Naeden
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